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Confessions/unpopular opinions

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Sep 21, 2023 - permalink

> i think the unpopular part is that she became popular. > > a newer girl to show up on her already has a comment saying "make her famous". that's exactly what we SHOULDN'T want. then we get the same cycle. they blow up in popularity, stop posting the kind of stuff they used to post, start shilling product because they are getting paid, maybe change their look up, and then we all complain "where did they go, why did they stop" etc etc > > we should be less involved that way.

Respectfully, we are a small part of the overall fan base. We're a bunch of (largely) English speakers using a forum that's based on tech from the mid 90s.

We're not making anyone famous or not these days. TikTok and Instagram are.

This is all so silly...in ten years all of these so-called social media websites will hit the wall and go bankrupt.

Sep 22, 2023 - edited Sep 22, 2023 - permalink

Users who post their unpopular opinions of this thread outside of it should be banned.

Sep 22, 2023 - permalink

I guess this would be a confession?

Not that it's to the same degree as whatever cult of personality Taylor Swift is swinging around, but I am a fan of many of the fbbs that have popped up over the years, and many I have bought from, and I am usually pretty affected when they decided to hang it up. Not enough to change my quality of life or spiral me into depression, nothing that wild.

It's certainly worse when it's out of the blue, whether its from something like sickness (Katie Lee) or simply because they no lnoger wanted to (Shannon Courtney). Others I've had a chance to pre-grieve because they have mentioned hanging it up at a certain point or have talked abouit (Brooke Walker), even if there isn't a timeline. In my mind, I know it won't last forever, but when you're in the window and you don't have an inkling when it will end it's pretty jarring.

In the last year or so I've had a few women I usually buy from change their stance on what was being sold. I get and respect their reasons, but the timing sucked. For one it's in the middle of a nice phase and it would have been nice to continue. Another started dating just on the cusp of making big changes to her training. For both I hoped I'd get to be along for the ride in that capacity so color me surprised when the tap was turned off so suddenly

Sep 22, 2023 - permalink

Would it be unpopular to say Reshanna Boswell's tattoos look badass?

Sep 22, 2023 - permalink

> I find Vladislava Galagan to be very overrated.

I don't like her sometimes vulgar language. It doesn't fit to her "angelic" look imho.

her vulgar language?

Sep 29, 2023 - permalink

> > I am 6-2 240 with a v taper and 6 pack and 18 inch arms, I've been lifting 5-6 days a week for over 15 years. I played one of the major college sports. I bench press 315x8, incline press 135s, shoulder press 100 pound dumbbells for sets, etc. I have friends who are pros and I have dated pros. My program and diet was designed by a pro. > > But I think people seriously underestimate just how powerful some of these cocktails are. Most pros I know scale back certain body parts heavily in the training process because it's about aesthetic balance in comparison to naturals. > > Of course sleep, training, diet matter and require incredible consistency. But bodybuildings most important ingredient is manipulating hormones.

Oh sure, you know what.. let me just take you at your word on all of these very impressive stats. Did you forget to mention your deep knowledge of martial arts, your collection of exotic foreign cars, and your pet Bengal tiger?

If I've learned one thing -- is that's people on the internet tell the truth 100% of the time. So I absolutely believe all of this.

You acted like a complete bully until you realized I was bigger and stronger than you. I explained roids are powerful, and the gains can be fast and crazy, science backs that. What happened to me knowing nothing and your hard work special rant? I thought I know nothing? Why am I suddenly so big you can't believe it? You are the typical A Hole that people have to encounter in life. Bully until you realize you can't push. Smart guy you are.

Sep 29, 2023 - permalink

You acted like a complete bully until you realized I was bigger and stronger than you. I explained roids are powerful, and the gains can be fast and crazy, science backs that. What happened to me knowing nothing and your hard work special rant? I thought I know nothing? Why am I suddenly so big you can't believe it? You are the typical A Hole that people have to encounter in life. Bully until you realize you can't push. Smart guy you are.

You are coming on far more rude and aggressive than him. Dial it down, this is a warning.

Sep 29, 2023 - permalink

You acted like a complete bully until you realized I was bigger and stronger than you. I explained roids are powerful, and the gains can be fast and crazy, science backs that. What happened to me knowing nothing and your hard work special rant? I thought I know nothing? Why am I suddenly so big you can't believe it? You are the typical A Hole that people have to encounter in life. Bully until you realize you can't push. Smart guy you are.

LOL no I haven't "realized that you're bigger and stronger than me." I simply don't believe a word that you said.

