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Can FBB's be too muscular?

May 23, 2013 - permalink
Nice point of view here - the bigger, harder girls are disappearing because slowly but surely physique and fitness and omg bikini are taking over....

May 24, 2013 - permalink
Shannon was the "prettiest" of the two. Then Patty got second due to her muscularity o.0
Jun 24, 2013 - permalink
no you're just assuming that more muscular is better. bodybuilding is always subjective and based the criteria.
Jun 25, 2013 - permalink
No I don't think a fbb can be too muscular - however, they can be, and often are too manly. 2 very different things.
Personally, I find a big square jaw, over plumped lips, and a deep voice as very unattractive, even if the muscles aren't so big. However, get a cute girl, with a nice girly hip sway, and feminine mannerism, and if she had the most gargantuan biceps it would not be too much.
Jun 26, 2013 - permalink
I totally agree with scrawnybro....
Jul 02, 2013 - permalink
I too agree with scrawnybro.i wish the women would be clean.
Jun 21, 2014 - permalink
Real FBB are disappearing because of a social pressure and sport oficials policy. They have to train extremely hard, have less and less opportunities to go on stage, have ridiculously low prizes for winning, and ae repeatedly abused in media. They are punished by male chauvinists, because they do not fit into societal stereotypes - they just do not look as the most men want them to. But it is should not be about wat men wants, it should be about what women wants. They apparently still want to have big muscles, because they despite of everything just keep getting bigger and stronger.
Thread locked by cgsweat.
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