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Kristifigure TOP 10 favs?

Feb 12, 2014 - permalink
Hey, who's this Kristifigure chick? I don't know her.  ;) Just kidding Kwiffty. I think she'd be on most, if not all, of our lists but probably not on Kristi's own list.

Nyt I've never heard jello, or jelly as we'd call it here in Australia, described as a bunch but that's a great description of Jodi and her powers over Kristi.

Feb 12, 2014 - permalink
This list is trending older, although I see the incomparable Julia Vins is on it.  Some younger girls…maybe Shannon Courtney?  Victoria Larvie.  Pretty sure sandi-model, cinderella-girl, and many gymnasts and cheerleaders.  i don't know the names of that many gymnasts but maybe  Laura Campos, Alessa Faedi, Jordyn Wieber, and that Utah girl.  More to come...
Feb 12, 2014 - permalink
Oh sorry, I just read "on the site."  I was listing girls who were not on the site as well...
Feb 12, 2014 - permalink
I had already added Moorea Wolfe Will..  

Yes it's easy to go crazy here, I will have to keep it to just the fitness/figure/bb type on this list as it's generally what is on GWM.  Considering how much time i've spent on this site it's not so hard to create a GWM top 10.   However if I did that it would not include some of the older ones that I "spent so much time with" during my college days.  I think I will stick to the task of an ALL TIME top 10.  But will make a separate top 10 after that for gymnast or "others" later.  A couple have suggested I do a top 10 for the 90's and 10's and current or something like that.  Since this is obviously based on the estimation of just how many orgasms I've had looking at them, I should be able to figure it out right?  Sigh.. sorry but over the last 15 year I've gone to the moon and back with my "exploring" of my orgasms so keeping up with that is about impossible.  Freaky maybe but it's just what I am and I will get this figured out one way or another.  I will add to my list from the names you have suggested that I think were significant enough to make a top 10.  Then start thinking really hard and exploring some more and start narrowing them down some.  Just remember for you "oldies", lol.  I did admire a lot when I was younger, but the key here is who kept going.  Who have I continually admired over the past 15 years.  A lot I stopped and moved onto newer ones.  Ones such as Julia Vines as Ruta suggested are current favs yes, but have not been around long enough to be considered.  So if that helps.. lol.  That's how my mind is thinking...
Feb 13, 2014 - permalink
I'm leaving my list alone, however I have "*" now by the ones I know should be the highest, so I have the list of 32 down to 14.  They are all "from" GWM, however not all accumulated their numbers here, some were well before this site existed.  Some I have certainly had more admiration on this site than some in the top 14, but that can't stop the ones I admired before hand.  This is total all time.  Whew, my numbers keep changing currently however they are mostly to misc. and some of the newer ones that will not affect this list.  My task now is to whittle away 4 more and then try to get them in the most accurate order I can.  This has been fun!!
Feb 14, 2014 - permalink
Well Kristi, if it's important to do any ranking here, I guess you could look at the pictures and we could count the vowels.  ;D
Feb 14, 2014 - permalink
Nyt I doubt there would be vowels plural. Just the one vowel. There would be no need for the other 4 vowels. :)
Feb 14, 2014 - permalink
Or maybe just count the towels?!

I have my top 4.. the rest are getting harder to figure out.  Whew.
Feb 16, 2014 - permalink
I am happy that Denise Rutkowski has been on that extended list - at least Michelle Ralabate is still competing for the top ten!
Feb 17, 2014 - permalink
Oh, so it's towels and not vowels. "I've always been great at spelling bee's. It's all the other words I have trouble with."(he he)   ;D

Feb 19, 2014 - permalink
Yea Denise Rutkowski and Michelle Ralabate was pretty impressive and fascinating to me back in the early 2000's, I remember Will sent me some videos, you know those old VHS things, of them and I watched them until I ruined them I think.  I even had an actual photo set of Denise Rutkowski, you know the kind NOT on a computer, lol.  So I know they got "admired" by me a lot, it's just they probably didn't carry over into my time here on GWM as much and they might have gotten past by some others that did.  It's hard to decide and I'm still working it.. I mean working on it to decide and remember just where they stand.  #5 is harder than I thought to come up with.
Feb 19, 2014 - permalink
There's no hurry with this Kristi. Just take your time and enjoy going back through all of this and remembering why you love all of this. One thing though, what's VHS and what are "actual photos"?  :P I'm joking(hey I'm old enough to remember records and even 8 track cartridges).
Mar 03, 2014 - permalink
denise is incredible. almost top 5 for me. heres my top 10. 10.beate drabing 9. Sarah Hayes 8. april roseberry 7. olga kurlinaku 6. denise rutkowski 5. cory everson 4. erika andersch  3. Cindy Landolt !!! 2. Jennifer Kaylor !!! 1. Sharon Vanderhorst !!!
Mar 04, 2014 - permalink
That reminds me about Cory Everson, adding her to my original list.  However I never looked at her as much as I did the others even though she has certainly held the test of time.  She still looks great now.  I did manage to place #5 and #6, however I'm not sure how long they will stay in that order.  They might swap back and forth, :).
Mar 04, 2014 - permalink
Ok, I completed my top 10  but it could be ever changing.  The original list will remain as a reminder of everyone that contributed to the top 10.  So many are so close, and many are still very active.  The final top 10 is also changing, however as of right now that is how it stands. 

Any suggestions on the next top 10 you want me to work on?  Gymnast? FBB only?  Fitness/figure only? whatever just let me know and I'll make a starter list or find names.. lol.. I don't always know.  :)

Thanks for the interest this has been and is still fun!

Mar 05, 2014 - permalink
No, thank you Kristi for all of this. It has been, and still is, fun and thank you for the new picture. My favourite part of you........face and smile.  :)

Mar 10, 2014 - permalink
You have good taste, Kristi. Thank you for working on that top ten list for us, has been fun! All the women you mentioned are beautiful... ;) But the top 30s aren't bad either...
Mar 15, 2014 - permalink
No one would be on the list if they were bad.  All are included because I have and still do admire them very much and admire them in many ways.  I also thank them for bringing me so much time here and so much wonderful feelings that have motivated me and kept me sane over the years. 
Sep 02, 2014 - permalink
Just an FYI, I updated the final top 10 listing as a few changes were enough to make some moves.  Always on going!!  :)
Jun 03, 2017 - permalink
I see this old thread, and Chyna's name is missing, seriously Kristi????????????
Jun 05, 2017 - permalink
Ok she was one of my first motivators for sure.  But honestly was probably in the top 10 only during those first few years.  There just wasn't  very much of her to see, other than a pretty cool workout video that someone sent me one time.  This list was something that covers a good 18 or so years now.  Chyna was a definite booster into this direction.. awesome thighs!!  ha!  But.. she kinda faded out of this realm for me once I never saw her on the RAW Wrestling show anymore.  Good memory though.
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