And I'll tell you why in a neutral way. You posted this:

"A lot of these women despite having huge muscles in say the chest or arms don't actually work out those muscles hardly"

This is totally inaccurate on its face. Anyone who's even a casual lifter would know that it's false. You rest assured that women at all stages (bikini through bodybuilding) are working out their chest and arms quite vigoursly to build mass. PED's are necessary of course, but even with those, it's hard for women to build their upper bodies and it takes A TON of hard work.

I got aggressive with you because I resent the belief from laypeople that bodybuilders simply do steroids and suddenly they're super jacked. The drugs are necessary - especially for women - but the gains don't happen without incredible work and discipline with training and diet.

It is true that competitive physiques require proportions and some athletes will dial back their training of certain muscles if they're growing too much. But you can bet that anyone going on a stage is working their bodies from pretty much all angles pretty regularly.

Your stats would be impressive if they were true. Maybe they are? IDK I feel like you'd have a pretty sizable public profile with this champion physique. Benching 315 for 8 reps should put you on the map for a 400lb max, which would also make you a seriously competitive powerlifter. You'd also almost surely be VERY familiar with PED's, as that's pretty impossible to do naturally.

So I guess it's possible that you're this incredibly jacked and strong GigaChad who just chooses to post anonymously on a chat forum and keep his unbelievable gains all to himself. But it's not probable. So I don't buy it.

Sep 29, 2023 - permalink

I think this might be more of a popular opinion, but I am feeling a bit ranty today lol.

I am tired of every wannabe influencer, both men and women, making a public gym their own instagram/tiktok filming location. When the whole trend of filming started, it was pretty much for form checks, PR achievements and the like (which is cool,) but now it's turning into a full-blown outlet to display somebody's narcissism, and no normal gym goer better interfere with said filming! Again, if you have a small tripod and your phone and you're taking up limited space (like just a rack or exercise machine,) that's ok, but I have seen full setups and large areas being hogged by people doing bullshit. It's disrespectful to the rest of the gymgoers who are paying money to just get a good workout and leave without fighting to get hogged equipment or find themselves in the way of somebody filming.

Sep 29, 2023 - permalink

Yeah I would applaud any gym that sets rules against that sort of thing. I would think it would be better for business to kick out one toxic "influencer," rather than having them drive away several other members over time who just want to workout in peace.

Sep 29, 2023 - permalink

^ Luckily I've never ran into any of those fitness influencers at the gym I am going to. I've never ran into any photographers taking pictures (taking up the whole space) of them as well.

Sep 29, 2023 - permalink

Yeah I would applaud any gym that sets rules against that sort of thing. I would think it would be better for business to kick out one toxic "influencer," rather than having them drive away several other members over time who just want to workout in peace.

our gym has a sign that says basically "expect to wind up on camera" but its been there for ten years, longer than the influencer boom. that was back when people were just doing the bare minimum. people are a little extra now but thankfully there are plenty of famous influencer gyms in the area to keep people away from my place. i can deal with people trying ot take posing photos when they're not int he middle of the floor.

Sep 30, 2023 - edited Sep 30, 2023 - permalink

how would you police the difference between influencers and those recording themselves just to improve their form?

Sep 30, 2023 - permalink

My gym has a ton of influencers, and they are constantly filming themselves and taking up more space than they should.

They're also insanely fit and really hot and come in male and female flavors (I'm bisexual) and they don't wear much clothing... so I have to admit that I'm not mad at them. The inconvenience is worth the eye candy for me LOL.

Sep 30, 2023 - permalink

how about videos where girl X says... i don't even train or have never measured my biceps...

and there's like half a dozen vids where she's doing curls or being measured ??

Sep 30, 2023 - permalink

how would you police the difference between influencers and those recording themselves just to improve their form?

if they're walking around with a mic attached to them, are engaged as much with their phone or camera as the weights, or look like they're actually producing something, you can tell. i think a lot of people use socials as a gym diary and are willing to drop a few hundred on a decent consumer camera or will use a better quality phone. i haven't seen anyone on live at my gym but i imagine that's annoying as fuck.

also if they're taking up way more room than they should for a shot but i've not personally run into anyone who has made a big stink about crossing in front of a camera. and i've also held the phone for a few people but that was for PRs, not for a whole production.

Oct 01, 2023 - permalink

I think this might be more of a popular opinion, but I am feeling a bit ranty today lol.

I am tired of every wannabe influencer, both men and women, making a public gym their own instagram/tiktok filming location. When the whole trend of filming started, it was pretty much for form checks, PR achievements and the like (which is cool,) but now it's turning into a full-blown outlet to display somebody's narcissism, and no normal gym goer better interfere with said filming! Again, if you have a small tripod and your phone and you're taking up limited space (like just a rack or exercise machine,) that's ok, but I have seen full setups and large areas being hogged by people doing bullshit. It's disrespectful to the rest of the gymgoers who are paying money to just get a good workout and leave without fighting to get hogged equipment or find themselves in the way of somebody filming.

