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Object breaking

Aug 17, 2012 - permalink
I really dream about such a video, where beautiful strong women break various objects by KICKING. Many muscle girls have karate/TKD background, such as Christine Lydon. And object breaking is mandatory in taekwondo. How I imagine to see her gorgeous legs smashing boards, concrete blocks, jars, old furniture etc etc. And it would be great also to see how she crushes watermelon between her thighs or smashes brick over her knee.

Has anybody such vids?

I also have an idea of women version of "Human Wrecking Balls", where also must perform so muscular girls with martial arts background and show the power of their kicks. Their uniform must be the same, as Chris Lydon on last two photos - showing beautiful muscular body, but also protecting her shins and feet from splinters and glass smithers.
ace of spades
Sep 07, 2012 - permalink
I would be pleased too seeing the actions you describe.
In the meanwhile...i've drawn a couple of concepts  ;)

ace of spades
Sep 09, 2012 - permalink
Forgotten this:


Sep 15, 2012 - permalink
Thank you very much, AceOfSpades, for your interest on my theme :) I am very glad! Especially thanks for drawings! Girl is BEAUTIFUL!!! In my variant, girl smashes the candelier by flip kick.

It must be look like "Human wrecking balls" and also consist of several episodes:

1) Watermelon harvest - girls breaking watermelons. Used butt, leg, knee and elbow drops, ground knees, ground soccer kicks, throwing in air and kicking, smashing over knee, axe kicks, stomping and split chokes. Some of them are hanged in net or placed high for higher kicks and flying knees.

2) Farmer girls in the barn - girls destroying big barn with hay brickets, fuel drums and wheat sacks, crushing them between thighs, by stomping and by axe kicks. Barn would be also destroyed. http://www.g4tv.com/videos/43815/human-wrecking-balls-razing-the-barn/

3) Who said, women's place is in the kitchen? - Girls destroying big kitchen. At first they stretch their legs on the table and kitchen shelves and then destroy it all. They jump on table plate with their glutes and rip it off. Then they use low kicks on table stand. When it falls, they finishes it with axe kicks and knee drops. Fallen table plate is leaned to wall and broken by side kick. Then they break fridge, kicking it's door away and all kitchen shelves by high kicks and flying knees. Stove gets back kick. Chairs can be broken by axe kick or also by smashing over knee. But they is TOUGHER than Pumphreys and so, at sample would not just smash the crockery in shelves, but stand it on the floor at 10 and more plates and then - destroy by axe and stomp kicks. It shows the power of kick very well - when one kick destroys over 10 plates same time it means - really strong kick. Some plates are thrown into air and then - smashed by kicks, other plates - broken over knee. Big vase and trashcan find its death under their thighs. Small cups are crushed between calf and thigh. They would also not rip the shelves from the wall, but kick them down with all the variety of kicks - roundhouse kick, back kick, side kick, flying knee etc. etc. When Pumpreys aim to destroy objects faster, these girls can do it longer but with more acrobatic tricks. It would be as a show - demonstration the power of her gorgeous body, mix of martial arts, bodybuilding and fitness.

4) Beach girls - huge destroying of beachballs and other beach inflatables by kicking and knee dropping them, beach umbrellas (fall by shin kicks and then stomp the rest), beach benches and chairs by axe kicks or kicking boards out of them etc.

5) Fruit shop - girls destroying huge amount of fruits crushing them between thighs, calves, biceps, pecs and (my fav) between thigh and calf, squeezing in hand, stomping, throwing in the air for kicks. Then they break all shelves by their powerful kicks, knees and punches. Even coconuts are crushed.

6) Women are best crockery breakers - this time more amount of crockery and more different ways to destroy it. Girls make a competition - who of them can break more plates same time by stomp, axe kick, elbow, knee and butt drop. Then begin the time for big vases to be crushed between thighs. And for high kicks on plates, standing on high stands. Many big plates are smashed over knees and cups - squeezed between lower leg and thigh. Or also thrown in the air for kicks. I know about shooting flying plates, but these girls can do it without gun. Finally, they destroy table, breaking two its legs by low kicks and inclined table plate - by side flying kicks.

7) Balloon arch destroying. Girls take big balloon arch and destroy it by axe, stomp and soccer kicks, knee and butt drops, ground knees, doing leg split on them, punching them etc. etc. Other balloon arch is posed high for high kicks. Fallen balloons are popped between legs. Finally all the 1000 balloons are popped and girls pose on huge pile of popped balloons.

Girls maybe must also be two, coz some breaking requires double action. It should be blonde and brunette. Sorry, Chris Lydon is now retired, same as Doughdee Marie and many others. Who has ideas, who it may be?

