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Help me design a new tags system

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Jan 08, 2023 - permalink

Muscle measurements are one of the most important indication of hard work and dedication. I think it’s time to have the measurement tag so that it would be easier to sort images and videos of muscle girls with big muscles.

Jan 08, 2023 - permalink

How about an age tag?

Jan 09, 2023 - permalink

I would be interested in adopting tags in the way other social media sites do e.g. twitter, facebook, IG. Allow posters and those that comment to use hashtags e.g. #bigbiceps, #quads, #ripped, #liftandcarry.

Some would trend - all would be searchable.

Jan 21, 2023 - edited Jan 21, 2023 - permalink

so are going to add measurements?

Jan 21, 2023 - permalink

From reading https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/forum/thread/... it is clear that there is a demand for more tags. However, I don't think that continuing to add new tags manually upon request is a great solution.

I'm more interested in creating some kind of free-form tagging system. However, it needs to be resistant to the case where a small number of users try to tag pictures with something that only they care about, essentially cluttering the system with tags that are useless for everyone else.

One solution that seems promising (which I think was mentioned in the other thread) would be that a tag only becomes visible to all users after X different users have tagged Y different images with it, insert some reasonable values for X and Y.

One solution I want to avoid is one where site staff need to manually curate tags and occasionally remove the most egregious ones. Not only does this create extra work for us, it also causes conflicts as it makes us the bad guys when we try to remove "your" tag.

NOTE: This thread is not for new tag suggestions!

I've not read through ALL pages yet but got to add some cents to this: I'm also running through some adult art/3d picture sites out there ... like rule34, xbooru ... and those sites work with a LOT LOT of tags. The nice thing about it is, that you get a menu view that puts together pretty smart, because the shown Character - in our case the model/person) is also a tag like the author, content tags, kind of content (animation, video, sketch, photo) ... this is very versatile if you begin to group the tags into several categories. In result you get a very very strong search engine.

It means, you can but don't have to search for a free text but can just chose one main category tag and add more and more tags until you got a very fine-sorted result....

Let's say you chose the tag "calves" ... your drop down below will show up more tags that you can ADD with a "+" or neglect with a "-" ... so you can filter out pictures that show "full body" or are "glam shot", can add "thighs" and get a list of artists/models so you could chose one of these.

I think the tagging/search engines of those sites (which is a template or even open source as far as I know imho) is very very strong and versatile and worth a glance. Not sure if I should link those adult sites here but ... easy to find!

Jan 21, 2023 - permalink

Another idea I had: What if we had two sets of tags, model tags and image tags. The model tags would be characteristics that describe a person, for example: bodybuilder, teen, mature, black/asian/white/latina/etc.

I’d gladly welcome this!

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

Another idea I had: What if we had two sets of tags, model tags and image tags. The model tags would be characteristics that describe a person, for example: bodybuilder, teen, mature, black/asian/white/latina/etc. These would be applied not for individual images, but rather for a model as a whole.....

The image tags are image specific and would have no change from how they work today. This includes most of the current tags (biceps, sleeve, working out, etc.)

This is something I even brought up here on this forum some time ago. It would help a lot to bring up some meta on a NAME/MODEL instead of an Image. Even the measurement tags would make sense there, at last some that refer to overall height of the person. Even think of Insta/OF/whatever links and all those data that gets frequently asked under each and every new image that pops up. Surely - it get's answered but those information wouldn't be necessary to QnA in every posted pic!

It would eventually require to lock the data of a model if it's somehow reviewed one time or by the community to prevent people destroying the whole "data block" of a model? Or isn't this kind of misuse not a problem on this site at all?

Jan 24, 2023 - permalink

Often think Hair color, ethnicity, ripped, bulked, etc would be rather handy. However the thought of having to populate that data just scares me.

Jan 28, 2023 - permalink

I'm going to throw this one out again.

I suggested a while back a tag for caption (a.k.a. images with text on them). For some reason it was thought oddly specific.

But these images/videos are becoming more common, they are by their nature more interactive which is often witty and funny.

Jan 28, 2023 - permalink

Often think Hair color, ethnicity, ripped, bulked, etc would be rather handy

I suggested a while back a tag for caption

Chainer's opening post: NOTE: This thread is not for new tag suggestions!


