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Complaints that girls make about muscle pics share

Jul 10, 2021 - permalink

Agreed. There's nothing inherently sexual about the images on this site.

Also agree.

There's nothing on this site that they didn't post themselves as well. Any copyrighted material is removed as soon as an admin see's it. And in some way this is the same as wearing a low riding top and then getting mad that people stare.

In my opinion just because a woman gets mad at this site, doesn't mean that someone on this site did anything wrong.

Jul 10, 2021 - permalink

The problem is there are several users here who treat this as a porn site, and so they talk about these women as if they are pornstars. And so you get sexually explicit comments about their boners or about what they'd do to them in bed. We're constantly having to delete comments like this and it's a shame because I don't understand how anyone can have an overwhelming desire to let everyone know about their hard-on. So much that they would risk getting banned for it.

> Do you guys feel you are 'creepy' like that, lol? Is there anyone wrong in this situation?

It's up to you guys. You already know how they feel. Perhaps a degree of responsibility falls upon us to make sure we're not coming off as creeps to them?

One example I've seen on this site that IS creepy... the posts of "BOIIING" ...etc...

Jul 10, 2021 - permalink

Are you really all so naive to think that some of the pics and photo shoots a lot these women do and post pics from are just meant to garner a reaction of “ hey, looking great, Keep up the good work”? SMH 🤦‍♂️

Jul 10, 2021 - permalink

Are you really all so naive to think that some of the pics and photo shoots a lot these women do and post pics from are just meant to garner a reaction of “ hey, looking great, Keep up the good work”? SMH 🤦‍♂️

If you bothered to read the thread you would have seen that some of the discussion and points made are actually flirting with metaphysics here.

Jul 11, 2021 - permalink

Maybe I shouldn’t have said ALL SO NAIVE, but you were smart enough to say Some meaning, I guess, some are not.

SMMFH 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Jul 11, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by Chainer
Jul 26, 2021 - edited Jul 26, 2021 - permalink

Interesting topic. I have been guilty of leaving some comments that were perhaps unwanted, that I would not leave on Instagram, because that is their account and they can see it. Most of the accounts here are not like that. T

On the other hand, if a woman who is pictured on this site does not want to be here, she can request not to be here and will be taken off. Some fairly prominent FBBs fall into that category.

Some, in fact many, of the women on this site sexualize themselves. I think when they have done that, there is a tacit understanding that they want the objectification, and indeed make money off it from hits on their other social media sites.

On the other hand, there are many who are merely interested in building their bodies. A perceptive user of this site knows that and adjusts their comments to match.

Knowing that some of the models/FBBs come on the site and look at the comments is somewhat chastening. I may adjust my future comments with that knowledge. Many of you out there are probably in the same boat. Even though she did not bash the users of this site, Hanner's comments hit home.

I know that it is natural for us to sexualize these attractive women, but I wish people would all remember to comment in a way that, if you were the woman in the picture, or the woman's boyfriend/husband/girlfriend, you would not find offensive and disgusting or creepy. For instance, how would you like to be Sherri Smith's husband and see the comments like, "she could crush him" and "we know who wears the pants in the family." It is obvious to anyone who looks at her pictures that she is a bodybuilder and takes care of herself and also that she has a loving family. To say that kind of stuff is obnoxious and rude and threatens to drive her and anyone like her off this site.

Just be smart, and imagine you are the significant other of the person you are commenting about. That is probably the best policy.

Aug 05, 2021 - permalink

What do you guys think about girls complaining on the fact that her photos are being shared on websites like GwM?

I saw 'deadleii' recently doing this somewhere, saying her pics were being sexualized here without her consent and that the act itself was disgusting. 'Hanner' did this too. She even recorded a video on her youtube page saying how 'creepy' this community (and the hole idea) was.

Do you guys feel you are 'creepy' like that, lol? Is there anyone wrong in this situation?

