Do you have any examples of your own?
The problem is that, although you have put in more effort than most which is appreciated, the thread comes off with a tone of "I like this, please post what I like here for me", which is the type of thread we don't encourage here.
Also many have lifted someone of my Weight or even more than me.
This would be a good place to elaborate.
What girls were able to lift you under the armpits? Was it against a wall? How long could they hold you up? Fully extent? May I ask your height? And would that play a factor
I'm 5'10 and mostly against a wall. Only one girl lifted me like that without a wall. She is really strong!
Would like to dedicate a thread to my favorite lift and carry. Where the girl grabs someone from under the lifted persons armpits/waist and either held at level off the ground or extended overhead. I’m 136-142lbs and would love to experience this lift. Was curious to how many muscle ladies out there could do this. Also many have lifted someone of my Weight or even more than me. What would be a good way to tell if someone was capable? Is there a similar lift at the gym?
I’d love to see any stories, picture or videos of this lift regardless of weight but would appreciate if you listed the lifted persons weight if you know it with the post.