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Girls that were going to be great but QUIT!

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May 06, 2021 - permalink

Does anyone here remebers Alexis Long, aka Bulk Princess? She was cute and adorablem but since 2 years ago she start as a "webcam girl" and left Fut world...

May 07, 2021 - permalink

Amanda Ballengee. Got hooked up with some apple juice by her boyfirend, had her traps and delts explode as a result, hopped off, and went back to being a normal skinny girl.

May 07, 2021 - permalink

Skadi Frei is long gone.

May 07, 2021 - permalink

Amanda Ballengee. Got hooked up with some apple juice by her boyfirend, had her traps and delts explode as a result, hopped off, and went back to being a normal skinny girl.

I looked at her Instagram. She still has some solid arms

May 11, 2021 - permalink

Taylor Stein seems to have disappeared

May 11, 2021 - permalink

oo i have some insight here, i spoke to her a few times last year. i'm not sure what she does for business but it involves bulk buying and as things started to pick up she got busier. also with all the unrest last year she was affected. she also did not like the attention she got as a result of her physique.

May 26, 2021 - permalink

I mentioned Melissa Dettwiller and how she is currently battling breast cancer. Here is the link to her gofundme if you want to help https://www.gofundme.com/f/melissa-rands-batt...

May 26, 2021 - permalink

Anyone remember Jennifer Witt (AKA Pixiedust3727)? She was a big deal for like...a year or two then COMPLETELY disappeared off the face of the earth. I hope she's ok

She had a really bad stalker and had to get a restraining order and move to escape them. She understandably scrubbed her presence from the internet and goes by a different surname now. The important thing is that she's a very successful computer scientist these days.

May 26, 2021 - permalink

She had a really bad stalker and had to get a restraining order and move to escape them. She understandably scrubbed her presence from the internet and goes by a different surname now. The important thing is that she's a very successful computer scientist these days.

That's too bad. She was one of the first women that got me into muscle girls when I was a teenager. I had a big crush on her and it's sad to hear she had that happen to her. Glad to hear she's doing well now though

May 26, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by musclegirlsrcool
May 26, 2021 - permalink

I was a friend of hers and she told me about the first part before she deleted her web presence. The second part I stumbled upon on LinkedIn.

May 26, 2021 - permalink

I was a friend of hers and she told me about the first part before she deleted her web presence. The second part I stumbled upon on LinkedIn.

Well, good for her all things considered. It's a pretty big feat to delete your web presence as well as she has. It's almost impossible to find anything of her. I guess she's a REALLY good computer scientist lol.

All jokes aside I do hope she's ok and it sounds like she is

May 26, 2021 - permalink

@fp909 That's so weird. Women hating compliments.

@loozer OK, what? How'd you find that information about her?

Not so much hating complements but not wanting the attention that she got. It was unexpected and as you can imagine there were incredibly weird messages she got. She didn’t mind the compliments at all

May 26, 2021 - permalink

Not so much hating complements but not wanting the attention that she got. It was unexpected and as you can imagine there were incredibly weird messages she got. She didn’t mind the compliments at all

Yes, actually I do remember that she was really nice... Me, as a 12 year old (passing as a 34 y/o man due to using a fake birthdate, otherwise I wouldn't be able to register on YT), told her that she danced very well as a comment on a video, she said "awwwww"... And actually she might have thought that I was 34 instead of a kid (she was 19 back then IIRC, she told that to antother person on comments). So she would have actually thought at least that I was a creep and a weird guy for even complimenting her, if it was liek you said :P

May 27, 2021 - permalink

Some of my female clients quit bodybuilding in general because their boyfriends or husband's demanded it. Probably too embarrassed to be in public with them.

May 27, 2021 - permalink

Some of my female clients quit bodybuilding in general because their boyfriends or husband's demanded it. Probably too embarrassed to be in public with them.

I don't understand that mentality at all. Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to date a bodybuilder, but my dating preference was always athletic women. I was happy to be seen in public with women who were quite muscular.

May 27, 2021 - permalink

Non-married FBB'ers are less likely to quit BB'ing.

May 27, 2021 - permalink

Non-married FBB'ers are less likely to quit BB'ing.

They don't have that pressure of their significant other telling them to quit but bodybuilding in general. Bodybuilding in general especially for a woman is a very lonely life and also very expensive for them.

May 27, 2021 - permalink

You have to understand that there are many people with a codependent nature and they will sacrifice anything from their character or life if they think it might save a relationship. They may truly love the man but how many women have we seen downsize of straight up quit after they start dating or get married, and they split and return to lifting (even if they don’t reach their previous size). or get implants after a long time or saying they wouldn’t get them.

That doesn’t of course count the people included in the above comment who make their own decisions in life and decide to quit for whatever reason.

Jun 06, 2021 - permalink

Wondering if anyone here remembers Ashton Housley. I believe she had some personal issues and became a born again Christian last October. She was a personal favorite and had a lot of potential in figure. She wiped everything from her fitness career off her Instagram and now spends her days evangelizing. Kind of a shame to see that one of the church leaders she associates with posts conspiracy theories about covid...

Jun 06, 2021 - permalink

Anyone remembers Laura Marulanda?

Jun 06, 2021 - permalink

Does anyone know where Alana Shipp is?

Jun 06, 2021 - permalink

Wondering if anyone here remembers Ashton Housley. I believe she had some personal issues and became a born again Christian last October. She was a personal favorite and had a lot of potential in figure. She wiped everything from her fitness career off her Instagram and now spends her days evangelizing. Kind of a shame to see that one of the church leaders she associates with posts conspiracy theories about covid...

I remember her, and I actually find it sad for a couple reasons, and none of them involve her not being into bodybuilding anymore:

She claims that since “finding Jesus” she was able to throw away all her anti-depressants. As someone who struggles with his mental health and takes medication for it, I find it to be quite dangerous. Faith can be a good thing, and can give peace to someone, but it’s not a substitute for actual psychiatric therapy. Same thing with people who claim that when they got into exercise as a “cure” for depression. I’m a very physically active guy, and while it helps with my mental health, again, it’s not a substitute for therapy.

I grew up in a pretty conservative and religious environment, and I saw how damaging extremist views can be. Personally, I think faith, regardless of religion, can be a good thing in moderation. But extreme stances are far from healthy at best and can be extremely damaging at worst.

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