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What's something you wish you'd known when you first became a fan of female muscles?

Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

I wish I'd known earlier how to connect with those who share my same interest. I lurked on GWM for a while but never brought myself to the chat or the forums for a long time. Very glad I did. And to have this community

Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

I just wish I downloaded my favorite lost videos before 2016. and I wish I explored more porn sites and daily motion in the 2000s and early 10s. but I thought that they didn't have any female muscle content back then but they got plenty.

I also wished I asked someone who I was having intimate moments with to bodyscissor me. she wasn't muscular but had nice calves and was slightly stronger than me. it's something I wanted to do but I was too shy to ask. but it probably wouldn't have been a problem. and I also wished I continued my judo training until I was a teenager. since judo has a lot of scissor like moves and I had a hot sensei she was not muscular but very powerful in combat. but I was so young back then I didn't appreciate it yet. and I got sick of it because I just wanted to watch some xenia warrior princess. instead of going to bed right after training.

Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

I wish I had known that it's perfectly normal. I spent all of my childhood and a big part of my adult life hiding this. Even now I am not open about it.

Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

To not be shy and hide it from a girlfriend, or hide any kink for that matter

Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

It is an Obsession

Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

I wish I'd known nothing. Not knowing shit about fuck and then discovering all the things really is what makes life so wonderful. That said, I do wish I'd made it a point to say "fuck karate", give me the girl who knows that "boring fucking judo".

But that's me. I'm old and life has been very good in large part because of all the things I've experienced and learned along the way. Many of y'all growing up in the YouTuber/Podcaster era have been programmed with an entirely different mindset.

I wish I had DISCOVERED beautiful feet earlier in life, but I grew up on a dirt road where ALL the girls' feet were ugly as fuck. The early imprint took me like 40 years to escape, swear to god.

Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

I wish I had known that it's perfectly normal. I spent all of my childhood and a big part of my adult life hiding this. Even now I am not open about it.

Not sure of your age but I'm probably one of the oldest guys on here. I still wouldn't call an attraction to muscular women as "normal" in the eyes of the mainstream public. It is certainly much more acceptable.

I wish I had been brave enough, when I was younger, to express my attraction to muscular girls. There were some buffed high school girls who were teased about their muscular arms. Those beautiful girls should have been told how attractive they were but I was far too shy.

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

Get your ass to where the FBBers are. Da gym. Go out for sports and start meeting girls that are into sports. I think I thought it would just magically happen and I sat around and dreamed. Don't me wrong I met the love of my life and she's got some muscular calves and will scissor me if I ask so things turned out great for me. But there was a long time when I was single.

But I will give you a much more specific example of what I wish I knew. Going to a particular gym!

Once I was grown and with my wife, I had a friend that I used to work with and he worked out heavy back in the day, and one day he's telling me he used to work out of Lenda Murray's gym. I was like what?!? He told me all about it and I had gone by that gym and I knew where it was. Linda Murray owned that? I looked it up and indeed she did own that gym. He talked about how they used to hang from time to time. He wasn't trying to say he dated her or they were best friends just that he kinda knew her. But in my mind that would have been enough. First off just getting to see one of the all time greats from time to time and talk to her would have blown my mind like a regular dude and not some fan at a show. You could have gotten in on the ground floor and helped with her shows maybe. The Lenda Murray Bodybuilding, Figure and Bikini Championships is held at my old college.

Other Fbb's would have for sure been around. Damn. My dumb ass sat at home.

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

Get buff at all costs. That’s the surest route to getting with a GWM

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

I agree. I would have started training sooner and better while being smarter with my diet. I made out well in the end but it sure was a long and winding road.

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

I agree. I would have started training sooner and better while being smarter with my diet. I made out well in the end but it sure was a long and winding road.

To add: it's never too late to get into lifting and to get into shape.

You don't need to be a roided out monster to attract muscular women, but you should at least take care of your body.

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

Honestly, nothing in my case.

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

I wish I would have started bodybuilding sooner - was a female muscle lover for 15 years or more before I started lifting and getting jacked. Get to the gym if you want big girls!

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by w0033944
Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

I'm the opposite; I should never have found out about it. I find it shameful.

It's the honesty for me...

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

To very young me: Dont weird out that crossfitter-penpal who for some reason has a crush on your teenage-ass by talking about nothing else than her being stronger. She did go on to continue to win weightlifting national championships at youth level but quit arround 20/21. Wouldnt have matched as she and i had a very different set of values (she was in some super religious bubbles. Apparently lifting was fine for her as a student but not once she was in a relationship? Never really got it) but it could have been a much more enjoyable time exploring intimacy than you ended up having.

