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Real-Life Encounters

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Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

Don't bump a month-old thread, replying to an old comment, with just an inflammatory comment that adds nothing to the actual topic of the thread.

FYI, I was VERY close to banning you but in the end I decided to just give this warning.

Dec 03, 2023 - edited Dec 06, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by legLover232
Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

> > I lived near Equinox at Union Square in NYC for 14 years and was a member there. It is not a hardcore gym - it's for young professionals and some artistes - so the biggest girls weren't there, but the sights were amazing. I thought "peak muscle" was around 2000, when New York was kind of like a nonstop party.

Wasn’t Colette Nelson an instructor there?

Whoa -- I do believe Colette Nelson was the FBB who worked out at my NYSC gym at Park Ave. So. and 23rd St. for a few weeks some years back! She was so jacked she stood out like a sore thumb and quit the place before too long -- I imagine she couldn't take all the stares!

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

I was driving for Uber about 5 years ago and I picked up Diana Schnaidt at the airport. As I pulled my car up I saw her standing with her bags at the curb and immediately my eyes bulged. She was JACKED, and wearing a sleeveless shirt and gym shorts. I stepped out of the car and composed myself. The airport had Uber restrictions at the time and it was rumored that drivers could be ticketed, so I always made a habit of asking passengers to sit in the front seat, to make it look like I was a friend picking up a friend at the airport, rather than having them sit in the back seat where it would look like I was driving for a living.

I settled into a conversation with her as I drove her to her home, which turned out to be about 20 minutes away. I told her I was a fan of bodybuilding, and by the time the ride was over she knew I was a total schmoe. I went home and fantasized about her right after that ride, and I've had many, many more fantasies about her since then.

You shouldn't take pride in being labelled a schmoe by these women.

Whereas you are thinking "sweet, loving, adorable man who loves and adores strong, powerful lady-women", your beloved angels are using the dictionary definition of the word. Which is, "dull, boring, stupid, obnoxious man".

If you want these muscle women to respect you, you best not smile upon this blasphemy any longer.

Dec 04, 2023 - permalink

All right, now I'm actually banning you. You have an axe to grind and I'm tired of you grinding it basically everywhere.

Dec 06, 2023 - permalink

I recently joined a powerlifting/bodybuilding gym in my hometown and have seen a few girls on this site there and man it’s a trip seeing them in person well I try to avoid seeing them cuz I don’t wanna stare also this girl I’ve been talking to recently is a natty but has been doing cross fit for 6 years and man it shows

Dec 06, 2023 - permalink

Nice to hear Scavenger. Get your work out done and use them FBB as a motivator! I know they motivate me! I just saw one a day before Thanksgiving squating next to her and I've seen her last year and walked next to her.

Dec 18, 2023 - permalink

I am fortunate to live in the city that hosts the arnold sports festival every spring

Dec 24, 2023 - permalink

You shouldn't take pride in being labelled a schmoe by these women.

Whereas you are thinking "sweet, loving, adorable man who loves and adores strong, powerful lady-women", your beloved angels are using the dictionary definition of the word. Which is, "dull, boring, stupid, obnoxious man".

If you want these muscle women to respect you, you best not smile upon this blasphemy any longer.

Heres the deal, schmoe can be anyone. You ever see 50 shades of gray? Bottom line is if she liked or likes you, you can be a total drooling can't speak quasimoto - and you are in. Or you can be cool, chill, act like shes just another pretty girl, ignore the muscle and not get anywhere, even in a conversation, if she don't dig you. Schmoe is stupid - girls are girls, you are either a creeper or schmoe if they don't like you, and chill and cool if they do, no matter how you act

Dec 25, 2023 - permalink

Heres the deal, schmoe can be anyone. You ever see 50 shades of gray? Bottom line is if she liked or likes you, you can be a total drooling can't speak quasimoto - and you are in. Or you can be cool, chill, act like shes just another pretty girl, ignore the muscle and not get anywhere, even in a conversation, if she don't dig you. Schmoe is stupid - girls are girls, you are either a creeper or schmoe if they don't like you, and chill and cool if they do, no matter how you act

50 shades of Schmoe! 🤣 Love it. 👍

Dec 26, 2023 - permalink

This summer I fu**ed up, when I saw a mature lady with huge ripped arms on the street. 😅

A once in a lifetime encounter, I screwed up like a stupid.