I’m with you mate and I’m a fbb

Oct 13, 2023 - edited Oct 13, 2023 - permalink

ok i am BACK with an unpopular opinion.

Online coaching is "mostly" a scam.

I jsut was scrolling through tiktok and saw an influencer celebrating (rightfully) that she shot her shot with her gym crush and they moved into a house together, bought a nice couch and a pricy fridge (not sure if the house is bought or rented). went through some of the comments and long/short she was like "don't make assumptions i've been grinding for my business--which is guess is the online training? both she and her boyfriend each have one. now, i couldn't figure out their pricing--you have to apply for coaching to probably get that far--but i do know that someone like goob charges like 200-250 a month for training/diet and more for something like prep. That's pretty in line with others i've seen.

if you're 19/20/21 what have you done as a trainer to warrant even charging 150 a month?

if you've been on social media since it started basically i've seen women do one show, get "NQ" stamped on their profile and start selling training immediately, and charging an arm and a leg.

i fell for this too, kind of. i paid for crossfit for 7 years. same price basically. a couple of times i've asked for training regimen, but one was from someone who placed at the O (Dani Reardon) and she didn't charge me more than $100 for a template and some guidelines, plus the kind of usual stuff. i would get it if this was a person with a decade+ of experience with proven results putting people on stage or body transformations but not someone that just showed up and decided to start coaching.

another influencer who was hot, got a following, pivoted it to a training business, and are charging people who frankly don't know better up the butt for something i'm paying $15 for online and seeing good results from (this is not restricted to women, obviously, plenty of dudes running around selling training). i am TIRED of the influencer era

Oct 13, 2023 - permalink

if you've been on social media since it started basically i've seen women do one show, get "NQ" stamped on their profile and start selling training immediately, and charging an arm and a leg.

They pretty much do this in any industry, and it's been going on long before social media. I have experience in martial arts, and I've seen firsthand so many people open up schools when all they've really done is barely place at some small tournament. Then of course they embellish their resume to say that they're champions, and have competed at so many other tournaments and yada yada.

These are scam artists, because if they weren't then they wouldn't be lying about their background.

Oct 13, 2023 - permalink

I personally don’t know what’s worse, people lying about their quals and selling or hyping up literally the bare minimum and selling

I mean what’s the max that you think you could handle in terms of clients. 30? 50? Realistically the hardest part would be keeping them all straight in your inbox. Idk what people are doing these days but you really should be following a training regimen for 3-4 months to see consistent results. And how many of the are legitimately writing individual training plans that differ from person to person vs, say, 4-5 templates depending on experience or the shape their in.

Am I a little jealous of this era? Yeah. I mean I’m not hot enough to make anything off my image, but if I was I would have been able to jump on the boat years ago. Heck I have a friend who is hot and fit and she has people asking her for help all the time. Likely would not get the same asks if she wasn’t as attractive.

Oct 13, 2023 - permalink

ok i am BACK with an unpopular opinion.

Online coaching is "mostly" a scam.

I jsut was scrolling through tiktok and saw an influencer celebrating (rightfully) that she shot her shot with her gym crush and they moved into a house together, bought a nice couch and a pricy fridge (not sure if the house is bought or rented). went through some of the comments and long/short she was like "don't make assumptions i've been grinding for my business--which is guess is the online training? both she and her boyfriend each have one. now, i couldn't figure out their pricing--you have to apply for coaching to probably get that far--but i do know that someone like goob charges like 200-250 a month for training/diet and more for something like prep. That's pretty in line with others i've seen.

if you're 19/20/21 what have you done as a trainer to warrant even charging 150 a month?

if you've been on social media since it started basically i've seen women do one show, get "NQ" stamped on their profile and start selling training immediately, and charging an arm and a leg.

i fell for this too, kind of. i paid for crossfit for 7 years. same price basically. a couple of times i've asked for training regimen, but one was from someone who placed at the O (Dani Reardon) and she didn't charge me more than $100 for a template and some guidelines, plus the kind of usual stuff. i would get it if this was a person with a decade+ of experience with proven results putting people on stage or body transformations but not someone that just showed up and decided to start coaching.

another influencer who was hot, got a following, pivoted it to a training business, and are charging people who frankly don't know better up the butt for something i'm paying $15 for online and seeing good results from (this is not restricted to women, obviously, plenty of dudes running around selling training). i am TIRED of the influencer era

Dani Reardon? I would’ve incessantly asked her for videos to show me her, uh, technique

Oct 13, 2023 - edited Oct 13, 2023 - permalink

Dani Reardon? I would’ve incessantly asked her for videos to show me her, uh, technique

oh i was also buying flex vids from her too at the time lmao don't you worry. and i know i'm part of the problem.