I think people have a right to feel however they want, but if you're a Youtube/Twitch celeb and making s 6 figure salary looking pretty then you don't get to whine about being "sexualized" IMO. You can't have it both ways. You put yourself in the public domain deliberately marketing your sex appeal.

As far as understanding why they might think this community is weird, I get that. Our fetish is a little outside the lines. It's not as ultra-common and ordinary as say, a foot fetish. But I think a lot of the "weird" comes not from the nature of our fetish but the way some members act. The guys who go onto every girls page and make moronic comments, like "Can you lift a car???" or "cool biceps!". That shit doesn't sound normal. It's weird and fuckin creepy. If you can't act normal or you're not sure if you can, just don't comment to these girls.

Aug 05, 2021 - permalink

"cool biceps!"

...but that sounds benign?

Aug 05, 2021 - permalink

So a muscular woman flexes her biceps on Instagram and someone who posts "cool biceps" is weird and "fuckin creepy"? If you can't differentiate between a normal comment and "fuckin creepy", maybe it's you who should think twice about commenting.

And who made you their spokesman?

Aug 05, 2021 - permalink

I almost never see negative responses to "cool biceps" or similar complements. I've left a lot of them, and I've never had someone tell me to lay off (or block me).

The "fuckin creepy" stuff is where they ask to arm wrestle, or lift things, or do x with a man, or step on x. Especially if they're coming from a) blank profiles or b) private profiles in which case they start blasting off to those people's wives if they can find them, or post publicly about the account and how it tries to get around the fetish, especially if they're sliding in dms.

I think we'd be in a lot better shape as a whole if those people, the "boings" of the sphere, just didn't. Showing appreciation for their work is VERY different from looking to exploit those things.

Aug 06, 2021 - edited Aug 06, 2021 - permalink

I think people have a right to feel however they want, but if you're a Youtube/Twitch celeb and making s 6 figure salary looking pretty then you don't get to whine about being "sexualized" IMO. You can't have it both ways. You put yourself in the public domain deliberately marketing your sex appeal.

As far as understanding why they might think this community is weird, I get that. Our fetish is a little outside the lines. It's not as ultra-common and ordinary as say, a foot fetish. But I think a lot of the "weird" comes not from the nature of our fetish but the way some members act. The guys who go onto every girls page and make moronic comments, like "Can you lift a car???" or "cool biceps!". That shit doesn't sound normal. It's weird and fuckin creepy. If you can't act normal or you're not sure if you can, just don't comment to these girls.

Thats how I see too. Not most, but a few sometimes comment in a way that could make some girls uncomfortable. But again, I think there is a kind of girl like deadleii, who(apparently) does not make any money flexing, that can fell more unconfortable than others.

Aug 06, 2021 - permalink

I almost never see negative responses to "cool biceps" or similar complements. I've left a lot of them, and I've never had someone tell me to lay off (or block me).

The "fuckin creepy" stuff is where they ask to arm wrestle, or lift things, or do x with a man, or step on x. Especially if they're coming from a) blank profiles or b) private profiles in which case they start blasting off to those people's wives if they can find them, or post publicly about the account and how it tries to get around the fetish, especially if they're sliding in dms.

I think we'd be in a lot better shape as a whole if those people, the "boings" of the sphere, just didn't. Showing appreciation for their work is VERY different from looking to exploit those things.


Aug 06, 2021 - permalink

"Cool biceps" is innocuous. Here's a creepy comment: "Do you do sessions?" Muscle worship requests are similarly weird.

Aug 07, 2021 - permalink

So, I'm into muscle girls as much as anyone. I'm on this site and instagram a few times a day. It's absolutely a sexual thing for me, as I suspect it is for all of you guys too.

But it's worth appreciating that this pursuit is not necessarily sexual for the girls who do it. They consider themselves athletes, and rightly so. Doing photoshoots, flexing, looking good when nearly naked... that's part of the deal with them, but its not necessarily just to be a thirst trap for guys.

