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Women you haven't seen anything from in a long time

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Mar 08, 2022 - permalink

Whatever happened to Gina Farsworth?

Mar 08, 2022 - permalink

Whatever happened to Gina Farsworth?

I can answer this!

She and her then husband Derik Farnsworth divorced. She remarried, focuses most of efforts in animal rescue, and from what it looks like has completely left bodybuilding in the past. In her Facebook page, under her interests, she doesn’t list anything about fitness or bodybuilding.

Mar 08, 2022 - edited Mar 08, 2022 - permalink
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Mar 08, 2022 - permalink

Catherine Holland is one I wish was still competing. She got married about a decade ago and left the bodybuilding scene.

Mar 08, 2022 - permalink

Catherine Holland is one I wish was still competing. She got married about a decade ago and left the bodybuilding scene.

She still looks good and you can tell she still lifts, but obviously she quit the PEDs.

Mar 08, 2022 - permalink

Christine. Roth

Mar 08, 2022 - permalink

I think April Rincones is one we can all agree that she suddenly disappeared and that we'd love to see some recent pictures

Mar 08, 2022 - permalink

Before sites like Instagram became the de-facto place for bodybuilders and fitness athletes to show off, there was Bodyspace from Bodybuilding.com. This woman, Laura Gordon aka ChickenTuna, was I believe the most-followed female bodybuilder, and was active for decades.

Her last Instagram post was back in 2018, and that’s it. Dropped off the face of the earth. All her profiles are still up, but she hasn’t had any activity since then.

Mar 09, 2022 - edited Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

I always wants to know what happened with Georgina McConnell. She was named one of the most youngest promises in bodybuilding, but just there is a few pictures of her.

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

I always wants to know what happened with Georgina McConnell. She was named one of the most youngest promises in bodybuilding, but just there is a few pictures of her.

she started dating a guy that didn't like her muscles, is what i heard, and she also didn't like most of the atten tion she got. IMO shen't conventionally pretty which hurt the whole look since she wasn't very feminine looking. so she quit

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

> Cat Dupuis > > She disappeared from social media during COVID-19. > No idea what happened to her

Cat Dupuis IG

Thanks, I already have her ig. it's just lack of updates. If she is doing bb or not

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

Renata Benigno, one of my favorites. Unfortunately I have not news from her for a long time. https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/605160/

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

Gina Felice Aversa

And please stop adding "disappeared around covid." That's not an explanation. As far as I know covid symptoms don't include aversion to social media.

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by iluvfbbs
Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

What happened to Emily Ingram? She was extremely active on social media until a sudden unannounced stop. It's been years, and she was so stunning!! Also Taylor Stein, completely disappeared.

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

And please stop adding "disappeared around covid." That's not an explanation. As far as I know covid symptoms don't include aversion to social media.

Well if that’s all they have to go on, it’s better than nothing. COVID was hard for most people, bodybuilders included.

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

What happened to Fawnia Mondey?

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

What happened to Fawnia Mondey?

She is a pole dancing instructor in Vegas

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

What happened to Emily Ingram? She was extremely active on social media until a sudden unannounced stop. It's been years, and she was so stunning!! Also Taylor Stein, completely disappeared.

Already have the explanation for Taylor.

Emily most likely started to focus on her family instead of social media. She had 2 or 3 kids I believe. I don’t know any details. But similarly Jennie Gray also made an about face. Stopped focusing on bodybuilding. Her husband had a serious heart attack and j wonder if it made her reposition her priorities. I had a little evidence that prior to that point she was uh looking for attention elsewhere and then the heart attack happened and that’s about when her postings died down

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

I think the dude dumped her when she was at her biggest, and that sent her into a downward cut-out-all-muscle spiral. She’s long gone

she started dating a guy that didn't like her muscles, is what i heard, and she also didn't like most of the atten tion she got. IMO shen't conventionally pretty which hurt the whole look since she wasn't very feminine looking. so she quit

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

She is a pole dancing instructor in Vegas

Has she quit making muscle content?

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

Colette Nelson?

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

It seems some of the girls quit for what you guys call “too much attention” and a lot of you guys seem to know a lot of gossip about the girls in question. I’ve never reached out to a FBB (except sessions and cam) because that would just be another horny muscle fan desperate for attention from a muscle girl. I recon this is what most of you guys think, but am I naive here!? Is this a problem for these girls that thousands of dudes try to get a date or just chat!? I thought it would just be 10-20 stupid sobs who did this, but then again that would not be “too much attention”.

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

It seems some of the girls quit for what you guys call “too much attention” and a lot of you guys seem to know a lot of gossip about the girls in question. I’ve never reached out to a FBB (except sessions and cam) because that would just be another horny muscle fan desperate for attention from a muscle girl. I recon this is what most of you guys think, but am I naive here!? Is this a problem for these girls that thousands of dudes try to get a date or just chat!? I thought it would just be 10-20 stupid sobs who did this, but then again that would not be “too much attention”.

Yes. However many men you think hit up muscular women? The real answer is it’s a LOT more.

We are in the minority when it comes to being attracted to buff women, as compared to guys who like other types. However, even with being in the minority there are still a lot of guys out there who do. I know quite a few muscular women through CrossFit, and a few in powerlifting and bodybuilding, and the ones who have shown me their inboxes tells me that there are a ton of weird and creepy dudes out there. And these are women who don’t have a super-high following. I can only imagine the messages that a woman with 100K + followers get.

With some of those comments and messages, it doesn’t surprise me that they step away from social media and “the life.” They made me feel uncomfortable and creeped out, and I wasn’t the target of those messages!

Mar 09, 2022 - permalink

gina davis sarah hayes jill mills cathy lefrancois debbie bramwell

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