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Real-Life Encounters

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Apr 18, 2022 - permalink

That experience is staying with you for life lol. I can’t image how hot and bothered that would have left me> It was. In the moment I was so conflicted, I didn’t know how to feel, but looking back it is awesome lol. I got to live out a fantasy. I do think I could have put up more of a fight, but chose not to because it was awesome being dominated like that. Even if I did try my hardest she still would have pinned me tho, I could tell from the moment she grabbed me how outmatched I was.>

That sounds both awesome and humiliating

Apr 20, 2022 - permalink

> It was. In the moment I was so conflicted, I didn’t know how to feel, but looking back it is awesome lol. I got to live out a fantasy. I do think I could have put up more of a fight, but chose not to because it was awesome being dominated like that. Even if I did try my hardest she still would have pinned me tho, I could tell from the moment she grabbed me how outmatched I was.> > > That sounds both awesome and humiliating

Have you spoken to her since? It would be cool to hear her tell you how easy it was Sadly I have not she went to a different school, that was a little outside my area and was much older than me so i haven’t seen much of her. She did swim in college I think so she is probably still decently strong.

Apr 24, 2022 - permalink

Had one yesterday at a farmers market in Marietta, GA. There was a mature blond lady there with her husband and young son, she had a build roughly the same as Laurie Buckley. Actually at first I thought it might have been Laurie because she lives in that area but I am fairly confident it was not her. When she would pick something up to look at it her biceps looked like they were the size of a baseball with a nice peak. The most amazing part was her vascularity though. I have never seen a woman with veins this prominent before, either in person or pictures. She wasn't super lean so the smaller ancillary veins weren't visible but the major veins in her arms looked like pensils laying directly under her skin. Very similar to this picture of Lynsey Ware but like I said her veins were far more pronounced.

May 15, 2022 - edited May 15, 2022 - permalink

Hey guys today i finally saw a muscular woman irl i was walking in a park unfortunately i was reading something on my phone i heard a Jogger approach so i looked up and saw a woman running that had nice biceps and muscular legs looked quite tanned and had a tomboy look but still feminine she looked very sweaty she had probably been jogging for a long time too bad i did not see much of her since she ran fast so by the time i realized what i saw she was already quite far.

May 15, 2022 - permalink

Yeah that’s such an interesting dynamic, balancing actually getting dominated with wanting to get dominated. You want to feel helpless, but at the same time it can be tough to try your hardest when you want to have that happen. I don’t have a story as good as that but I remember “purposely” losing to a girl armwrestling when I was 12/13 or so years old. I say purposely in quotes because like you, I felt overmatched from the start (she was the most athletic at our school, at least in terms of the girls), but also wanted to lean into it because I knew I liked it.

It was. In the moment I was so conflicted, I didn’t know how to feel, but looking back it is awesome lol. I got to live out a fantasy. I do think I could have put up more of a fight, but chose not to because it was awesome being dominated like that. Even if I did try my hardest she still would have pinned me tho, I could tell from the moment she grabbed me how outmatched I was.> > That sounds both awesome and humiliating

May 15, 2022 - permalink

Well if a woman wants to wrestle me i just don't fight back but i never never been with a very strong woman unless you count my childhood having to fight older people.

May 16, 2022 - permalink

Well if a woman wants to wrestle me i just don't fight back but i never never been with a very strong woman unless you count my childhood having to fight older people.

When I did sessions with muscular women, I would fight back a little. To make them prove their strength, and to feel it. Psychologically I'm dominant, so I don't roll over and submit so easily haha.

May 16, 2022 - permalink

When I did sessions with muscular women, I would fight back a little. To make them prove their strength, and to feel it. Psychologically I'm dominant, so I don't roll over and submit so easily haha.

Yea but you where up against a woman who is probably stronger than you anyway so in that case i would struggle too to get her to use more force.

May 16, 2022 - permalink

I am a big guy like 6 foot 200 pounds, been lifting heavy for years. Have always been the big muscular at my gym. This fbb pro showed up, she was probably like 5-6 and took off her pump cover. Her back and shoulders were way broader than mine, her arms were absolutely ripped and way bigger than mine. I was doing triceps extensions and she walled by just carrying weights and her arms were way bigger and more defined than mine flexing on the extension. I hopped on the treadmill to try to burn off some calories and she started doing a full flex routine for her friend who arrived, she just looked so much bigger and more ripped than I could ever dream of. She made everyone look fat or scrawny.

Any idea who she was?

May 16, 2022 - permalink

Hey guys today i finally saw a muscular woman irl...