She spotted me staring too much at her, and I tried my best to get out of that embarrassing situation.

Maybe a pro competitor, 'cause she looked contest ready! 😞

Dec 26, 2023 - permalink

This summer I fu**ed up, when I saw a mature lady with huge ripped arms on the street. 😅

A once in a lifetime encounter, I screwed up like a stupid.

She spotted me staring too much at her, and I tried my best to get out of that embarrassing situation.

Maybe a pro competitor, 'cause she looked contest ready! 😞

So what exactly happened? Not a lot of context. So were you staring at her the whole time or were you glancing over to her? Did your best to get out of the situation? How? Was she walking? The story is omitting some info.

Dec 26, 2023 - permalink

So what exactly happened? Not a lot of context. So were you staring at her the whole time or were you glancing over to her? Did your best to get out of the situation? How? Was she walking? The story is omitting some info.

I noticed her passing by out of the corner of my eye, while I was waiting for the bus.

I turned my head to follow her with my eyes, and I dumbly started chasing her to have a better side by side view.

She stopped to lace a shoe, and I had to walk by to pretend it was all unintentional. 😅

I did that sometimes in the past, but this time I failed badly.

Dec 27, 2023 - permalink

A few weeks ago, I went to Vegas for work and bought a day pass to the Dragon's Lair gym. I had an amazing workout, and it was even more amazing when I saw Kristina Mendoza!

She's gotta be in prep because she is SHREDDED. Huge too. Her legs are unreal. She had on full length leggings and I could still see every muscle flexing and twitching under the fabric. She's beautiful, strong, and very friendly. I said hello and told her that I'm a fan. She was super gracious about it and asked about my own fitness journey (I'm an amateur BB). I regret not asking for a photo, but I felt like I took enough of her time.

Saw another FBB there who was huge and in off season shape. She looked incredible too. Crazy mass, especially her legs and glutes.

From the MBB side, I saw Keone Pearson, which was amazing. Dude is so enormous tthat I can't believe it. I'm bisexual, so this was an exciting visit on all fronts, LOL.

If you guys want to see muscular women IRL, go to this gym in the morning or afternoon. It pretty much never fails.

Dec 27, 2023 - permalink

I did that sometimes in the past, but this time I failed badly.

Makes sense now. Well it’s not too bad of situation. Best thing to do in situations like this is just embrace it and walk up to them and genuinely tell them how impressive they look. Chances of getting anywhere with them is slim anyways but at the very least you can have a good conversation.

A few weeks ago, I went to Vegas for work and bought a day pass to the Dragon's Lair gym. I had an amazing workout, and it was even more amazing when I saw Kristina Mendoza!

She's gotta be in prep because she is SHREDDED. Huge too. Her legs are unreal. She had on full length leggings and I could still see every muscle flexing and twitching under the fabric. She's beautiful, strong, and very friendly. I said hello and told her that I'm a fan. She was super gracious about it and asked about my own fitness journey (I'm an amateur BB). I regret not asking for a photo, but I felt like I took enough of her time.

Wow that’s incredible. She seems like a nice person to approach. Her conditioning looks incredible in photos so I can only imagine what it’s like in person!

Dec 27, 2023 - permalink

Makes sense now. Well it’s not too bad of situation. Best thing to do in situations like this is just embrace it and walk up to them and genuinely tell them how impressive they look. Chances of getting anywhere with them is slim anyways but at the very least you can have a good conversation.

If they mistake you for a creepy guy, you could end up having police called on you.

Lonely women are usually very careful and suspicious.

Dec 28, 2023 - permalink

If they mistake you for a creepy guy, you could end up having police called on you.

Lonely women are usually very careful and suspicious.

You mean women who are alone? Falamos inglês aqui

Dec 28, 2023 - edited Dec 28, 2023 - permalink

You mean women who are alone? Falamos inglês aqui

Yes, sorry.

Me desculpe meu amigo.

English isn't my mother tongue.

Lonely is like single or abandoned? 😅

Dec 30, 2023 - permalink

I have a few.

