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Real-Life Encounters

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Apr 12, 2021 - edited Jun 10, 2021 by cgsweat - permalink

Even as I grow heartened by all the women building their bodies these days, as seen on this site, I was thinking how seldom I ever see an FBB or really muscular woman in real life.

Has anybody else had a contrary experience?

I mean, if you lived right next door to Gold's Gym I imagine you would see FBB's every day.

But I live in NYC, a world capital populated by some of the most accomplished individuals anywhere, and I very rarely see a really muscular woman.

I think I might have once seen Clare Furr on a subway (I think it was her, but I can't be certain), and another well-known FBB worked out at my NYSC location for a while (I can't remember her name).

Otherwise, though, I might get lucky and see a fitness woman with amazing abs, calves, or thighs once a year.

I wonder if muscular women still have to cover themselves up with bulky clothing to avoid notice and/or negative remarks from close-minded people...

Apr 12, 2021 - permalink

I do crossfit, so seeing muscular women at my gym is a pretty regular thing.

Apr 12, 2021 - permalink

I wonder if muscular women still have to cover themselves up with bulky clothing to avoid notice and/or negative remarks from close-minded people...

I don't know what social circles you run in, but I have not found many muscular females in the upper crust, urban professional castes. Fitting in seems everything to those people, and a girl with muscles is not going to fit in. There is every incentive for a girl to be your stereotypical thin plastic barbie. (I bring this up because you said you are in NYC, and you yourself have said it's known to attract a certain crowd).

I have seen my fair share of fairly muscular women in the gym, public parks, public beaches, amusement parks and summer festivals, and rural social concerns. Places where people can be themselves or are otherwise not concerned with professional status.

Apr 12, 2021 - permalink

I’ve seen plenty of ‘fit girls’, but only one who was bodybuilder-class: Gillian Kovack. She was wearing this top, or one of a similar shade.

I walked past her on a route I used to walk almost every day. It was a singular event, alas.

Apr 12, 2021 - permalink

I’ve seen plenty of ‘fit girls’, but only one who was bodybuilder-class: Gillian Kovack. She was wearing this top, or one of a similar shade.

I walked past her on a route I used to walk almost every day. It was a singular event, alas.

Is it you in the photo?

Apr 12, 2021 - permalink

Is it you in the photo?

No, I just searched the site to see whether there were any pictures of Gillian in a purplish tank-top

Apr 12, 2021 - permalink

It may have been this one instead

Apr 12, 2021 - permalink

I saw several times those two ladies:

Apr 13, 2021 - permalink

Have worked out in the same gym with Maria Flores and Janeen Lankowski. Have also worked out in a hotel gym with Jay Fuchs.

Apr 13, 2021 - permalink
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Apr 13, 2021 - permalink

I agree. For me it's super rare. At my job when I first transferred to a new dept there was nurse that that was very fit and did crossfit. She had huge legs and great arms. Unfortunately she moved away only a few weeks after I got there. Now there's another person I work with that has nice arms, not overly attractive or muscular but great arms. I find myself just staring at them when no one is looking. Just today there was a very muscular woman in the grocery store. I had to try very hard to not just be a creep and follow her around the store. LOL. I feel like if I saw them more often it wouldn't be such a big deal for me.

Apr 13, 2021 - permalink

I was at a sporting event and noticed Cindy Phillips in the crowd. I tried my best not to stare as to appear rude but I couldn't help sneaking glimpses whenever possible.

Apr 13, 2021 - permalink

@HiHat I live in NYC and I see more and more fit and buff women on the streets. These are smart professional or arty types who work out to look good but not compete in the IFBB. Just today I was working out right next to a woman worthy of the GWM site. Blonde muscles wearing a sports bra and yoga pants. Tough to concentrate.

Apr 13, 2021 - permalink

I know I have posted elsewhere on GWM that I once saw Bev Francis walking down Main St in my hometown on Long Island, flanked by two large male bodybuilders. She was just as big! This was back in the early 80's when she was in her prime. She was quite a sight, since no one had ever seen a woman that big back then.

Apr 14, 2021 - permalink

Oh, here's another FBB sighting that I just thought of now. About 20 years ago, I was walking out of a hotel in New Jersey, and this very muscular blonde woman was just walking in. I knew she looked very familiar. I thought about it and eventually remembered that she was an FBB/session wrestler who went by the name of "Storm". She used to have her own message board on the DTV site. I used to know her real name, but I can't remember it now. Old age and senility get the best of me. Anyway, being a nice guy, I held the door for a woman who could probably lift my SUV. :)

Apr 14, 2021 - permalink

For those of you that have seen truly big FBB (serious figure (not natty) and up, how did you handle it? Anytime I've seen even a reasonably muscular woman it completely consumes my attention. It's all I can do not to stare and I'll probably be hard in a nanosecond. I've been fortunate to have plenty of good looking girls and a few fairly buff ones but no seriously big girls. Very rare in Australia except maybe in Sydney where warmer weather and bigger population makes it more likely.

Apr 14, 2021 - permalink

I've seen plenty of fit girls and even a few I would categorize as very muscular, but only one that really strayed into FBB territory. Weirdly it was at an Applebee's. She was with a dude who was absolutely massive, but she was only a tad smaller than him. I didn't find her very attractive other than the just absolute mountain of muscle she carried, though.

