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Improving the image comments

Aug 11, 2022 - permalink

The filter is punishing you because your comments are repetitive "... looks great and awesome" and you make a lot of them. Also, as I explained above, once a comment fragment is rejected, you can't just append more similar text to the end of it and have that get accepted.

If you approach commenting with: "Would it be interesting for other users of the site to read this comment I am about to post?" and your answer is "yes", the filter is unlikely to get you. If it still does, let me know, and depending on the context I can try to tweak the filter.

I try to put more thought into my comments. But I will contact you if it still doesn't post my comments. Sorry if I was I being reptitive but I was only complimenting the FBB in the pic.

Aug 11, 2022 - permalink

I try to put more thought into my comments. But I will contact you if it still doesn't post my comments. Sorry if I was I being reptitive but I was only complimenting the FBB in the pic.

The thing is, generic compliments that a bot could have written just aren't interesting to other site users, and they are the ones who will read your comments.

If you compliment something specific about the pic, like "The lighting in this pic really brings out her biceps!" it will get accepted (as long as you don't comment the same thing repeatedly).

Aug 11, 2022 - permalink

The thing is, generic compliments that a bot could have written just aren't interesting to other site users, and they are the ones who will read your comments.

If you compliment something specific about the pic, like "The lighting in this pic really brings out her biceps!" it will get accepted (as long as you don't comment the same thing repeatedly).

Okay. Now I understand fully.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

> "She's so thick and beautiful! Cue the Photoshop complaints.

This comment was very close, the generic "She's so thick and beautiful" is what got you.

Then you tried to append random stuff on top of it, but the filter actually penalizes appending small amounts of text to comments that were recently rejected (< 10 minutes ago). I started tracking rejected comments and saw that people were reacting to (correct) rejections of vapid drooling by adding more sentences of vapid drooling afterward, and this would get accepted, so I put in an extra safeguard against that.

> The criteria is a moving target, and appears to have been applied to users on an individual basis.

Not sure what you mean by "applied to users on an individual basis", but there is nothing hardcoded in it to target specific individuals, i.e., nothing like "if user is real_iluvmuscle, then [apply extra stringent criteria]".

It is user-specific in the sense that some users will trigger it more often than others depending on comment content and frequency.

Thank you for the explanation, it makes sense.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

Part of the problem with this is the "rules" are so vague and arcane that it's literally hit or miss. I have no way of "improving" my "comment quality" because the parameters are obscure and apparently being tinkered with on the fly too. I still see pointless short 2-3 word comments from the same few people. The comment quality has not noticeably improved from what I can see. The only difference I notice is that sometimes I cannot comment. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to when it happens or why. It's clearly not the comment length, I've determined that. It's not because my comments are repetitive either. I think this was well-intentioned, but I'm not sure what value it's really bringing.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

i think this is a pretty good example of what we should be shooting for in comments. Although it doesn't have to be this in depth:


I don't think my comment, which kicked off more discussion, would warrant creating a new forum thread for it. but it's not a 27-comment string of drooling comments or "wows" or "boings" or emoji strings. I don't think every post would deserve more comments either, which is what I think is, in part, what Chainer is trying to get at. I've had a couple of pretty innocuous comments get caught by the filter recently and I decided not to post at all because they didn't add anything to the discussion, or start one.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

I think the overall theme to all this is that schmoes need to have a bit more originality when interacting or praising muscular women lol.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

I think the overall theme to all this is that schmoes need to have a bit more originality when interacting or praising muscular women lol.

I do believe you have hit it exactly.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

I think the overall theme to all this is that schmoes need to have a bit more originality when interacting or praising muscular women lol.

Ah, but that would require them having to think with their brains rather than their d***s, which seems to be a tall order.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

I'd be fascinated to see the stats on the average number of weekly or monthly comments before and after this went into effect.

