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Jessica (jjjeeessiiiccaaa) abuse claims

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

Or you know you can get out your close minded headspace and face the facts that men can be victims of domestic violence too no matter how big or small the woman is

I never said he wasn't a victim. He is a victim, but it's by choice.

Mar 21, 2023 - edited Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

If that little girl is physically abusive, it's only because her man allows it. Stop recording videos and show her how weak she is compared to a man, or get out of the relationship.

Some people are just non violent, and while that may make them an easy target, not hitting back can give you a far better case when you call the police for these kind of things, if him, a man, hits back, everything will go against him

A cool head can save you

And yeah, makes 0 sense him staying in such relationship, I would leave in the first event

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

Favorite comment on her latest Instagram post: “That Domestic Abuse Pump”.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

I never said he wasn't a victim. He is a victim, but it's by choice.


Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

Favorite comment on her latest Instagram post: “That Domestic Abuse Pump”.

It's nice to see her ego is still inflated.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

> Frankly this is none of his or our business.

Their issues are not my personal concern, no, but - factually speaking - in the U.S., arrests are public record.

> No one gets arrested for fucking domestic assault as a “marketing ploy”

That's why Dana White took his wife to Mexico to "slap" her for their Zapruder promo.

Most important you can finally see what she looks like without 3 filters and makeup

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

I never said he wasn't a victim. He is a victim, but it's by choice.

Stop trolling

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

I actually never really liked her for some reason, mainly I think because she goes ott with the makeup, which is obviously understandable did you see that mugshot 😯 looks like the damn joker. Either way i like to think my gut was right 👍

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

I never said he wasn't a victim. He is a victim, but it's by choice.

This is a bad take, and you should feel bad.

While yes, some of Goob's stuff can be a bit annoying (like "catching" low-level influencers who use photoshop in an attempt to generate some clicks,) this is a pretty serious issue that I am glad he is bringing to light. Domestic abuse of men at the hands of women is something that as a society isn't discussed as much as it should be. It's especially hard because of the cultural expectations of men when it comes to relationships, and the feelings of shame that are unfortunately perpetuated when stories like this break (key example being Tall1's comments.) And for all the people who say shit like "Well if you're being abused why don't you just leave; it is very hard to escape an abusive relationship. And if you still don't believe that, read the accounts of victims who attempted to leave only for their estranged partners to find a way to locate and hurt them, or worse murder them.

And it was smart for him to record all of this. Because like I alluded to above, there are many people who legitimately believe that a woman cannot abuse a man. By recording this, he makes for a far stronger case if he pursues criminal and civil charges.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

I was emotionally abused in my last relationship, and I admit, when it started, I thought it was witty remarks. But then it builds, and eventually I became too degraded to leave, not the least because she spread enough gossip through our community that my chances of ever meeting anyone else unless I moved to another city were essentially zero. So I stayed, because all our friends thought it was funny, and I didn't have anywhere else to go. Eventually, she kicked me out because she said she didn't respect me anymore.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by Giet44r
Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

She is a powerful Fbb. her husband was probably a short out of shape man. he can't fight her she is not a normal woman. it's just as bad as the average man vs the average women in a fight probably even worse.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

she is a bully.anyone who uses his her/status or physical abilities to abuse someone is just a bully, and an abuser. if roles were reversed, this would have a very different outcome

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

She is a powerful Fbb. her husband was probably a short out of shape man. he can't fight her she is not a normal woman. it's just as bad as the average man vs the average women in a fight probably even worse.

Her husband is not small either. And he works out. So it’s likely that she demeans him in other ways and sometimes gets physical. Also, generally, a good man will not fight back so he’s in a catch 22. The first time he gets physical she will have her gotcha moment and use it against him.

But at this point she has been testing limits and knows what can get her thrown in the clink, so now she’ll do just enough to not get another visit by the police.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

he should leave her. just my personal opinion. if this is recurring, and it obviously is since he filmed it, he should either leave or make her leave.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

How did Goob manage to pull her lives? I thought they disappeared now after they ended? Or am I just technologically challenged, lol.

Mar 21, 2023 - edited Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

To clarify, I'm not at all suggesting that he should hit her back. That would be a terrible idea. You don't need to hit a woman to put her in her place, physically. The goal is to simply demonstrate enough of your strength to make her aware that she's outmatched and would be helpless the moment you decide to stop showing her mercy. And there are plenty of ways you can manhandle an abusive woman without hurting her.

So a reality check may help. She needs to realize she's not as strong as she thinks she is. The downside is that she may resort to weapons, and I don't know her to guess whether she's that crazy.

The notion that she's as strong as an average guy is a bit far fetched. She's small and she's not a strength athlete. There's a lot more to being as strong as a man than lifting to get cut.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

How did Goob manage to pull her lives? I thought they disappeared now after they ended? Or am I just technologically challenged, lol.

You can screen record the whole thing with audio and save it.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

To clarify, I'm not at all suggesting that he should hit her back. That would be a terrible idea. You don't need to hit a woman to put her in her place, physically. The goal is to simply demonstrate enough of your strength to make her aware that she's outmatched and would be helpless the moment you decide to stop showing her mercy. And there are plenty of ways you can manhandle an abusive woman without hurting her.

So a reality check may help. She needs to realize she's not as strong as she thinks she is. The downside is that she may resort to weapons, and I don't know her to guess whether she's that crazy.