As brunette the best is http://forum.girlswithmuscle.com/index.php?topic=3775.0

I can also say - style of breaking, used by these girls MUST be different from style, used by Br. Pumphrey. It will base not only on brute force, but rather on grace, on smartness and stylishness of their moves. So their breaking techniques include acrobatic elements, such as cartwheel kicks, backflip kicks, flying knees, handstands. They don't have a target to break in fastest time, their target is to show beauty of their powerful bodies, their strength and limber. Every show begins from posing and stretching. They stretch their gorgeous legs on objects, what they would like to break. Then suddenly begin to destroy it all. They do it not with gloomy faces, like Pumphreys, but with joyful smiles and laugh after every successful breaking. Their outfit must show the beauty of their bodies (LEGS MUST BE OPENED) and same time - protect them from debris, smithers and splinters. So they would wear, as Ace of Spades drawn, sport BH and hot pants, but closed shoes or boots. High heels can be used for tearing soft objects, such as sofa or beachball, but can also handicap kicking. So I don't think, they are necessary.
Dec 05, 2013 - permalink
This girl with yahoo ID goldi_loks2002

She does WTF Taekwondo and kick/thai boxing and shows the most powerful flying side kick on poor fridge. I bet, this fridge will be smashed as hit by truck.
Jan 17, 2014 - permalink
if anyone wants to swap cam videos from eg hbc, please write. Smiley
take care everyone
Jan 19, 2014 - permalink
I have to admit this is what I like as well. I have spent many hours to try and find some kind of female destruction vids and pictures. Hard to find.

Blobfish-can you re post those pics of   goldi_loks2002? Do you see the damage she does to the fridge?
Feb 24, 2014 - permalink
I have to admit this is what I like as well. I have spent many hours to try and find some kind of female destruction vids and pictures. Hard to find.

Blobfish-can you re post those pics of   goldi_loks2002? Do you see the damage she does to the fridge?

Here are all the photos of goldi_loks2002 from https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Doris-taekwondo_and_kickboxing_lady. Sorry, no photos of damage.

Here is also a video of a girl, breaking a WALL by kicks


What I really don't like are these baggy pants, they wear. How want I to see them in shorts, miniskirts, etc. Perfect is the outfit, what Lita wears. It show's Lita's beautiful superstrong body and same protects her at breaking hard objects. As you see, Lita has kicked down even heavy metal locker, made out of MUCH thicker steel, than these used for fridges.

Feb 24, 2014 - permalink
Also some female breaking vids

Great Cynthia Rothrock
Kicking everything. Love her splitted jeans shorts. Splits are good to accent her superstrong thighs

Hsia Kwan Lee (breaking of many pots by high kicks)
Since 08:15 and before on 07:40 she also smashes eggs by kicks
Jun 17, 2015 - permalink
Returning to Blobfish's earlier messages.....

Decent crockery clips are few and far between, especially by girls in sexy outfits. So I have had a lot of custom clips made:-

Over the years, around 20 girls have smashed the minimum of a 40-piece dinner set.

I have had several clips made with titles beginning "Many dishes.....". In these clips a girl will stomp her way through 100 plates. One of the most spectacular is "Many dishes by Angela" - it takes her just 50 seconds to smash 100 plates.

Some other clips worth noting:-

"Sexy Fishnet Stomp And Bash" - Vanesa stomps 60 plates then hammers a stack of 60 plates.
"Merry Christmas Vanesa" - Vanesa hammers and stomps 160 plates.
"Vanesa's Extreme Plate Crush" - Vanesa crushes 240 plates.

There are some "Megasmash...." clips where a girl will destroy crockery, balloons, cassettes, VHS tapes, portable CD players, etc.

Jun 18, 2015 - permalink
Returning to Blobfish's earlier messages.....

Decent crockery clips are few and far between, especially by girls in sexy outfits. So I have had a lot of custom clips made:-

Over the years, around 20 girls have smashed the minimum of a 40-piece dinner set.

I have had several clips made with titles beginning "Many dishes.....". In these clips a girl will stomp her way through 100 plates. One of the most spectacular is "Many dishes by Angela" - it takes her just 50 seconds to smash 100 plates.

Some other clips worth noting:-

"Sexy Fishnet Stomp And Bash" - Vanesa stomps 60 plates then hammers a stack of 60 plates.
"Merry Christmas Vanesa" - Vanesa hammers and stomps 160 plates.
"Vanesa's Extreme Plate Crush" - Vanesa crushes 240 plates.

There are some "Megasmash...." clips where a girl will destroy crockery, balloons, cassettes, VHS tapes, portable CD players, etc.

No, it's NOT what I like. Girl must have very strong legs and be a martial art master. And these "Latina crush goddesses" have same relation to martial arts, as I to nuclear physics.

Here are some samples what I would like

This girl smashes clay pots with her kicks and knees.

Lots of pots, boards, bricks etc breaking.





If they only would wear tight shorts or bathing suits...
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