I mean, it is for some of them. Brandi Mae for sure. And Sheena Wrestler. And I'd say any girls that have a sexually explicit Onlyfans page. Sure... commenting something like "I want you to step on me," is going to be fine. Being that fantasy figure is kind of their job.

But a lot of these girls are just into fitness and enjoy the culture. They're proud of their bodies, and I'm sure they like being told that they're beautiful and strong. I think many of us make the mistake that (1) because some muscle girls are selling sex then ALL of them are or (2) they are building their muscles just to please us thirsty guys. And neither are true.

It's pretty easy not to be gross or insulting.

Aug 07, 2021 - edited Aug 07, 2021 - permalink

Yeah, you gotta read the room with these kinda things. Some women will appreciate comments that others may find creepy. Obviously some stuff is never acceptable and that’s where it really can get creepy, but any respectful person will know that and avoid such comments. As the guy above said, It's pretty easy not to be gross or insulting.

Aug 07, 2021 - permalink

It's pretty easy not to be gross or insulting.

And this is pretty much the bottom line, but there are always going to be users who think the Internet is the Wild West and they should be able to say or do anything and screw anyone who might be offended. Some of the more sexual comments have come across as weird or disgusting, while some will make the meanest comment you can imagine directed at the woman in the image. Something like "no man in his right mind would ever want this nasty hag." Sometimes I think these are troll comments but, all the same, people shouldn't be saying these things. There's a part of these peoples' brains that just makes it so they have to leave such comments.

And it has been mentioned how some of these women are in fact porn stars. That still doesn't mean this becomes a suitable place to leave sexual comments. The images featured here are PG/PG-13 and are grouped together with all the other women who aren't doing porn. So yes if users would like to talk dirty to her or about her, they should just go to her OF or cam chatroom instead.

Aug 07, 2021 - permalink

But a lot of these girls are just into fitness and enjoy the culture. They're proud of their bodies, and I'm sure they like being told that they're beautiful and strong. I think many of us make the mistake that (1) because some muscle girls are selling sex then ALL of them are or (2) they are building their muscles just to please us thirsty guys. And neither are true.

It's pretty easy not to be gross or insulting.<

The other factor is, not only are most of them NOT doing it for sexual attention, many of them do not even know they have pages on this site. Imagine finding out you do, coming on this site, and finding highly sexualized comments. ...

I'm surely guilty of it in the past, but reading this thread and thinking about it has made me more empathetic.

Aug 07, 2021 - edited Aug 07, 2021 - permalink

The other factor is, not only are most of them NOT doing it for sexual attention, many of them do not even know they have pages on this site. Imagine finding out you do, coming on this site, and finding highly sexualized comments. I'm surely guilty of it in the past, but reading this thread and thinking about it has made me more empathetic

Pretty sure this was the case of deadleii and hanner since the very beginning. And this is bad because girls like them stot posting muscle pics after that...

Aug 07, 2021 - permalink

This thread's title still hurts my brain.

Aug 07, 2021 - permalink

This thread's title still hurts my brain. Do what I do. Just look away.

Aug 07, 2021 - permalink


But a lot of these girls are just into fitness and enjoy the culture. They're proud of their bodies, and I'm sure they like being told that they're beautiful and strong. I think many of us make the mistake that (1) because some muscle girls are selling sex then ALL of them are or (2) they are building their muscles just to please us thirsty guys. And neither are true.

It's pretty easy not to be gross or insulting.

This was very well written and I think sums up the situation for a lot of girls.

I would add that many women probably underestimate the dynamics and effects of social media. Bottom line: they are living life, having fun doing what they’re doing, and do not expect to be painted with the same brush as the minority of girls who are living “the muscle life“ on social media for sexual attention or some concept of fame.

Aug 30, 2021 - permalink

Some ladies have set limited comments to followers only and limit tagging on IG.

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