The notion that she's as strong as an average guy is a bit far fetched. She's small and she's not a strength athlete. There's a lot more to being as strong as a man than lifting to get cut.

You can’t use some sort of logic trick to stop an abusive person from abusing you. I think you’re just speaking from a place of pure ignorance on this issue which I envy you for, but realistically the only way to stop a person like this is to physically beat them until stopping, which then becomes a whole other issue. When people get into that state, there is literally nothing you can do to calm them down, and attempting to might even anger them further. Trying to leave might not be an option because they will block doorways or take car keys, forcing you into a situation to have to physically move them. Like I said, at this point you risk being the one arrested and charged for abuse. If cops come into a home concerning abuse and they see a scratch on the woman, you can be fucked because now it’s just a he said she said story.

And using any sort of physical way to stop them, like shoving them aside or trying to restrain them will lead to an escalation of the violence. Slaps will become full force punches to the face or searching or strangulation. I assure you, being punched in the nose, even by a small girl, hurts.

There’s also the question of where to go. Some people have no place to go other than their home, or they dont have access to money at all. So they have to choose between being homeless or seeing being abused as the trade off of having shelter and food.

I misspoke and don’t think you’re trying to troll, you are just speaking on an issue from complete ignorance. This is a married couple, not just some person you met whose house you can leave at any time with no issue or something. That’s what makes this shit so sinister.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

i can't remember where i heard this, but it made me think. this was a while back so not related to this at all, but when you're dating someone there is this feeling of non-permanence. If you are not intertwined in anyway you can get up and leave at your convenience, even if it inconveniences the other person.

getting married kind of severs that opportunity. maybe they share finances, or live far enough from relatives that he has nowhere to go. there's also the legal side--walking out the door won't do anything to legally extricate himself from her, so unless that is resolved in one fell swoop he would still be in some kind of pickle.

there's also the problem of people around them beliving him. she's probably 125lb soaking wet and short, so no one would take his claims as serious as they should, plus the usual "men can't be physically abused" or "believe all women" arguments.

once you enter into that social and legal contract it can get very hairy.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

Judging by all the holy crosses on their walls, it’s a conservative Christian household, so there’s probably a lot of pressure on her husband to make the marriage work despite divorce being so common and clearly his best option.

Mar 21, 2023 - edited Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

I'm not going to get into personal matters. I'll just say that it's not a good look to base your argument off rude assumptions. That aside, I believe I've seen her husband now, and he's a big dude. He can absolutely handle and restrain her no matter how angry she was.

Secondly, there is always an out. Call the cops to assist in the move. There's no reason to go about it on your own. Go to a home if you can't stay with family. Proceed with the divorce filings and get a spousal restraining order. Of course, these are all stressful options that no one would want to go through, and they're not bullet proof. But to act as if he's stuck with her forever is simply not true. Yes it's not easy, but I never said it was.

Also, the cops would be aware of her record. At this point there's enough evidence against her for this guy to defend himself if he so chose.

Mar 21, 2023 - edited Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

Just out of curiosity, someone mentioned her defending 01/06/21, and having other conservative leanings, are there any tweets/posts from her about this or have they since been deleted?

EDIT: Full disclosure, I'm not implying they're lying about her leanings, just genuinely curious.

Mar 21, 2023 - edited Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

I'm not going to get into personal matters. I'll just say that it's not a good look to base your argument off rude assumptions. That aside, I believe I've seen her husband now, and he's a big dude. He can absolutely handle and restrain her no matter how angry she was.

Secondly, there is always an out. Call the cops to assist in the move. There's no reason to go about it on your own. Go to a home if you can't stay with family. Proceed with the divorce filings and get a spousal restraining order. Of course, these are all stressful options that no one would want to go through, and they're not bullet proof. But to act as if he's stuck with her forever is simply not true. Yes it's not easy, but I never said it was.

Also, the cops would be aware of her record. At this point there's enough evidence against her for this guy to defend himself if he so chose.

You should stop spouting nonsense and do some research. Police involvement routinely makes domestic violence cases worse. A staggering number of police departments don't undergo proper training to deal with these kinds of situations. Victims are often misidentified as perpetrators and the abuse routinely intensifies after the police leave. There's a lot of psychology behind crime deterrence which suggests that the best deterrent is not harsh punishment, but the certainty of punishment. There are myriad reasons why perpetrators go unpunished, not the least of which is that the burden lies on the accuser to prove the abuse. There was a poll conducted in 2015 by National Domestic Violence Hotline which found that 75% of respondents said that the police involvement was either unhelpful or made the situation worse and 25% said they were either arrested or threatened with arrest.

Not everyone can go home. Not everyone has family or friends who are willing or able to help them. Divorce can be messy and expensive. Shared finances, housing, children - any of these complicate the situation. Nobody is saying that he's stuck with her forever, but you're approaching this from a position of stunning ignorance and naivete.

Just the fact that you've mentioned several times that he might want to get physical with her is enough for me to conclude that you have no practical life experience. Yeah, dude, put your hands on a 5 foot tall woman. Doesn't matter if it's "justified". See how well that works out for you in 2023.

Mar 21, 2023 - permalink

It's actually quite fascinating to me that real, living neanderthals still exist in 2023. They seem to carry with them the prehistoric instinct to forcibly shut their woman up or "put her in her place." They don't seem to understand how modern laws and society work nowadays.

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