Apr 14, 2021 - permalink

For those of you that have seen truly big FBB (serious figure (not natty) and up, how did you handle it? Anytime I've seen even a reasonably muscular woman it completely consumes my attention. It's all I can do not to stare and I'll probably be hard in a nanosecond. I've been fortunate to have plenty of good looking girls and a few fairly buff ones but no seriously big girls. Very rare in Australia except maybe in Sydney where warmer weather and bigger population makes it more likely.

I've talked to all of them though admittedly I haven't exactly been seeking it out lately. I haven't been to the mecca in 6 years. If i'm a guy and know who they are they'll understand I'm a fan, at the least. hopefully not jumping to conclusions tho lol

Apr 14, 2021 - permalink

I used to work right around the corner from Mona Muresan's steakhouse in NYC and I would eat there a lot. She would always be behind the bar and would serve me all the time. I'd see her on the street, too and would always say hello.

Apr 14, 2021 - permalink

I've seen Alicia Bell at a gym i go to a few times. One time she was in contest shape and jfc...those delts were insane in person. Thee other times she was in off season and was seriously like a tank.

Apr 24, 2021 - permalink

There's a slight chance to see an FBB at the gym, sometimes spotted shopping at the wholefood store.

Apr 24, 2021 - edited Oct 12, 2022 - permalink

A long time ago, there was a waitress in my local bar who was VERY muscular -- in a defined, athletic way (rather than bulked-up or pumped-up). She had delicious delts and biceps, and the kind of 'sunken' chest that really flatters developed pecs. One evening, not wishing to seem too schmoey, I asked her, 'Excuse me, but are you a dancer or gymnast?' She told me that she had been a gymnast, but hadn't trained for several years. Then she said, 'But I'm still in shape ... feel my stomach'. Which, of course I did ... it was hard-rubber solid, like a road-ready truck tire ... and then she was called away to serve another customer. Another few seconds and I could've located the corners of her six-pack ... then another waitress came to work there, and she actually WAS a bodybuilder, an all-natural vegetarian who'd entered a contest to prove something to herself rather than to make a career out of it. She had real live biceps and delts and (on the one occasion when she was persuaded to pull up her T-shirt) a KILLAH six-pack. She eventually placed around 7th ... next time I saw her, after the contest, I said, 'Hi there, six-pack', and she replied, 'After the show I had a pizza and three beers and now it's gone again.'

May 06, 2021 - permalink

I've weirdly had a bunch of new interactions lately.

First I joined a gym. Planet Fitness has a reputation for catering to beginners, which is all well and good. I'm a beginner, after all, and it's very affordable and close to home. I certainly didn't expect to see several decently well muscled women in the weight room, but there they were. However, the encounter was with the "trainer" that was working the front desk when I signed up. I was going through the paperwork with the manager, but all I could focus on was how this young woman was just FILLING OUT what should have been a modest t-shirt. Sleeves that should have reached almost to her elbows were stuck up near her shoulders.

Next, I got a new job for a shipping company so my workspace shares a building with a warehouse. First of all, I was surprised at how many of the warehouse workers out on the floor doing the heavy lifting are women. It's certainly at least 50%, but if I had to guess I'd say higher. I haven't been there long but there are a few that have caught my eye.

First is a middle-eastern woman, she covers from ankles to wrists, but because she's working with conveyors, the material can't be loose. Although I can't see skin, it's obvious she is strong with broad shoulders, very thick arms and legs, and a narrow waists and flat stomach to hint that maybe the mass isn't fat.

Next is a pair of young Latina women. I never see them apart, so I don't know if they're family or just very good friends. Anyway, both are strikingly attractive. One is built like a track athlete, with well defined arms and capped shoulders. She's not overly large, but looks extremely hard. Her friend has almost the opposite build. She doesn't look muscular at first glance, actually the first thing to catch my eye was the fact that it looked like she had balloons in her shirt. She doesn't look like she has ever lifted a weight for her upper body, but everything below the waist is insane. Her quads and glutes look like she could squat a semi.

Lastly, and perhaps most interestingly, is a white woman that must be in her 50's. I don't really find her facially attractive and she has a very "mom" or "Karen" vibe, if you know what I mean. Otherwise, though, she clearly has a history with bodybuilding. Every day she wears shorts or yoga pants that only come down to her knees, and along with being huge, her calves are absolutely ripped and a little vascular. Her shirts are always some shade of pink and look like they've been painted onto her. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I stumbled across her on this site with several pages of photos. I don't know her name, however.

May 06, 2021 - permalink

I've weirdly had a bunch of new interactions lately.

First I joined a gym.

Ah, not so weird then is it? :)

The golden rule is that you can't expect them to come to you, you have to go to them. And typically that will be the gym/competitions/expos.

Anyways, thanks for sharing. That is a little surprising when you say "at least 50%" of the women at your shipping job doing the heavy lifting are women. I've been in and out of hundreds of warehouses and shipping facilities and haven't run into one yet where the women are anywhere near that numerous. Your company would certainly be the golden goose egg for any admirer of strong women.

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