I'm half expecting this to go the way of the great copyright crackdown/photo purge of several years ago, when many of us just stopped participating in posting photos altogether.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

Ah, but that would require them having to think with their brains rather than their d***s, which seems to be a tall order.

You mods just can't seem to slow down your roll on insulting and belittling the users of this site. I don't know how you could think that's a good thing to do. If you're trying to make a lot of people feel unwelcome here, you're doing a great job.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

You mods just can't seem to slow down your roll on insulting and belittling the users of this site. I don't know how you could think that's a good thing to do. If you're trying to make a lot of people feel unwelcome here, you're doing a great job.

"You mods" is always an amusing way to begin a comment.

If a simple comment filter is enough to turn certain users away from this site altogether, then it does not seem to be much of a loss. The overwhelming number of "wow," "hot," "boing," etc. comments will not be missed. You are more than welcome to "lurk" and not comment, which is much more than can be said of other particular sites.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

I have no way of "improving" my "comment quality" because the parameters are obscure and apparently being tinkered with on the fly too.

I could put in a link to some tips to getting a comment accepted, that might help with some of the pain...

In any case, for reference, here are the most recently rejected comments right now. Every ">" is a marker for a new comment. Some of the repetitive ones are people trying to append on to their already rejected comment and having that get rejected too.

> She's pure muscle sex
> She's pure muscle sex!..I'm on board
> She's pure muscle..Love Natalia..She's never ending
> Lenda is so gorgeous and sexy!😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ’πŸŒΉ
> Goddess Lends, such a remarkable beauty!
> Nice , sexy glutes
> Hot and strong!
> I exploded so hard!
> I exploded so hard! She is very hot and so muscular!
> I exploded so hard! She is very hot and so muscular! She must be too strong!
> So sexy without tatoo !
> Very hot girls, love it
> So sexy Rene without tatoo..
> i think she s more sexy without tatoo...
> I think she s more sexy without tatoo...
> Oh my god, prefer her without tatoo
> Prefer her without tatoo
> Very nice!!!
> ImpressiveπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
> Love those legs
> Amazing legs
> Amazing strong legs
> Muscles
> Muscles legs
> Her face is very beautiful, and her delts are perfect
> She has great egg shaped biceps!
> She is a great flexer, and has great egg shaped biceps!
> She is a great flexer, and love those egg shaped biceps!
> She is a great flexer, and love those peaked egg shaped biceps!
> Awesome video, and love those peaked egg shaped biceps!
> Awesome video, and love those egg shaped biceps!
> go extreme
> Thick and hot
> Awesome video, and love those egg-shaped biceps!
> Awesome video, and love those egg-shaped biceps
> Awesome video, and love those biceps...egg shaped
> Awesome video, and love her biceps...they are egg shaped
> Awesome video, and love her egg shaped biceps
> That's one awesome video, and love her egg shaped biceps!
> That's one awesome video, and love her peaked biceps!
> She has great flexing skills, and I love her egg shaped biceps!
> She has great flexing skills here, and I love her egg shaped biceps!
> She has great flexing skills here, and I love her egg shaped biceps!  Wonderful smile as well.
> She has great flexing skills here, and I love her egg shaped biceps!  I hope this meets the mini.um quality threshold.
> She has great flexing skills here, and I love her egg shaped biceps!  I hope this meets the mini.um quality threshold. I guess it needs one more sentence.
> She has great flexing skills here, and I love her egg shaped biceps!  I hope this meets the minimum quality threshold. I guess it needs one more sentence.  There, that should do it.
> It's always nice to see her prodigious lats again.
> It's always good to see her prodigious lats again.
> It's always good to see her prodigious upper body again.
> Sarah is being kind to let us see her lats again.
> Oh god!
> Oh god, she is gorgeous.
> she is gorgeous.
> The perfect couple!
> Gorgeous girl
> Gorgeous girl, wow
> Incredible woman!
> Incredible woman, speachless
> Gosh, she's so hot.
> Gosh, she's so hot. Look at those legs!
> Gosh, she's so pretty. Look at those legs!
> Gosh, she's pretty. Look at those legs!
> Perfect
> hello
> she looks awesome
> she looks awesome! very pretty picture overall
> Big smile, bigger arms. :)
> Jacked, outstanding muscles. Perfect video to me: sweat muscles in action.
> She so jacked here. Perfect video to me: sweat muscles in action.
> She so jacked here. Perfect video to me: I could watch her sweat muscles in action.
> She so jacked here. Perfect video to me: I could watch her sweat muscles in action everyday.
> Perfect video to me: I could watch her sweat muscles in action everyday.

