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Models you would like to be back on this site?

Aug 08, 2021 - permalink

@Kubrickfan1001 Give some examples, or you're just talking out of your ass. I seriously doubt "half the images" on this site are morphed.

He said half the images were "doctored," not morphed.

I don't see why things cannot be tagged as "morphed." Keep those images off the home screen, but if someone searches for the tag, bam.

Aug 08, 2021 - permalink

He said half the images were "doctored," not morphed.

I quote:

When she was removed I couldn't help but notice all the other physique morphs that stayed up. No fair.


I don't see why things cannot be tagged as "morphed."

Because this isn't a site for morphs. They can go on DeviantArt or something.

Aug 08, 2021 - permalink

They can even go in the Fantasy section of the forum.

Aug 09, 2021 - permalink

I quote:


Because this isn't a site for morphs. They can go on DeviantArt or something.

Pretty incompetent. You're quoting the wrong the line. This is elementary: "Im not for morphs but if we removed all the doctored images this site would lose half its images."

The problem with the forum is that it's never going to be as systematic and well-organized.

Aug 09, 2021 - permalink

It's a pity you can't read, or you would realize the line I quoted provides context for the other one.

Aug 09, 2021 - permalink

Weak. Maybe it's your nature to go with the least charitable interpretation of an argument, especially on a forum inhabited by people who do not speak English as their first language. It's charming you don't think I can read; maybe you can talk more about talking out of one's ass.

Aug 09, 2021 - permalink

I would make the distinction that doctored images are more like heavily airbrushed images (or Dan Ray photos that have some color manipulation), or a lot of the filtered images that you can get off of social media.

Shops are anything worse. Shrinking your head to make your upper body seem larger is absolutely a morph. This site isn’t about fantasizing, it’s about appreciating reality. It’s ok to fantasize about unrealistic things but please understand the difference.

Aug 09, 2021 - permalink

Woah, ok. Allow me to reel in my exaggeration. It's not half the images, just some. The morphed images i saw after Yuan Herong got pulled down were mostly Krishna Santos, and she's been pulled down too so that's fair i guess, im just sad to see them go. By doctored i meant everything from face-tuning to color adjustment. Contrast ramping to add more definition. That sort of thing.

Im for these fringe things to have tags, such as Morph and Implants. But the site is great as it is. Good job moderaters.

As someone asked for an example. Here's one that im pretty sure isn't a morph, but even if it was, i could hardly tell with the background blurred. https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/1378796/

I just think the line between face-tuning and head shrinking is pretty close. Sorry just an opinion.

Aug 09, 2021 - permalink

Yeah there was a discussion about Krisha--

The one you posted is fine I think since it's just kind of a generic background blur. Santos had some weird lines and it was genuinely difficult to say either way, and of course they were pulled directly from her media.

All of this isn't to say that people are posting morphs or alterations on purpose, but it does suck that some women are deliberately doing editing work like that prior to posting themselves (and sometimes making business of of it).

Karina Nicoldine is another one I'm keeping an eye on. She has a perfectly good body but has posted, herself, at least a few of obviously photoshopped abs to her profile, which is sad, IMO

Aug 10, 2021 - permalink

Blurring is likely for privacy reasons.

Aug 14, 2021 - permalink

Slightly off-topic so I apologise in advance but it looks like most of Karina Chaves' pictures have been removed because most of the pictures are from when she was underage. Is that a general rule on this website? I could swear there are plenty of images of underage girls that haven't been removed, but I'm unsure

Aug 14, 2021 - permalink

Slightly off-topic so I apologise in advance but it looks like most of Karina Chaves' pictures have been removed because most of the pictures are from when she was underage. Is that a general rule on this website? I could swear there are plenty of images of underage girls that haven't been removed, but I'm unsure

Yes, we do not want minors on this site. If you know of any, please report them to us.

Aug 16, 2021 - edited Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

Cheyenne Tinnell is one I just found out about who unfortunately seems to have requested removal pretty recently, she has some really nice stuff if you like lean muscularity and veins.

She mostly posts on TikTok, @cheyennetinnell

She also has an Instagram, @chenaynaay

The back biceps shot she posted a few days ago on Tiktok looks particularly compact and rock-like.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

Cheyenne Tinnell is one I just found out about who unfortunately seems to have requested removal pretty recently, she has some really nice stuff if you like lean muscularity and veins.

She mostly posts on TikTok, @cheyennetinnell

She also has an Instagram, @chenaynaay

The back biceps shot she posted a few days ago on Tiktok looks particularly compact and rock-like.

wonder if it has anything to do with her thinking about making an OF. but there are a couple of girls i follow who have IRL friends who frequently comment on the number of "bots" that flock to new flex posts. i know its some of y'all lmao and others not registered here so she (Cheyenne) might not want the extra traffic to her personal pages. idk. but i did buy some videos from her and she looks fantastic, spectacular bicep shape and hardness.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

@fp909 Wait, you're saying Cheyenne Tinnell sells longer videos, or are you referring to someone else?

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

It may sound strange, some women are more open in HBC, onlyfans, YouTube, TikTok.

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Aug 16, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

I’ll just DM my answers lmao

Aug 16, 2021 - permalink

I’ll just DM my answers lmao

lol I was joking but yeah you never know either, better to be safe

Aug 30, 2021 - permalink

Would love to have Manon Verge here. She's a science teacher and avid outdoorswoman. Emma Pavely from the UK is another.

Aug 30, 2021 - permalink

I wish Zoey D'antonio was back on this site

Aug 31, 2021 - edited Aug 31, 2021 by chipperpip - permalink

[Removed- offtopic to the thread]

Aug 31, 2021 - permalink

Tanya Hyde. She seemed to love publicity before, but now seems to avoid it. One of the most beautiful women to ever take up bodybuilding.

Aug 31, 2021 - permalink

IIRC she kind of went off the deep end

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