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Blocks you'll never recover from

Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

You guys can listen to me or not, but I have a lifehack on how to have great convo's with huge muscular women and not get blocked. The secret is...


Your average FBB with a sizable following is getting bombarded with idiotic messages all day long. While I'm sure it feels nice to be called beautiful and goddess all day, I'm sure that the novelty burns out quickly. I've been told this by many girls. If you're just sending compliments and solicitations, then you're one of like hundreds of guys doing that.

Most girls are selling something: Onlyfans, merchandise, supplements, amazon wishlists, training plans. If you want to speak with them, then buying something that they're selling is a good way to do it.

And before the incel crowd gets all worked up, just appreciate that horny guys are 48% of the population and really jacked women are like .000001% of the population. So yes, there is a huge imbalance. There are way more of us than there are of them.

Contrast these two approaches:

  1. "OMG yr muscles are so big, I weigh 150lb I bet you can lift me above your head, what do you think LOOOOOL"

  2. "Wow I'm loving the protein shake that you're repping and thanks for the discount code! Your arms are amazing, and I'm really hoping that I can get bicep peaks like you someday! I'd love to get your thoughts on my routine if you ever have a moment free."

If your goal is to chat with really muscular women and maybe become friendly with them, which one do you think works better?

To add to that, there is another key topic that most athletes I message appreciate:

Chat about training/routines/prep

One reason I always suggest that dudes who are attracted to buff women get into lifting themselves is so that they can have a common interest to talk about. Muscular women CONSTANTLY get compliments about their physique from schmoes, but very few message them about training and the like. It doesn’t even have to be related to the products they are hawking.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

> > Was blocked by Naughty Nuriye on HBC and still dont know why. She could make me hard just talking to her. Magnificently powerful body> > > Same! No clue as to why either.

literally same. came into free chat for like a minute and boom I was banned

thats what happened to me. We had a nice chat and she really got into some heavy duty posing and really erotic talk. She really was satisfying everything I could dream of. then next time I logged in, I was blocked.

Apr 28, 2023 - edited Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

> Social awkwardness is not the same as malevolence or evil. It's too bad many of these fine ladies don't know or don't care about the difference.

The same could be said that choosing to block someone for any reason should also not be confused with being evil.

No, actually it is. It is a form of abuse, a form of evil, to cast somebody into the darkness for petty and/or unjustifiable reasons.

Remember, you don’t have to be a chainsaw murderer to do evil. In fact, evil can often be quite unspectacular. Except for the one who suffers from it, of course.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Blocking someone isn't a form of abuse/evil. Jesus christ that is insulting to actual abuse victims.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

What is this thread even? this is horrifying..

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Blocking someone isn't a form of abuse/evil. Jesus christ that is insulting to actual abuse victims.

You probably have gotten a good idea why these other posters have been blocked, right? Right?

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

You probably have gotten a good idea why these other posters have been blocked, right? Right?

i mean i would say my blocks aren't nearly as bad as some of these lmao

Apr 28, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

then next time I logged in, I was blocked.

Probably nothing personal, maybe even the opposite, if she felt like she got along with you too well and felt awkward about it later.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

I think I just heard a mic drop somewhere on this planet

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

They don't owe you a conversation in the same way that you wouldn't owe a conversation to some random guy messaging you.

What in the beta male is this comment ^? I'm trying to pilfer through the overly extreme weirdos on one side and betas on the other side in this chat - Zarkle leading the beta pact and whoever else leading these religious zealots. We're all weirdos, some more than others clearly, so just get over it. Nobody's doing anything to sway the other side and vice versa.

Just try not to go too hard on me if your intention is try to diss me, or passively aggressively attack me in some form of reverse psychology nonsense, cause it's the same shit!

I think I heard a mic drop too shoielk, next to the Tsar Bomba that just completely obliterated the stage and surrounding area.

Chainer, since you have the power, don't delete this one please.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

I don't understand the confusion.

If you get a message on whatever social media from someone you don't know, do you owe that person a response? No.

If a muscular woman gets a message on social media from someone she doesn't know, does she owe you a response? No.

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

I can't relate honestly as I don't have the amount of followers most of these ladies have; if I get a message from someone, chances are they're from someone I know. Other than that, I completely understand them ignoring if the first comment they get from someone is "God your so HOT, sqeze me ur lgs please!?!" That's just fucking idiocy at its finest.

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

well it's hardly end of the world , but if you've been doing cam with someone for a while , exchanging messages and such and then out of the clear blue she blocks you for no apparent reason, it's kinda head scratching. they're online to make some $$ , then she blocks a reliable customer ??