@yotv How did it make you feel? I think you might remember that sight for a long time. ;)

May 17, 2022 - permalink

@yotv How did it make you feel? I think you might remember that sight for a long time. ;)

It was a big surprise it took my brain a few seconds to realise i was looking at someone i have always fantasized about

i tried to look to see her body but she was running fast and i don't want to appear creepy so i tried not to staré it all happened in a few seconds before she was too far i got a warm feeling of arrousal

But i tried to control myself since i was in public i did not want to have a erection who knows what would have happened if she was slower and i got to look at her for a minute

It would be nice but very uncomfortable in that place i returned home i was planning to walk longer but i wanted some privacy

May 19, 2022 - permalink

I know exactly how you felt after your description! And I've experienced the same emotions myself. Thank you for sharing!

May 20, 2022 - permalink

Thought I'd share my first interaction here.

I enjoy working out before heading to work because it's always quiet. There were only a couple of people and I was going about my own workout. Saw a girl doing hammer curls, she looked like she had a bit of mass but was not shredded at all and nothing "special", so I didn't pay any attention to her.

Once I was finishing my workout, I heard a voice calling me over if I could help spot. It was that girl wanting to put out some last sets on the seated bicep curl machine. Of course I didn't hesitate.

She was performing her reps with such effort that veins suddenly started appearing on her biceps while she was going till failure. I helped her with about three sets - but man - she looked captivating. Afterwards I complimented her on her effort and she smiled and we both went about our day.

It's not much, but man, it was a nice encounter. Guess I'll see her more often since it's usually a select type of people who go to the gym in the mornings.

May 21, 2022 - permalink

Yesterday at work this lady came in (who appeared to be in her mid 60s) who I'm pretty sure had lipodystrophy or some condition related to it. IIRC she had on shorts and the main thing that stood out to me was this woman's insanely muscular calves! Guys, believe me when I say there are pro level bodybuilders that would be jealous of this woman's calf development. And to make matters even crazier, she had protruding veins coursing all over them as if she had just finished blasting some donkey calf raises. It was un-friggin believable!!! I didn't try to stare too hard (I work inside of a food court where there were a lot of people around me) but I got a few good looks in here and there. She even had vascularity in her arms as well. The thing that's so bizarre about people with lipodystrophy is the dichotomy between how fat is deposited in certain areas of the body and how muscular development naturally shows on the body. This woman looked like someone who did and didn't workout at the same time. So interesting how the human body can be.

Throughout the years we've seen amazing examples of how bodybuilders with that assumed condition (Karla Nelsen, Amy Luu, Yvonne McCoy etc.) can develop muscle but when you see someone who may not be a bodybuilder with that condition, it takes you aback a bit and makes you wonder how someone can have such insane muscular development without even touching weights.

May 31, 2022 - permalink

Just today I was at work out in the parking lot and saw a huge woman jogging but I didn't see her until she was already passed. I saw the back of her and she was jacked with long wavy hair. I couldn't believe it. I was hoping she would've jogged back but it never happened.

May 31, 2022 - permalink

I was in New Orleans recently when BAM, random muscle woman walking down Magazine Street. It wasn't Tazzie Colomb or Megan Abshire either; this one was blonde. Something really cool about bumping into a random, unknown jacked girl in a place not at all known for its bodybuilding culture.

May 31, 2022 - permalink

Just today I was at work out in the parking lot and saw a huge woman jogging but I didn't see her until she was already passed. I saw the back of her and she was jacked with long wavy hair. I couldn't believe it. I was hoping she would've jogged back but it never happened.

Too bad you missed the opportunity to see her coming. I saw one of those jacked, smoking from the back muscle women on the street a few years back... then she turned around and revealed she was sporting a full beard...

May 31, 2022 - edited May 31, 2022 - permalink

Saw a top level FBB (looked extreme muscular and shredded) 2 years ago on holidays in a mall. Im standing outside a shop ( where my girl was shopping) and just looked around. Had the chance to watch this girl walking down all the way the mall. Absolute great body except her butt. was way to small and tiny...like them a bit rounder....allover was a great sighting but nothing i was thinking about many days after that..

sightings who get me stunned was one a month ago and one 2 days ago

  1. a co-worker i work together since maybe 10 years was having fun chat with some other girls..someone said something about muscles...and she suddenly raised up her sleeve and flexed her biceps.... i watched this and was shocked at the moment....she flexed a biceps that is unreal...believe me...i know shes not a BB..i know shes into sports but most running and biking etc. she flexed a biceps so big and hard and defined....i stood with open mouth and was freezed inside me.... since than i think about her guns eyery day and stroke to her...have to ask her someday if she would flex for me..maybe to touch her biceps onetime...but i dont have the guts yet to ask her....you know we work together every day... im kind of her boss on our working space... she would realize imediatly that im into muscle if i would ask her...and that i dont want...because if she would just flex for me i would get into worship mode at the moment....have to be cool at work you know..