Also: be brave and comment girls whose looks (or more precise arms) stick out to you! Especially in public places. You got nothing to loose and the one time you did muster the courage you got a very good response. Why chickening out of it the other like 80 times?

From a more current perspective: be aware of the toll it might take onto your mental health. I have been in a relationship with a very fit/muscular girl and am currently dating a physique competitior (though she is taking a break from stage right now) and its been the only two relationships I ve been in that i would label toxic. Nevertheless after the first one crashed i was devastated for almost a year - having found that fullfillment of my fantasies in a girl thats actually a fair bit stronger than me and enjoyed it just to loose it after a couple months. I was sure I had found the holy grail and I d never be able to live my dream and find something similar again - being myself a guy who just strongly dislikes going to the gym on my own. Current partners comes from a very troubled background, is an absolute angel and working incredibly hard on herself (and us together on the relationship) but its still tough during rough periods. This is probably changing and less truen than it was about a decade ago but for a lot of females lifting heavy is a form of expressing extreme behavior thats usually not the only extreme behavior they will express if you get to be one of the clostes persons to them. Not saying this is true for all and i dont want to stigmatize mental issues in any way but living in my dream bubble world i was very much not prepared for that - or ready to handle it.

Dec 05, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by w0033944
Dec 21, 2023 - permalink

I wish I'd started training and got into bodybuilding myself when I was young. I love the gym now, but gaining muscle is much harder when you're older. And it would have been the best way to meet FBBs

Dec 21, 2023 - permalink

Very much with Chester on this one. I should’ve pulled my finger out earlier in life (lifting now) and accepted what really turns me on.

Dec 21, 2023 - permalink

Chester, you're never too old to start working out/bodybuilding. It's diet for one thing, motivation as well. I admit though my diet sucks but I keep going at it. I wanted to meet girls this way too (doesn't matter if they are FBB or just normal)but didn't turn out that way at right now!

Dec 21, 2023 - permalink

Chester, you're never too old to start working out/bodybuilding. It's diet for one thing, motivation as well. I admit though my diet sucks but I keep going at it. I wanted to meet girls this way too (doesn't matter if they are FBB or just normal)but didn't turn out that way at right now!

Totally agree but it's harder when you're older. More injuries, less testosterone. I keep on plugging though!

Jan 05, 2024 - permalink

From a more current perspective: be aware of the toll it might take onto your mental health. I have been in a relationship

Thank you for opening up like this! I often wonder in what mental state you must be to work out daily (and do the supps) to achieve a body so muscular that you're literaly one in a million among women. I'm sure it's a form of therapy for many of these bodybuilders.

Jan 12, 2024 - edited Jan 12, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by legLover232
Jan 12, 2024 - edited Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

I wish I'd started training and got into bodybuilding myself when I was young. I love the gym now, but gaining muscle is much harder when you're older. And it would have been the best way to meet FBBs

Yeah, and today, going to the gym is a most excellent way for a man to be falsely accused of harassment by his beloved muscle women. The only reason I'm going to any gym at all is because my sister bought me a full year's membership for Christmas and, well, because I desperately need the exercise.

But, when I do go, I avoid, avoid, fucking AVOID talking to any of the women there unless they are staff. And, I make sure to avert my gaze away from them as much as I can (which is not very easy to do, let me tell you).

I just go in, I focus on my exercises and on the music in my earbuds and then I get out, get out, I get the Hell out once I am done. I don't even bother doing most of my post-workout stretches there, I finish them at home.

It's a far more evil and satanic world out there now, amigo.

Bienvenidos al infierno.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

Today, going to the gym is a most excellent way for a man to be falsely accused of harassment by his beloved muscle women. The only reason I'm going to any gym at all is because my sister bought me a full year's membership for Christmas.

And when I do go, I avoid, avoid, fucking AVOID talking to any of the women there. And, I try to avert my gaze away from them as much as I can.

I just go in, focus on my exercises and on the music in my earbuds and then I get out, get out, and get the Hell out once I am done. I don't even bother doing most of my post-workout stretches there, I finish them at home.

I'm telling you, it's a far more evil and godless world out there now, amigo.

Bienvenidos al infierno.

Didn't you get banned? Could have sworn I saw that.

I guess they let you back on because they decided the world needed your hot takes and sad stories.

This is one of your best though. Good thing you GET THE HELL OUT once you're done - and you're wise not to do your post workout stretches, lest you be falsely accused. If your sister knew of the mental anguish and torment that you'd suffer, I bet she'd never get you that full year's membership for Christmas in the first place. It's the only reason that you go, after all.

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