What strikes me about these is mostly just how boring they are. The most interesting thing some of them do is point out a body part, and it's all downhill from there, all the way to completely generic compliments that could be made on literally any picture on the site, and even further downhill to "I exploded". The thing all these comments have in common is that none of them are trying to start a conversation or engage other users of the site. They are all just self-centered around the commenter and their reaction to the pic.

I still see pointless short 2-3 word comments from the same few people. The comment quality has not noticeably improved from what I can see.

Yeah, it would be very difficult to get the filter working so precisely that it rejects all these comments while leaving alone the actual good ones, and at this point putting in stricter rules would start to increase the false positive rate. Maybe I will try to work on it further later, but for now if it rejects even half of this type of comment I consider that to be pretty decent.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

What strikes me about these is mostly just how boring they are.

What more do you expect from the average person? If there are any good comments, they probably fit a power law distribution (where a tiny fraction of users generate the majority of "interesting" remarks). This filtering system will not raise the number of interesting comments; it will reduce the number of "boring" comments. I hope it's not weeding out anyone who posts vital statistics. I wish there were profiles with DOB, height, country of origin etc., which could be a source of user engagement, but, hey, it's your rodeo, and I'm grateful.

Aug 13, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I doubt anyone ever has had any illusions about the literary output of the average person.

Aug 13, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I exploded so hard!

On a scale from one to ten, how hard did he explode?

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

I see I lost this debate. Egg, baseball, split, peaked, jacked, pretty, perfect all used to be pretty good comment search terms. Now they will only find images prior to the filter. This is also going to make it harder to retrospectively sort or tag data in the future. But I understand the emotional desire to clean up the comments.

Aug 13, 2022 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I see I lost this debate.

You have a valid point there and I seconded it already some time ago.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

"You mods" is always an amusing way to begin a comment.

Why is it so amusing to hold the "police" to a higher standard of decency? When the moderators need moderating because they can't hide their contempt for site users, you're losing the war even if you win the battle.

Aug 13, 2022 - edited Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

Ah, but that would require them having to think with their brains rather than their d***s, which seems to be a tall order.

@cgsweat...You have have always appeared as one of the more fair moderators on this site. Your statement seems a little harsh in this instance. After all, this isn't an educational site. It's not a workout instruction or anatomy site. Everyone knows why we come here. Toning down the comments, tastefully compliment the women or make less lewd remarks certainly makes sense. I for one have no control over what these women do to me and that of course is why I visit this site among many other sites. I'm doing my best to post within the new guidelines.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

Egg, baseball, split, peaked, jacked, pretty, perfect all used to be pretty good comment search terms. Now they will only find images prior to the filter.

You do have a point here.

Here is an alternative implementation of the filter that I have been considering:

When you make a comment that the filter would reject, instead of getting outright rejected, it gets posted, and you yourself can see it. However, others don't see it, and it doesn't bump the image to the front page. Comment searches will see the comment (so if you put "egg" in your rejected comment, a search for "egg" will turn up that image), and maybe users could have an option in their profile (off by default) to see these rejected comments.

I didn't go with this plan originally because I thought the user experience of not knowing whether your comment will be seen by others or not would be worse than the current solution of outright rejection, but I'm open to being convinced differently about this.

This filtering system will not raise the number of interesting comments; it will reduce the number of "boring" comments.

