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Women you haven't seen anything from in a long time

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Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

Tessa Boyea

She was amazing but ghosted on social media it appears

Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

Anyone know about Taylor Stein?

If I recall correctly, she had some struggles with her businesses because of the pandemic. I think she also got weirded out by schmoes acting creepy towards her.

Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

Does anybody know what happened to Efi Sarris? She just dissappeared couple of months ago.

Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

If I recall correctly, she had some struggles with her businesses because of the pandemic. I think she also got weirded out by schmoes acting creepy towards her.

yeah i had a longer comment about this a few pages back. i was talking to her a little bit in those months. her business recovered and got busy and of course the schmoes sent her away.

Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

Marcie Simmons. Is she totally out of bodybuilding? She used to be on Herbicepscam quite a bit. Absolutely charming and charismatic whenever you could get some one-on-one time with her.

Aug 07, 2022 - permalink

Marcie lost a lot of muscle the past few years. I was on her OF for a short time and she looked pretty soft. Not sure if she's gained it back since then.

Aug 07, 2022 - permalink

Doesn't Marcie have a kid (or two)? Anyway, she went on YT for a bunch of videos and talked about the seedy (read: our) side of bodybuilding openly (kind of tied to the fact that in the 90s and early 00s women were making more money doing sessions at shows than winning the shows). She always seemed really great.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

Yes Marcie is very in tune with the "schmoe" world and what we like and she does seem comfortable with it. She's got kids but I don't recall her getting pregnant these past few years. She just sized down quite a bit and got very soft and slim..and this happened before covid too so it can't really be blamed on gyms closing down. I think she just got tired of being shredded all the time and went for a more wellness look. She still works out but I don't think she competes anymore or trains as hard as she used to. I haven't returned to her OF in a year or so.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

Another woman showed up on the front page this week, Sarah Fechter, I remember her making a big splash a few years ago when WPD was starting to grow but then she disappeared, kind of. Went to her profile, she's stopped competing and although she certainly still looks like a bodybuilder is probably off the gear permanently and has shifted her business model to more wellness training rather than I guess strict bodybuilding work. Might have gone vegetarian too.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

There's a few others that have gone the wellness route. I believe Hulda may have switched over to wellness but I could be wrong. It's becoming quite popular.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

she's friendly and pretty attractive..... but if that's true, lotsa luck with those shitty tats.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

There's a few others that have gone the wellness route. I believe Hulda may have switched over to wellness but I could be wrong. It's becoming quite popular.

i wouldn't blame them for loving to have big lower bodies but toned down on the shoulder/back width, upper body generally. i think most probably hate not being able to fit in things in the upper body, and i think in general there's just more stuff available these days for big-bodied women, but no one is saying that having massive quads and glutes is masculine.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

i wouldn't blame them for loving to have big lower bodies but toned down on the shoulder/back width, upper body generally. i think most probably hate not being able to fit in things in the upper body, and i think in general there's just more stuff available these days for big-bodied women, but no one is saying that having massive quads and glutes is masculine.

I think they just get tired of the diets and the gear. It takes so much effort to keep the kind of physique that someone like MuscleGeisha has for example. It's an entire lifestyle and I think many women just want to be able to eat what they want and how much they want and also not deal with the hormonal changes that the gear causes. So it's more of a quality of life thing. Hulda wrote on one post that she was sizing down simply because she got tired of eating 5000 calories a day or however much it was. I can understand that. Then there's the obvious fact that wellness looks more feminine and bigger legs has always been a goal for most women anyway. It's much easier to achieve that type of physique when switching to wellness specifically rather than making it a side goal.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

It’s also really fkn hard to get 5Kcals as a vegetarian lmao she did that to herself.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

It’s also really fkn hard to get 5Kcals as a vegetarian lmao she did that to herself.

That's true lol. Plus eating 5k a day, taking supplements, AND gear must be expensive. Those monthly grocery bills must be insane for bodybuilders. No wonder most of them start an OF to be able to pay for that.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

> > Ok thanks. Any thoughts on this girl?

She got disillusioned with the sport years ago. She was upset (and rightfully so) about the lack of respect FBB got from their own sport. Then there was a shift from her as she pulled away a lot from social media. Every once in awhile she would pop up with a picture or new account somewhere but she was headed in a new direction. I haven't looked for her lately but the last I saw of a post from her she was still in great shape and had taken up playing the piano.

