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Requests for restoring images of women who tend to morph themselves

Aug 26, 2022 - permalink

As most already know, Eun Hee Kang has been restored. This is a space for users to request other models they'd like to see back on the site who have been blacklisted for morphing their own images. This would mean that they would be "soft" blacklisted if allowed back on.

For more information on how this would work, you can refer to the Eun Hee Kang link above or read this.

Aug 26, 2022 - permalink

All kinds of morphs? There are girls who photoshop their muscles, others who photoshop their faces. I think Yuan Herong is one of the few in that second category.

Aug 26, 2022 - permalink

We're just discussing those who have been blacklisted. Yes, Yuan would be a good example. Another is Sandra Barraza. Yuan tends to resize her head, Sandra tends to reshape her body.

Aug 26, 2022 - permalink

Others include: July Moody, Laura Boggero (lalliboop), Lu (ludemellu), Krishna Santos, Lois Knight, Rhonda Mac.

Aug 26, 2022 - permalink

Yes, names can be listed.

The intention of this thread is for users to chime in on who they'd like to see back. If there is enough demand and convincing arguments, then we'll consider bringing them back.

Aug 26, 2022 - permalink

I don't mind about head sizing, so I'd like to see Yuan Herong back. Krishna Santos as well, I think I uploaded a photo of her without realizing it was manipulated, so I guess the resizing wasn't very obvious.

Aug 27, 2022 - permalink

Yuan and Krishna used to be very popular. I'm surprised no one else is chiming in.

Anyone else have requests?

Aug 27, 2022 - permalink

I would like to see Lee Jin Seo restored

Aug 27, 2022 - permalink

I second Krishna Santos. Lois Knight is the same person as Gabby Arcade, a cross dressing man pretending to be a woman, with deepfakes to swap the face.

Aug 27, 2022 - permalink

I'd like to mention Taneth Montero. And the fact she isn't blacklisted. Almost all her pictures are Photoshopped. Her legs and calves are stretched out and her waist pulled in in every pic. Sometimes it's more noticeable than others.

Aug 28, 2022 - permalink

I have noticed the use of photoshop getting worse over the years, to the point where even large influencers do it.

YouTube used to be great in the 2014 era. Same with Google in general. Then gaming the algorithm became a science, with actual PR firms hiring ex-Google employees, and in general data mining the hell out of the platform. Now Google results are absolute shit, and YouTube infested with irrelevant clickbait.

Same thing with Instagram. Money is ruining it. Studies have shown humans are attracted to exaggerated, unnatural proportions. So people do exactly that to game the algorithm.

Nowadays, I rarely browse YouTube directly. I only watch videos there if they are embedded somewhere else which provides context if the video is good or not (especially now that they removed dislikes).

Same with Google. I usually append "reddit" to my search (or use Bing/Yandex) because that site acts as a great filter to the internet's nonsense.

GWM is basically a similar great filter. Sorry for the tangent. But on this note can we also request models be reviewed for soft blacklisting as well? In fact I say whoever Goob outs ought to be reviewed, like Yarishna Nicole Ayala.

Aug 28, 2022 - permalink

But on this note can we also request models be reviewed for soft blacklisting as well? In fact I say whoever Goob outs ought to be reviewed, like Yarishna Nicole Ayala.

You're welcome to create another thread for that.

Aug 28, 2022 - permalink

Julie Moody was particularly bad

Rhonda Mac too. like i doubt she actually looks anything like that. the only thing that would sway me is if there was a 3rd party photo of her that had no filters and was a candid.

Aug 28, 2022 - permalink

There is a case to be made that some of the more extreme cases should stay banned, and not even soft-blacklisted. With Eun Hee Kang, she at least has videos which are mostly realistic (except maybe some facial distortion). With some other women, maybe the ones fp909 mentions are examples of this, we're approaching the realm of complete fantasy where very little of what you see is real. I don't think that should have a place on the site. I don't know where the line should be drawn, though.

Aug 28, 2022 - permalink

Translation of staff hypocrisy: these women who modify their muscles are women we can't monetize, so screw 'em!

But don't you dare be critical of those who get fake breasts, or hair extensions, or lip fillers, they're our meal ticket!

Aug 28, 2022 - permalink

No one is monetizing anything lol

Aug 28, 2022 - permalink

plastic surgery Is on that too ? O would like to see Canela Devoto back, her abs are Amazing. Im fan of Krishna Santos there is many videos of her proving her sizez

Aug 29, 2022 - permalink

+1 for Krishna Santos

Sep 01, 2022 - permalink

The level of response has been lower than expected. It's looking like Eun Hee will have been the only one restored.

Sep 14, 2022 - permalink

+1 for Lee Jin Seo and Yuan Herong

Sep 16, 2022 - permalink

In general, my thought is that those who want to see these morphed and photoshopped models can go to their individual sites.

Keep GwM as natural as possible (yes, I know models like Natalia Trukhina are not natural, but that's a topic for a different thread).

Sep 16, 2022 - permalink

Id like Yuan and Krishna back. Morphing is the worst kind of cheating but i find it’s usually obvious and stated in the comments. The discussion and analysis of morphs i think is important to educate people’s eyes.

In the end what matters most to me is that the image is aesthetically pleasing. I’d rather girls augment an image than their actual bodies with surgery or drugs.

Perhaps a morph tag would help. It’s a tough call, and it’s only going to get harder as machine learning AI creates fully convincing video morphs. It’s going to come down to independent measurements of muscle size in real life to confirm.

I don’t think it should be an automatic perma-ban unless the dimensions are fully outside the realm of possibility.

Sep 16, 2022 - permalink

If we're gonna create a space for morphed women, can we not allow them on the "recommended for you - recent images" part of the site. Because I remember seeing Kang Eun Hee there and I'd rather not have morphed girls pop up unless if searched for.

Sep 17, 2022 - permalink

+2 for Lee Jin Seo

Sep 18, 2022 - permalink

If we're gonna create a space for morphed women, can we not allow them on the "recommended for you - recent images" part of the site.

Good call. I just made this change, so soft-blacklisted women no longer appear in the Recommended section.

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