Edited the title to remove the implication that these women are anorexic.
Good deal! Anorexic and thin/skinny are not interchangeable. Anorexia is a dangerous condition which usually requires professional help to overcome and can lead to death. Anyone remember Karen Carpenter? A lot of fitness women that we see may be very thin because of dieting to prepare for competition, but it's voluntary. Once the comp is over, they can't wait to eat!
This is Chantelle Pepin, a French-Canadian woman who competed briefly. I love her look. She said simply that this was "very hard on my body." Not sure it's all that weakening, but it's hard to maintain. The definition can be incredible, even with muscles that are just very toned and not tremendously built up. She is one of my faves amoung relatively skinny and fit women.
And, who can beat Veronica Valentyne? The first picture above at the very top is of her abs. This is a shot of her in a German outdoor cafe after eating a big strawberry shortcake. She is actually noticeably built up here and significantly less lean than in her very first videos. I love her toned and lean look. This, to me, is her most perfect video and it was taken in what I think was her very best state of conditioning. Thin yes, but hardly anorexic. Her body seems to tolerate leanness very well.
you should really share this on this forum, youre a lucky man !
My sweet girlfriend.
Anyone here is into thin and ripped girls?