Sure it won't increase the absolute number of good comments, but it will increase the ratio of good to bad ones.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

@cgsweat...You have have always appeared as one of the more fair moderators on this site. Your statement seems a little harsh in this instance. After all, this isn't an educational site. It's not a workout instruction or anatomy site. Everyone knows why we come here. Toning down the comments, tastefully compliment the women or make less lewd remarks certainly makes sense. I for one have no control over what these women do to me and that of course is why I visit this site among many other sites. I'm doing my best to post within the new guidelines.

The goal of my comment isn't to offend or bully... But I do feel like there has been an unnecessary amount of backlash over something seemingly trivial. It's very interesting to read how passionately users seem to cling to their freedom of making the same "boing" comment for the 10,000th time. Meanwhile the argument against this filter seems to be that users are now required to write an entire 300 page novel to be able to submit a comment, which is obviously not the case. The reality of the situation seems to fall somewhere in between "boing" and the 300 page novel.

Aug 14, 2022 - permalink

I could put in a link to some tips to getting a comment accepted, that might help with some of the pain...

In any case, for reference, here are the most recently rejected comments right now. Every ">" is a marker for a new comment. Some of the repetitive ones are people trying to append on to their already rejected comment and having that get rejected too.

What strikes me about these is mostly just how boring they are. The most interesting thing some of them do is point out a body part, and it's all downhill from there, all the way to completely generic compliments that could be made on literally any picture on the site, and even further downhill to "I exploded". The thing all these comments have in common is that none of them are trying to start a conversation or engage other users of the site. They are all just self-centered around the commenter and their reaction to the pic.

Yeah, it would be very difficult to get the filter working so precisely that it rejects all these comments while leaving alone the actual good ones, and at this point putting in stricter rules would start to increase the false positive rate. Maybe I will try to work on it further later, but for now if it rejects even half of this type of comment I consider that to be pretty decent.


First off thanks for EVERYTHING you do to maintain this site. It's THE BEST for muscle women. Hands down. I think we can ALL agree on THAT, right everyone?

Second, I literally laughed out loud at some of these. Thanks for the laugh!!

As far as the comments, I'm VERY sparing with mine. I agree with *most of your list. The "egg shaped biceps" or "pumpkin shaped delts" of Jodi Boam I do feel are valid comments. I mean, her deltoids LITERALLY look like pumpkins!!!

But really, we should all use COMMON SENSE!!!!

The "boing" and "wow" comments really add nothing to the site. I mean, I make it MY policy to just scroll past them, but it IS a public forum and I see why people are getting tired of it over and over and over and over.....

My personal favorite is "Imagine her strength". I don't know or care WHO wrote it or when, but at one point it was under like HALF of the pictures posted πŸ™„.

So yeah, my 2 cents.

1- Chainer THANK YOU for all you do!!! 2- Everybody else- Use COMMON SENSE!!!

We're here to admire muscular women. But we can do so in a way that's not so cringeworthy.

Aug 14, 2022 - permalink

If you think think trying to improve the quality of image comments was hard enough, try doing it for forum comments. Now, there's a challenge. LOL!

Aug 14, 2022 - permalink

The goal of my comment isn't to offend or bully... But I do feel like there has been an unnecessary amount of backlash over something seemingly trivial. It's very interesting to read how passionately users seem to cling to their freedom of making the same "boing" comment for the 10,000th time. Meanwhile the argument against this filter seems to be that users are now required to write an entire 300 page novel to be able to submit a comment, which is obviously not the case. The reality of the situation seems to fall somewhere in between "boing" and the 300 page novel.

You continue to be completely off base. Nobody here is clinging to "boing" or any other similar comment. Where do you see that? Nobody is arguing about having to write a 300 page novel to get a comment in. Who is saying this?

And take some responsibility for being offensive and dismissive (which you've done again in this comment) instead of digging in your heels and doubling down. Or just stop doing it. A little less ego and defensiveness, please.

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