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jjjeeessiiiccaaa (Jessica Piccoli) arrested again

Jul 17, 2023 - edited Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

Yes it might be, you are talking in a good spirit. It requires people with attachment to the business in order to speak in a good spirit.

And my assertion is, that the majority on this board has anything but an attachment to the bodybuilding business. So there are two respectable ways to deal with those accusatiuons: either to get a deep understanding of the practises and norm of the BB community in general, and specifically the particular cluster at stake. Or to noble ignore it.

The third option - taking a free ride on the social media gossip, where goob is the beginning and the end of all wisdom, judge and jury at the same time, and GWM starts dancing around a fire screaming "burn the witch" will hopefully never happen. It would be a sobering awareness about a website that I generally hold in high esteem.

Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

Goob can be kind of cringe, but the only people who seem to get mad at him are the weirdos who form parasocial relationships with these girls and can't handle anything that paints them in a bad light. That kind of behavior is far more pathetic than anything Goob could dream up.

Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

Goob can be kind of cringe, but the only people who seem to get mad at him are the weirdos who form parasocial relationships with these girls and can't handle anything that paints them in a bad light. That kind of behavior is far more pathetic than anything Goob could dream up.

Can you name a few of them, to backup your theory ...

Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

Can you name a few of them, to backup your theory ...

literally anyone in their comments "standing by them" or denouncing any accusations. prob could point you to some if the socials weren't off

Aug 07, 2023 - permalink

i can fix her

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Well, at least u will get hot s3x from her. She might go courtney clenney on u though.

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