First time I can rmbr is at a 7-11. Wasn’t paying attention until I got to register and girl infront of me was jacked. Short but has insane arms. We walked out at same time and I gave her a quick compliment. She smiled and thanked me. Later at red light I see her in a muscle jeep lifted up several feet off ground driving with her man in passenger seat.

Once I recall driving on Malibu canyon road. Saw this huge blonde fbb hiking alone. I was late to airport or would have pulled over to say hello.

Once at sfo airport , my wife was dropping me off. We approach a monstrous blonde with outrageously huge arms (largest I’ve ever seen IRL on a FBB). At first, I thought it was a guy. Even my wife made a comment. I couldn’t say much since she was with me. When my wife dropped me off, I made sure she was gone and I sprinted to see if I could catch this lady but she was gone. Really wish I at least got to see if I recognize her.

Went to the park a few weeks ago to go for a walk with a friend and saw this lady with the biggest calves I’ve ever seen. I made sure to catch up with her before my friend arrived and gave her a compliment. Asked her how she’d developed them and she said great genes (often the case with calves) but also thar she sprints hills. calves were as big as her thighs and beatifully shaped.

Dec 30, 2023 - permalink

couple of new sightings at the gym today

one girlwith really nice shoulders and arms, working really hard, very pretty. pretty developed delts and tris that popped.

another girl, thinner bt really nice, scuplted back, also really pretty. both were impressive

Dec 30, 2023 - edited May 18, 2024 - permalink

Was at a graduation party for my cousin a few years back. She's 5-6 years younger than me. Would have to babysit her growing up, single parent, etc etc. one of her friends really blossomed. Was always cool, never really talked with her. First time I engaged her was at the grad party. She was lamenting on the size of her arms and that she was self conscious about them. Told her I thought she was crazy. Had no idea what she was talking about. Told her to flex her biceps. She did. Was amazing. A perfect egg shaped biceps popped up. I was shocked. Never had I even thought that she had that in her. Told her not to worry about it and that most people would not even think about it and if they did, they were not turned away by it. She had a great rack at that point too. Great night.

Jan 05, 2024 - permalink

Damn dude. What was she like in hs? Muscle mommy now.

Jan 05, 2024 - permalink

So this past October, I got to see a few sightings.

First one, I was at a theme park and i got two sightings. Normally I get the chance and checking out normal women with developed calves, but there was a family passing by my group of friends that had a woman with very developed thighs. These legs were so big and muscular that the woman did the bodybuilding waddle. I kept my sights on her for a distance until they went the other way. While my group of friends and I were waiting on a ride, there was two girls who were wearing fitness clothes. I didn't pay too much attention to them until i saw one of them rest her arms extended on a bench. Man, her triceps POPPED! I look more closely at the girls and noticed that they were more muscular than the average girl. Her friend had diamond shaped calves. They ended up leaving from the ride into the park. I tried to make an excuse to find them, but I lost them in the crowd.

Second sightings were within the same week. I was invited to a Halloween party with some friends. I was greeting everyone when I saw a nice set of glutes pass my field of view.I turned around and saw a woman dressed as a sailor moon character. She had the body of a figure competitor. She had rounded shoulders, visible six pack and built legs. I didn't know this girl at all. Before I got the chance to introduce myself, I saw her talk to a built guy. They were very close together throughout the night so I didn't make an effort. Later that week, my friends and I head to a Haunted House. I was waiting in line with them with up ahead in the line, I see a rounded shoulder. I look more closely and see a very built girl in a cheerleader outfit. Her abs were very visible and defined. Her arms were ripped and bulging while she was holding her pom poms. She was short, but very cute.I was hoping that she would be in my group, but a worker asked her to go up the line because she was by herself. I was so bummed. Throughout the haunted house I was hoping we could catch up to her group, but by the end, I didn't see her at all.

Jan 05, 2024 - edited Jan 05, 2024 - permalink

Once in the late 1980s or early 1990s, I saw a woman jogging along Schoenherr Road just south of 14 Mile Road in Warren Michigan. She had huge, defined arms and legs. If she had been a black woman I would have guessed it was Lenda Murray, since she did live in the area. But this was a white girl. So who did I see?

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