EDIT: she actually came out my way later that year for a shoot and i got to train with her. pretty fun.

Oct 13, 2023 - permalink

ok i am BACK with an unpopular opinion.

Online coaching is "mostly" a scam.

I jsut was scrolling through tiktok and saw an influencer celebrating (rightfully) that she shot her shot with her gym crush and they moved into a house together, bought a nice couch and a pricy fridge (not sure if the house is bought or rented). went through some of the comments and long/short she was like "don't make assumptions i've been grinding for my business--which is guess is the online training? both she and her boyfriend each have one. now, i couldn't figure out their pricing--you have to apply for coaching to probably get that far--but i do know that someone like goob charges like 200-250 a month for training/diet and more for something like prep. That's pretty in line with others i've seen.

if you're 19/20/21 what have you done as a trainer to warrant even charging 150 a month?

if you've been on social media since it started basically i've seen women do one show, get "NQ" stamped on their profile and start selling training immediately, and charging an arm and a leg.

i fell for this too, kind of. i paid for crossfit for 7 years. same price basically. a couple of times i've asked for training regimen, but one was from someone who placed at the O (Dani Reardon) and she didn't charge me more than $100 for a template and some guidelines, plus the kind of usual stuff. i would get it if this was a person with a decade+ of experience with proven results putting people on stage or body transformations but not someone that just showed up and decided to start coaching.

another influencer who was hot, got a following, pivoted it to a training business, and are charging people who frankly don't know better up the butt for something i'm paying $15 for online and seeing good results from (this is not restricted to women, obviously, plenty of dudes running around selling training). i am TIRED of the influencer era

I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all.

Fitness influencers are always gonna grift. Whether it's pushing a clothing line, or bullshit supplements, or lame accessories like toe spacers and ice buckets and bricks (cough Brooke Wells cough) or cookie-cutter training programs. If you're looking to buy a "coaching program" from some influencer with hundreds of thousands of followers, there is little chance that your "personalized training programming/coaching" is going to actually be just that. Brittany Dawn is probably the most infamous example of this. She charged hundreds of dollars for "individual and customized programming" along with personal correspondence with her. That never happened, and instead clients got cookie cutter programming (like weight loss regimes for women who wanted to gain mass and strength,) and she ends up getting sued. With that door closed, she now markets herself as a "Christian" influencer who hosts religious retreats, for a price, of course.

Honestly, coming from someone who used to be fat and got fit and muscular, fitness is not really that complicated. There are a lot of programs that you can get for free along with forums and discussion boards where you can get good fitness advice at no cost. And if you are looking into paying for programming, there are a lot of solid programs out there that don't cost a lot. One of the best programs I ever purchased was Year of the Engine to help with my conditioning. I got very good results for only $20 a month. The workouts were not sexy, but they worked, and in general, programs that are boring and unsexy are the most effective. The only time you should really look at coaching is if you're looking to actually compete, or if you need in-person training for highly technical and skill-based disciplines (like Olympic Weightlifting.)

The worst is fake natties who promise results like theirs without using PEDs, but that's a whole other rant.

Oct 13, 2023 - edited Oct 13, 2023 - permalink

You’re not wrong. I really dislike the whole thing. And they act like they are hustling. The hardest part was probably amassing a following which, if you’re hot enough, ain’t that hard these days.

Pretty privilege at work again lol

I know a lot of younger people in general will celebrate the move away from “working for the man” and “being your own boss” but let’s be real folks.

Not that she’s a grifter, and she has legitimate businesses now but Katie hart married an older guy and they are doing the whole thing: make a gym, make a snack/food buisiness friendly to fitness peopled build a house.

If she married a guy her age that’s a LOT harder.

Similarly my mom married someone 14 years older. When she graduated college he had already had a whole career. It was a lot easier for her to get through med school and all that with the support of someone.

But acting like you’re grinding when you’re doing cookie cutter stuff is laughable

Oct 20, 2023 - permalink

I really hate futa and big clits.

Now, I LIKE big clits. But I hate futa, because I know the difference between a clitoris and a dick. And futa artists, almost 100%, draw their women with beach-ball size tits and dicks the size of telephone poles. I can't fap to that, it destroys the suspension of disbelief.

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