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Do steroids change the STRUCTURE of your abs muscles?

May 13, 2024 - permalink

This is what I've noticed most natty abs look like. They're slender and generally longer (we're not talking about a difference in muscularity and vascularity here):

Most of the abs I see on this site are closer to this:

The latter is much more square and takes up a lot more of torso space. I would never imagine being able to see abs like this on a natty woman. Is there any scientific reason to this?

May 14, 2024 - permalink

No. Actual structure is based on genetics

May 14, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by fp909
May 14, 2024 - permalink

I mean the closest thing that's a yes i know of would be if you took insulin growth factor I know there's a potential for abdominal muscles to physically grow and change shape leading to the "road gut"effect, but if your on that your stack is beyond what I've ever tried . Buuuut most PEDs no, like anavar or winstrol which are probably the most common thes3 ladies try on here.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

In the context of human muscles, structure refers to the arrangement, organization, and composition of muscle tissue fibers, tendons, and connective tissues. It encompasses factors such as muscle size, shape, density, and distribution, which contribute to overall muscle function and appearance.

Using this as a definition of structure, and with approximately 20 years of experience using PEDs, including human growth hormone, I’d answer yes.

But I understand what Gatsby is referring to regarding genetics. Steroids aren’t going to add new components to the original outlay. But they will modify the elements of structure in the muscle, as above.

So I’m comfortable with either yes or no. Depends how you are defining structure.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

steroid use will reveal more of the abdominal muscles themselves therefore making them look different but its still the same muscles at different sizes and BF%.

Only thing ive ever seen change the shape of abdominal muscles is after a woman gives birth. This is expected as during pregnancy the abdominal muscles spread outwards from the middle and then retract back post partum.

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