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

This is why women don't come to the site. This is why we can't have nice things.

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

well it's hardly end of the world , but if you've been doing cam with someone for a while , exchanging messages and such and then out of the clear blue she blocks you for no apparent reason, it's kinda head scratching. they're online to make some $$ , then she blocks a reliable customer ??

Some people think that with money it allows or justifies any type of behaviour, huh? Where do people like this come from?

May 02, 2023 - edited May 02, 2023 - permalink

Some people think that with money it allows or justifies any type of behaviour, huh? Where do people like this come from?

Where in God's name did this guy say giving money to a camgirl entitles you to be an asshole or a creep? Being confused or baffled or even heartbroken over an UNMERITED block does not make you a rape apologist.

May 03, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Being confused or baffled or even heartbroken over an UNMERITED block does not make you a rape apologist.

We may disagree and do disagree on it being unmerited.

May 03, 2023 - permalink

Tbh yall most of these fbb are either gay or a lesbian 💯

This comment is something else lmao

May 04, 2023 - permalink

Zero. I don’t message, comment, or even like their pictures … I just look.

May 04, 2023 - permalink

Thread is cursed, bros.

May 04, 2023 - edited May 04, 2023 - permalink

Thread is cursed, bros.

It's cursed because most of the men are ALWAYS going to justify the Block no matter how malicious or petty the reasons behind it. Because the women are too sexy and too beautiful to be held accountable for such cruelty, you see.

"Even if he did nothing to deserve it, he obviously did something to deserve it. Only a misogynist pig would disagree with that assessment."

Beautiful, isn't it?

May 04, 2023 - permalink

It's cursed because most of the men are ALWAYS going to justify the Block no matter how malicious or petty the reasons behind it. Because the women are too sexy and too beautiful to be held accountable for such cruelty, you see.

"Even if he did nothing to deserve it, he obviously did something to deserve it. Only a misogynist pig would disagree with that assessment."

Beautiful, isn't it?


I do not speak for all men, but I am willing to bet most men who “justify the block” and who are participating in this thread support the rights of individuals to do whatever they want with their own social media.

People have the right to choose not to associate with you, period. The fact that you believe they should be obligated is a you problem. Your entitlement complex belongs to you, not to the “targets” of your attention.

May 04, 2023 - edited May 04, 2023 - permalink

I can't relate honestly as I don't have the amount of followers most of these ladies have; if I get a message from someone, chances are they're from someone I know. Other than that, I completely understand them ignoring if the first comment they get from someone is "God your so HOT, sqeze me ur lgs please!?!" That's just fucking idiocy at its finest.

I can understand a pritty kitty’s irritation with such idiocy (a man with a sense of empathy, imagine that).

The kind of Blocks which irritate me are the ones with no justification behind them at all. Such as the following.

“Hello, pritty kitty. I really enjoyed our chat session last week. So much fun. Man, how about this crazy weather we’ve been having, though? So much for summer, LOLOL!”

Death Glare.





BANG > _ <

Blocks like these are far more common than you think. The guy gets all nice and comfy, thinking the pritty kitty is happy to see him and then, out of nowhere it’s, “Off with his head!”

But, what makes the situation worse is how quick we are to make excuses for such incidents just because the Blocker is a girl and her target is a boy.

It isn’t right.

May 04, 2023 - permalink

You guys can listen to me or not, but I have a lifehack on how to have great convo's with huge muscular women and not get blocked. The secret is...


Your average FBB with a sizable following is getting bombarded with idiotic messages all day long. While I'm sure it feels nice to be called beautiful and goddess all day, I'm sure that the novelty burns out quickly. I've been told this by many girls. If you're just sending compliments and solicitations, then you're one of like hundreds of guys doing that.

Most girls are selling something: Onlyfans, merchandise, supplements, amazon wishlists, training plans. If you want to speak with them, then buying something that they're selling is a good way to do it.

And before the incel crowd gets all worked up, just appreciate that horny guys are 48% of the population and really jacked women are like .000001% of the population. So yes, there is a huge imbalance. There are way more of us than there are of them.

Contrast these two approaches:

  1. "OMG yr muscles are so big, I weigh 150lb I bet you can lift me above your head, what do you think LOOOOOL"

  2. "Wow I'm loving the protein shake that you're repping and thanks for the discount code! Your arms are amazing, and I'm really hoping that I can get bicep peaks like you someday! I'd love to get your thoughts on my routine if you ever have a moment free."

If your goal is to chat with really muscular women and maybe become friendly with them, which one do you think works better?

Paying for someone's attention seems equally bad.

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