Something happened recently. She too was my absolute favorite on HBC - best dirty talker ever! And always massive and cut. she's on HBC but goes on once per month maybe. Sounds like another BF story, but I don't know. it was just so abrupt

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

Yes Marcie is very in tune with the "schmoe" world and what we like and she does seem comfortable with it. She's got kids but I don't recall her getting pregnant these past few years. She just sized down quite a bit and got very soft and slim..and this happened before covid too so it can't really be blamed on gyms closing down. I think she just got tired of being shredded all the time and went for a more wellness look. She still works out but I don't think she competes anymore or trains as hard as she used to. I haven't returned to her OF in a year or so.

She definitely still lifts, but it’s pretty clear she is not using PEDs anymore. I think her current physique is a pretty good representation of what your average woman who hits the weights hard looks like without steroids.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

It’s hard to look past the fact that she did use PEDs. Not a moral issue, just that she used and her physique still kind of reflects that. J don’t think she’s far out enough to kind of reverse it. Dani reardon I think is far enough removed from those years

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

Something happened recently. She too was my absolute favorite on HBC - best dirty talker ever! And always massive and cut. she's on HBC but goes on once per month maybe. Sounds like another BF story, but I don't know. it was just so abrupt

Rarely does that stuff come out, especially since she’s older than your usual social media users who post about their drama.

If I’ve learned anything about men and women as an adult: most women are attracted to a small percentage of men > small percentage of men have a lot of traits that can lead them to be controlling or “assholes” > women who previously talked a lot about independence and being their own woman suddenly will make concessions for these guys that they were uncompromising on.

To be sure, I am not saying that all men in that small percentage are terrible, and I’m not bitter. There are definitely good men in that group. But many of the women in this thread meet one of those dudes and make a 180.

Plenty of women who were with abusive boyfriends that we found out about after the fact. Plenty of women who date assholes and think they are fixable and in the end wind up “hating men” and becoming crystal witches. Also women who are willing to go through plastic surgery to make changes for their partner, instead of doing it for themselves. Or downsizing and after breaking up going back to where they started with size. Or women coming back on social media for a hot second before getting inundated with all kinds of comments that mess with their heads.

But there’s also plenty of women that just don’t care about socials anymore, or retire, or quit, or focus on their business or starting a family.

I always say, enjoy the window while it’s open. You never know when it’s boarded up for good

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

Mavi Gioia

Back when the previous ratings system was in place with thumbs up and thumbs down she was a rising star, getting almost daily posts around here... and killing the ratings almost flawlessly all the time, too. Now the average upload for her is around 1 a month, perhaps less. She's certainly still in the game, I guess chalk that one up to changing tastes/trends here?

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

Mavi Gioia

Back when the previous ratings system was in place with thumbs up and thumbs down she was a rising star, getting almost daily posts around here... and killing the ratings almost flawlessly all the time, too. Now the average upload for her is around 1 a month, perhaps less. She's certainly still in the game, I guess chalk that one up to changing tastes/trends here?

Your penultimate sentence answers your final sentence.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

Mavi Gioia

Back when the previous ratings system was in place with thumbs up and thumbs down she was a rising star, getting almost daily posts around here... and killing the ratings almost flawlessly all the time, too. Now the average upload for her is around 1 a month, perhaps less. She's certainly still in the game, I guess chalk that one up to changing tastes/trends here?

i just took a look at her IG account. I think she had a kid not too long ago. She hasn't really posted anything flex related that already hasn't been posted to the site already, so no recent uploads, or very far and in between.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

This is more of a FYI for those interested in Lauren Rutan. Looking at her IG, she was recently pregnant and gave birth to her 5th child. In my mind it's insane that she had time to bodybuild with 4 kids, so we'll see if she ever picks it back up. Her last competition was 3 years ago, and doesn't look like she's done any heavy training in about 2 years.

She gave up bodybuilding because all the PEDs were literally going to cause her to have a heart attack. Now she just does CrossFit and I'm pretty sure if you're doing all that you're still taking PEDs....but whatever. It's a shame, her next contest was going to be fbb instead of physique. It's a shame, she was one of the best I've ever seen.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

She gave up bodybuilding because all the PEDs were literally going to cause her to have a heart attack. Now she just does CrossFit and I'm pretty sure if you're doing all that you're still taking PEDs....but whatever. It's a shame, her next contest was going to be fbb instead of physique. It's a shame, she was one of the best I've ever seen.

Eh, you can do CrossFit and be natty (I do.) It’s if you want to hit the elite level like the Games or even the Semifinals, then you need to hop on the juice.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

she was already on the juice, so she has a leg up on the normies who do cf already. past that it's training, load, skills, and of course PEDs help

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