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Calves or Biceps

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

I have been amazed by girls with natural muscles, can’t make up my mind whether or not I like natural calve muscles that drop your jaw or a natural peaked bicep that pops your eyes out. I know one thing about natural muscles on girls is its USUALLY one or the other.

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Calves all day every day. End of conversation lol.

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Calves!!! I'm on this site for legs only lol

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Biceps for sure, but calves are great too (and much more common)

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Biceps for me. I've been enamored with muscles on girls since I was 7 and it's all about biceps. Calves look awesome too but are far more common.

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Loving the replies

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Calves are so sexy to me i have to say calves i can't resist them. but i will say biceps are much rarer and very hard to get for a woman .sometimes i see women with huge calves but they don't even work out and are not strong. even i have decent calves and i am one of the lazyest people in the world .but biceps are so rare .even a lot of powerful female athletes only have very small ones. if you see a woman with big biceps you know she is strong .i have only seen one woman with big biceps irl in my entire life.

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Biceps…Biceps….Biceps…and more Biceps

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

I like biceps the best, but the nice thing about well-developed calves is they are a lot more common than girls with well-developed calves. So even if your girl doesn't have amazing biceps, there's a better chance she has (or can quickly develop) some awesome calves. But biceps will always be my first love I think.

Oh one more thing, muscular calves aren't typically thought of as "masculine" the way well-developed biceps are, so girls are a lot less likely to be shy about showing off their calves or working them, whereas many girls who work out will still actually cut back on bicep exercises, lest their arms get "too big". Yeah, I know the horror... but it's true. Attitudes are changing quickly about that though. I'm 50 and just in my lifetime I have seen a massive paradigm shift as far as the acceptance of women with muscle. It used to be rare to see a female flex her biceps believe it or not, and when they did it was usually just clowning around. It used to be that any girl who was genetically gifted with big biceps or low bodyfat and well-defined arms would try to cover them up.

Mercifully attitudes are changing. I'm jealous of the younger guys who are going to high school and college with Crossfit girls everywhere and half the girls have fitness accounts on IG or TikTok and are on the wrestling team or weightlifting and they're flexing all over the place. This is the kind of world we used to dream of. If you're under 30 and into muscular girls now, you have it made. Make the most of it.

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Bicep flexing to me is so sexy. More in still photos than In videos

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

So much of what hedgeborn says is true. I'm from the ancient group on this site. Seeing a girl with muscular arms flex, when I was growing up, was very rare. She was often teased about having boy arms. I remember every single cheerleader in my high school having outstanding calves. All that jumping around!! One girl had muscular arms as well as calves...and sadly she rarely went sleeveless. If only I could be young again, in this day and age. Female muscle is everywhere now. 😳👍💪

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Biceps, easily

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

Calves, big legs are awesome.

Jun 09, 2023 - permalink

Biceps, easily

Same here.

Jun 09, 2023 - permalink

Biceps are great but have to vote for calves. For every girl with nice arms there's 10 with nice calves. My apartment complex has a lot of stairs and all the girls there have good or even great calves just from going up the stairs often, arms not so much. Women rarely flex their arms in everyday life but they gladly show off their calves especially when wearing heels, just walking makes them pop. Calves can be crazy strong lifting large stacks of weight with no problem where that same amount of weight would tear biceps apart. It is just easier to be a calves guy.

Jun 29, 2023 - permalink

@Brian…… I totally agree

Jun 29, 2023 - permalink

My two favorite muscle groups. Really hard to choose. When I see a woman walking by, I instantly look at their calves first. But feeling a rock hard bicep...there is nothing better.

Two best muscle groups, but for me calves, calves and again calves. Biceps can be extremely hot and sexy too, but when a woman/girl has popping calves, there's nothing better. I especially love when those muscles are stretching fabric - biceps under tight sleeves and calves under leggings or tight jeans

Jun 29, 2023 - permalink


Jun 29, 2023 - permalink

I love good muscles in general, but I'm not a fan of muscular women with underdeveloped/dispoportionate lower bodies. It's very noticeable in women taking large doses pf gear for extended periods because their upper body development is insanse and their legs look like someone natural with a few years of exercise.

Calves, but biceps if the legs are well developed.

Jun 29, 2023 - permalink

I have been amazed by girls with natural muscles, can’t make up my mind whether or not I like natural calve muscles that drop your jaw or a natural peaked bicep that pops your eyes out. I know one thing about natural muscles on girls is its USUALLY one or the other.

Glad that somebody has started the conversation about that

Jun 29, 2023 - permalink

Calves, nothing better

Jul 01, 2023 - permalink

https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/2021397/ The reason I asked the question

Jul 01, 2023 - permalink

https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/2021397/ The reason I asked the question

Wooooow, every girl should have calves like her

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