A reverse face search returns results to this site and other sites but I will only show this site and not the full url so you'll have to do investigative work on your own. To see the full url you have to pay 14.99 and I'm not paying for someone else's search request:
No guarantees this is the same person on the site but this is where it leads to. Would be very scary if the search is that accurate...
This is the above pic on here:
Hard to tell for sure but she does not look like the person in OP's pics.
Interesting. Funny how it would point back to this site of all sites lol. The other sites were German fitness related sites. The shape of the nose and the smile/lips are very similar. These algorithms have gotten so good. I'm not going to tell what site I use but it was able to easily identify the same person in pictures taken years apart with different emotional expressions on their faces. And that was the free version of the service. There is a premium version that goes even deeper in analysis.