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2022 Ms Olympia

Dec 16, 2022 - edited Dec 16, 2022 - permalink

There needs to be a lightweight BBing division for women like Brooke who are probably too big for WPD but who don't have the kind of Andrea Shaw type body for full BBing. Either that or they have to accept that WPD competitors will keep getting bigger.

i could see it as numbers grow and diff body types are available. overall i think the posing is better than wpd. but i think you'd have to have a justifiable amount of women to split divisions so it doesn't seem like a cheap first place and then just giving overall to the heavyweight.

i did see a comment related on femalebodybuildingchannel's IG account, saying Yeo would be a great overall winner, implying that she wouldn't win 1:1 with the one division since she doesn't quite have the size Andrea does, but she could win a class and overall if that were the case.

I also think you'd really have to punish Brooke for her size though she doesn't look hulking compared to the top 2. Grading her third doesn't really seem like a punishment if there are two better options. But I would expect that they might encourage Teich to move up to BB. If Brooke gets/got that note i could see her retiring.

Dec 16, 2022 - permalink

I completely agree on the need for another BB division. Hopefully it comes to pass, because I think Physique will soon be a thing of the past.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

Women already have so many categories as is, I doubt it will go over well with bodybuilding fans. Judges just need to be more specific about their expectations for each category, especially with girls bulking up all cross the board.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

it's not really another category, it's just a subdivision, so they would probably just move women around in terms of timing rather than do a whole other divison. might even be faster, who knows.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

By the way, do you have any news on Leyvina Barros? How well did she do?

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

I was going to hop on here and state a case for Angela Yeo, but I see someone else has already done that and that's awesome. She's on point! It's literally Andrea's mass that'll get her over the line this year, and it'll be a let-down in intensity if Angela doesn't sow up 2nd.

I honestly reckon Natalia deserves Physique this year, she just looks better than Sarah in conditioning alone.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

By the way, do you have any news on Leyvina Barros? How well did she do?

as someone predicted somewhere in another thread (don't remember where) she's kind of not as conditioned as everyone else. Idk if she's in first call outs

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

Natalia's definitely put in the work.

Andrea Shaw said she'd like to win 11 Olympias, but does she have it in her? Her conditioning is slightly off this year, and she looked worn out in her latest training series leading up to the Olympia.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

I wonder if it has anything to do with being asked to downsize a bit, which is a rumor i've heard.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

I can't find the interview, but Andrea did say the judges told her not to get any bigger. I'm with you in so far as thinking that might be taking its toll.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

I think finals starts now for all divisions so we should hearing reports soon. I've been on FBBC following them since they are posting stories of the stream, so whenever they update for the women it'll be up there.

looking at photos of Helle-Angie-Andrea-Margie, i dont' think she's even the best poser of the 4. Her front double seems "conservative" compared to theirs and she doesn't quite have the core conditioning of Helle or Angie. The only thing going against Angie IMO is size

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

in related news it seems Stephanie Flescher is in the hospital for atm unknown reasons. her IG is private so we don't have any info but i think she's coached by Nassir? Wonder if it's a diuretics thing like has been happening.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

in related news it seems Stephanie Flescher is in the hospital for atm unknown reasons. her IG is private so we don't have any info but i think she's coached by Nassir? Wonder if it's a diuretics thing like has been happening.

She is no longer coached by Nassir. Happened right after people found out she was letting her ex rape her daughter. Not sure if she stopped using Nassir, or if he refused to coach her any longer.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

I forgot all about Flesher, honestly.

Angela may not win, but she's definitely making her case as one of the best newcomers. Regardless of outcome, Andrea will have to step it up next year.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

She is no longer coached by Nassir. Happened right after people found out she was letting her ex rape her daughter. Not sure if she stopped using Nassir, or if he refused to coach her any longer.

Correct. I wentback and saw it was a year-old posting.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

Also saw confirmed that Melissa Teich is moving to FBB next year due to a lower placing (looks like 7th or 8th) so more competition!

Good for Angela: if/when she places she can take an entire year off to do whatever she needs without having to qualify. So this is a great outcome for her.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

There needs to be a lightweight BBing division for women like Brooke who are probably too big for WPD but who don't have the kind of Andrea Shaw type body for full BBing. Either that or they have to accept that WPD competitors will keep getting bigger.

Nah no way. Can’t just keep making divisions so someone else can win. Especially since the women don’t have enough money to go around and split up between even more divisions. You basically have to commit to either getting bigger or downsizing if you’re in between bodybuilding and physique. Or if you aren’t bigger you go for an extremely aesthetic look and hope that’s what the judges want. Think about Frank Zane being smaller than everyone but then winning the Olympia because if his conditioning and aesthetics.

Women’s physique has already gotten way bigger (in terms of the muscularity of the competitors) compared to a few years ago. I mean I love it cuz I love the bigger look but for women’s bodybuilding (and all the other divisions) it probably would have been more beneficial to award smaller competitors and really keep the divisions separated. Everyone has gotten bigger, bikini through bodybuilding, and like I said, I love the look, but it’s not good for the sport and staying popular. The sizes judges want will go in phases so whatever your size is, I say bring the best package to that division. You can’t wish for more and more divisions just so it suits one person perfectly.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

The problem is that women's bodybuilding was removed for a number of years, and physique was meant to be its replacement. Ever since they brought back bodybuilding, physique has kind of lost its identity.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

Way disappointed In the size.. but branka is where its at

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

Reality is WPD should be scrapped IMO. Pick figure or bb. A lot of fans don’t like some of the poses. Some of the women don’t like it as much as some bb posing (afaik lat spread is still not a mandatory and many women like doing that pose because they work hard on their back). Objectively you can get away with a lot—poor chest development can be hid by a well-angled side chest, or implants—vs bb poses I feel. The hands thing is annoying and distracting.

I get that they want to have a more feminine size division but like….go to figure? And don’t go so hard on the drugs and you won’t get downgraded on size.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

My only complaint would be to spice up the posing in the Figure category, then. The hands thing is weird, but I'll tolerate it because the posing is more interesting to watch.

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

Natalia picks up the wpd win!

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

Natalia picks up the wpd win!

Sarah Villegas has been dethroned? Wow!

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink

Well worth the win, she’s just better this year 👏🏼

Dec 17, 2022 - permalink


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