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Personal Experience

Apr 10, 2014 - permalink
Well my experience encountering female bodybuilders or muscle women has been all but bitter sweet, and causal non the less. You might wondering what I'm talking about or what I'm trying to say. For many years my curiosity with female muscle never left the border lines of my computer screen. It all started when I was sixteen and discover the original get buff.com site. It was there I discovers all the big name bodybuilders and have we all know and love, and still love them to this day. I discovered I liked them when I was 12 and got my first erection from a picture of She Hulk. But like I said before it never left the border of my imagination, however I would ask girls at school to flex and wasn't met with any hostility. It was rare I had ever seen a muscle girl out the real world and it came up only a few times in my youth such as a girl who could lift 50ib dumbells in my high school weight lifting class, and girl I knew in my HS school math class that was a gymnast and had defined biceps. I asked to arm wrestle her but she decline before for fear she would embarrass me. When it reality I wouldn't be embarrassed at all. Which is what all of these woman fear that I'd embarrass them or hurt my feeling. Little alone arm wrestling they won't admit they have bigger biceps or are stronger then me.
I keep asking my self everyday what kind of closure I'm I looking for. Is my attraction to these women any different to the way women are attracted to make muscle.

I finally attended my first BB show three years ago. It had been rare I seen these women in flesh from school, work or in public. So I had longed to see them up close for a long time.
I met a nice one at a booth called All Done, at the Washington State Iron Man. She let me feel her bicep and didn't have a problem with it. However I met Amber Jacobs at another booth at that's where things got bitter sweet. I couldn't help since this was my first time seeing this up close to be in awe at her arms and that was a huge mistake. Also my other mistake was taking a photo of her and asking her to flex she got weirded out by it even through she's been on her biceps before.

She blocked me from her Face Book. A little harsh I thought.

My second show was the WA state Emerald Cup and that's where things got real bitter sweet and I started to question if what I was doing was wrong if should questioned it before that is.
I mean I don't go to these shows looking for sex or anything. I just wana meet them talk to them get some pics and that's it. But some have questioned my actions.
I became a huge fan of a bodybuilder from my state named Tarna Alderman I sat next to her husband at the show. I even asked him of it was ok to take pics of her and he said yes.
However Tarna later unfriended me on Face Book. It hard for a BB which I'm such a huge fan of to give me such bitter sweetness. It was the same when I at last years show as well.

So my overall question is have any of you experienced anything similar and is the only way I can admire these women from a distance.
Apr 12, 2014 - permalink
Hey, I read your post and have a few questions for you.

First off, what is it that you're trying to get out of going to one of these shows? More generally, what is your overall goal with respect to muscular women in life?

I realize that you said this in your post:
I keep asking my self everyday what kind of closure I'm I looking for.

... but this is something you should think about some more. Without more input from you I can only speculate, but what I feel like may be happening here is that what you'd really like to get out of life is to date or have sex with a muscular woman. You're not sure how to get there, though, so you do the most obvious thing you can think of in order to meet them, which is to attend a BB show. Does this sound about right?

Second, when you describe your encounter with Amber Jacobs, you use phrases like being "in awe at her arms" and "was a huge mistake". Can you go into a little more detail as to what exactly you said when you mean you were "in awe at her arms"? How did you ask her to flex? The reason I'm asking is that based solely on what you wrote, it seems like she overreacted, as having someone compliment her physique shouldn't be too out of the ordinary for her. I'm suspecting that there's more info here that you haven't written, or that perhaps you came across more strongly than you realized.

Third, when you say that she blocked you from Facebook, does that mean that you were previously Facebook friends with her and she unfriended you, or that you sent her a friend request after meeting and she declined? This is an important distinction.
Apr 13, 2014 - permalink
I question that myself, and that is what I want our of these shoes. Like a said I felt trapped in a cage for years becuase I had never seen a musclar women in the flesh. What is my goal is life, when meeting them. The awnser is simple. And is an awnser one might question but it is the right awnser. When I go to these shows I wana see musclar women in the flesh. The one thing I wana do is meet them, talk to them and if they say it's ok feel thier bicep. That's seriously it. Do you know how many years I had longed for that. The politics over that are decided. Some say you shouldn't touch them in general not matter where, and to be honest that the only area and ever touch and nowhere else. You have to ask them first if they say it's ok it's ok, if they it's not then obviously it's not. Some of them thinks it's ok the touch thier bicep over don't it's very divided. It's like how some people don't like pats on the shoulder or hand shakes. But I'd never ever touch anywhere else. And here's what I've been trying to ask. Is my attraction to these women any diffrent then to how the women are attracted to the musclar men. I'm sure the women like to feel the mens biceps and maybe get photos even if they do have husbands or boyfriends. It's all biology and even through they might be there for a diffrent reason then me I think it's pretty the same in the end. And when going to these shows you have to respect these women becuase some of them do have boyfrinds husband, and family's. Like I already said a it's pure biology to feel attracted to them, you got got to relax and pretend like there body's don't exsite you. Take a few deep breaths and don't make it seem like you are starring at there body's. In life to a wana go these show seek out meet and date and have sex with these women no. It's all casual I'm am not at these shows looking for sex. I mean how would take work anyways. It's simply to see these women in the flesh. And here's another thing I have a girlfriend. She vaugly knows about this fetish. She found pics on my phone, and asked why I had these female bodybuilder on my phone, and simply said "oh they keep sending them to me." I really love my girlfriend and I am attracted to her. She kinda conservative and if she she's the whole picture she won't understand.
As far Amber Jabobs, it was the first time I saw a muscle girl in the flesh. I was a bit nervous and did kinda state. I took one picture with her, then another of her, and when I asked her to flex for the photo she got weirded out. I requested her on Face Book am she accepted and I posted the picture I took of her flexing to her wall and that's when she blocked me.
When I attended The Emerlad Cup in 2012 things were bitter sweet. Reaction from the women were negative. Why do you want picture, why are you asking me to flex.
And things were once again bitter sweet once I met Tarna Alderman. I sat next to her husband and he was very nice and even asked him if I could take photos of her he said it was ok and I could tag her. I think I might have approached Tarna toon nervous and abruptly. Once I posted the photos to her face book I rememberd how Amber Jacobs blocked me over that. I got cold feet and took the photos off her wall and infriended me. It was very harsh becuase Tarna is my a fave, and when I found her face book page it opens up the idea that there are lots FBBS in WA state when I used to think we had very few.
I attended the Emerlad Cup again last year and had a much more positive experience. The women were very friendly and took all the advice I had gotten and it worked to remain calm and cool, and asked them if I could could feel thier biceps some said yes some said no.
However I approached Tarna again it was very bitter sweet. I once again came off nervous and abrupt. She was weirded out and I could tell. It's kinda hurtful sence she my fave but i might have to accept the fact I might not be able to meet her again.
I went to a show last September in Issaqah WA and reactions were mixed. However my biggest mistake was at an after party were I asked these wome. If I could arm wrestle them.
I am going to the 2014 Emerlad Cup so wish me luck. I hope my experience is a positive one, and as long as I remain calm and asked if can feel thier bicep things should be fine.
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