Apr 27, 2023 - permalink

Not sure what the plan is at this point, but it would be a helpful feature to have a system (similar to the system of notifying users of new images of subscribed models) that notifies users of new images containing certain tags. Perhaps they could "subscribe" to tags in the same way they can subscribe to names.

May 01, 2023 - permalink

Not sure what the plan is at this point, but it would be a helpful feature to have a system (similar to the system of notifying users of new images of subscribed models) that notifies users of new images containing certain tags. Perhaps they could "subscribe" to tags in the same way they can subscribe to names.

There are a LOT of images for some tags and using existing 'notification' will just crowd out other notifications. Moreover, we can already search for any tag and sort by upload date & high scores. So I'm not sure if this is worth it.

May 01, 2023 - permalink

I'm thinking more along the lines of how the system would change in the future. As it is now, yes, tags like "biceps" are extremely overused, but other tags like armwrestling, lift & carry, and body comparison are quite a bit more rare.

May 01, 2023 - permalink

Still waiting for the "measurement"-tag 😋

Jun 13, 2023 - permalink

My suggestions have probably been said, but I think we should have tags for every category: we got "bodybuilder" and "figure/fitness". There should also be "physique", "wellness" and "bikini" (and any other if I missed). Also would really love to see "shredded" or "shreds" tag and "muscle control". There were probably ideas that are TOO specific, like their skin colour, ethnicity, hair colour etc. These that I said sound general enough to be implemented. Also I think we should be able to put more than 5 tags per photo if these tags do get implemented just so we could be able to use them. P.S. (if argument for "shredded" can be seen as "veins", know that women can have veins and not be shredded)

Jun 13, 2023 - permalink

How about a way to filter pictures and videos on model pages?

Jun 15, 2023 - permalink

Chainer's opening post:

NOTE: This thread is not for new tag suggestions!

Nov 05, 2023 - permalink

I already messaged the moderators about this, but how about a "glamour" or something like that for pics of women dressed up in formal clothing, etc.?

Nov 05, 2023 - permalink

A new tag system might mean that there would not be a simple way to just add or remove tags, but to let people vote on tags, for example. So if someone repeatedly tags a twenty-something as a teen, enough people could cast negative votes to make the false tag disappear. Likewise, there are more votes for or against on whether a certain picture is actually about biceps or calves, which then determines if the picture is considered tagged that way in searches.

The site could store the tags or "votes" of everyone, but if it is obvious that some account tags maliciously, stupidly or randomly, then the site could either automatically or manually ignore all his tags. Remember all, this is not a democracy and you are not entitled to be heard through your tagging activity. The automatic stuff could happen so that the site would notice when the person's tags are obvious outliers or always contradict the majority.

I already messaged the moderators about this, but how about a "glamour" or something like that for pics of women dressed up in formal clothing, etc.?

You got only three problems. This was not for tag suggestions. I don't consider that significant enough. And there would be disagreements on what constitutes glamour and what doesn't. Of course that would have a certain function for certain persons, who for example fantasize of meeting these women in parties.

Nov 05, 2023 - permalink

I don't know if this has been requested previously, but would it be possible to have a 'body comparison' separate to 'before and after'? I am frequently looking for the latter but sifting through the former.

Nov 05, 2023 - permalink

still waiting for the "Measurement" tag

Nov 05, 2023 - permalink

How about a "sweat" tag?

Nov 05, 2023 - permalink

Chainer's opening post:

NOTE: This thread is not for new tag suggestions!

People still can't read the purpose of this thread...

Nov 05, 2023 - permalink

I really like the ideas about adding a vote system, so that unseres automatically moderate whether a specific tag is appropriate for a picture or not. I also like the idea of model tags. Maybe once the new system is implemented it may be beneficial to have an incentive for users to rate tags on existing pictures to sort of „populate“ them with votes if this makes any sense. Pictures on the front page (mainly new pictures) will get more views and therefore probably more votes on the tags making them more reliable than less visible pictures.

Nov 06, 2023 - permalink

People still can't read the purpose of this thread...

I sent a message to the moderators about my above suggestion, and I was literally told BY A MODERATOR to post my idea to this forum. So, what do you want me to do?

That's a rhetorical question, if you don't realize. I really don't care what you want me to do.

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