  2. was fulling gas on my car on a highway gas station... a car passed by real slow because of less space... a guy driving and a girl besides.... i looked at her and saw a upper body full of muscle....kind of thickness...not shredded...but you see when a girl is working out to build muscle.... i was in awe..... she just wore some little shirt with neckholder....they parked the car... i watched her gettin out of the car....she did but unfortunate she put on a sweater because was cold outside....looked at her walking the shop....had leggings on... i saw real powerful and strong legs....that girl was absolute awesome....the kind of GND building her body 4 times a week...was so great to see her...

Jun 02, 2022 - permalink

I’ll share my story. Just moved to a new place and decided to visit my local supplement shop. The manager of the one close to my previous place was a woman who clearly worked out, but was just mildly muscular.

But as soon as I got to this new place boy oh boy, the woman working behind the counter had the most impressive body I’ve seen in person, I’m talking about figure stepping into physique size . Pumpkin size shoulders, massive biceps, huge beasts, overall tight skin and very defined abs. How did I saw the abs? Because she was only wearing leggings and a sports bra.

When she asked “can I help you with anything?” I just froze for a second and said “sorry, you just caught me by surprise, you have one of the most impressive bodies I’ve seen”. She flirtatiously laugh and said thank you. After that I was able to keep my cool and did my regular shopping. At the end she asked my name, introduced herself and decided to give me a small discount. I’ll definitely will be going back to that store

Jun 02, 2022 - permalink

@Pepepe - wow, you really reacted in a phantastic way to the shock of seeing a woman like that when you don't expect it! I'd be spending a lot of money in that store in the future... ;)

Jun 02, 2022 - permalink

i wouldn't call this an encounter yet because my timing has been off, but playing volleyball over the last two months i've been seeing this girl playing in a casual league and she has wonderful delts and glutes, great v taper and quads. looks like a figure competitor. unfortunately she's been showing up when i'm in the middle of games and when i'm not playing she's been in games, and all 3x i've seen her she's left with people while I was playing. hopefully i can maybe jump into a team i know there play against her or something so i can have an excuse to talk to her

Jun 02, 2022 - permalink

I’ll share my story. Just moved to a new place and decided to visit my local supplement shop. The manager of the one close to my previous place was a woman who clearly worked out, but was just mildly muscular.

But as soon as I got to this new place boy oh boy, the woman working behind the counter had the most impressive body I’ve seen in person, I’m talking about figure stepping into physique size . Pumpkin size shoulders, massive biceps, huge beasts, overall tight skin and very defined abs. How did I saw the abs? Because she was only wearing leggings and a sports bra.

When she asked “can I help you with anything?” I just froze for a second and said “sorry, you just caught me by surprise, you have one of the most impressive bodies I’ve seen”. She flirtatiously laugh and said thank you. After that I was able to keep my cool and did my regular shopping. At the end she asked my name, introduced herself and decided to give me a small discount. I’ll definitely will be going back to that store

Ya dude! Go back there a few times, get to know her and try to get that number eventually

Jun 03, 2022 - permalink

Finally saw one close up. I had a training session at my local gym. Most people are out of shape, some of the guys are in shape, and there’s actually plenty of girls that lift heavy weights but none of them have a low enough BF % to look any different. Not today, though. Good lord, this girl was very distracting for both me and my trainer. She was maybe 20, thin but had boulder shoulders, shredded abs, and her legs were nothing but muscle. Noticed a big vein coming from her delt and down her bicep. Funny thing is she’d go between wearing a sweatshirt and not — with the sweatshirt on you’d have no idea how shredded she was.

Jun 09, 2022 - permalink

Seen a few in my city- Alicia Bell, Mindi O'Brien and Fabiola Boulanger, and a handful of unknowns out and about. Toronto is a pretty great city in the summertime for this sort of thing. Had some experiences seeing muscular women in Los Angeles as well, all unknowns except seeing Denise Masino one time.

Overall they're definitely becoming less of a rarity these days.

Jun 09, 2022 - permalink

Seen a few in my city- Alicia Bell, Mindi O'Brien and Fabiola Boulanger, and a handful of unknowns out and about. Toronto is a pretty great city in the summertime for this sort of thing. Had some experiences seeing muscular women in Los Angeles as well, all unknowns except seeing Denise Masino one time.

Overall they're definitely becoming less of a rarity these days.

Opposite for me

Saw Alicia a few times. And Eleonora once. But that's it, other than the random fit girl.

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