Makes sense - FBB doesn't get much money and there is a new fitness category being added as bikini competitors are getting "too big" for the marketers in the industry. She probably sees the writing on the wall for the physique category, and has done the math for sponsorships, appearances, marketability, etc., unfortunately. Also, easier on the pocketbook in terms of supplements and PEDs, I think...
I get the move in a vacuum, but she just has wayy too large of an upper body to fit in wellness she may have a challenge downsizing that significantly while slightly increasing lower body size, especially because she's so tall. Could be a long road for her before she is placing really well.
I get the move in a vacuum, but she just has wayy too large of an upper body to fit in wellness she may have a challenge downsizing that significantly while slightly increasing lower body size, especially because she's so tall. Could be a long road for her before she is placing really well.
Yess!! But i guess she will take a year or two first to get that physique before stepping on stage!! As that's what megan santa barbara has been doing as well
Yeah when I saw she "switched" I felt so disappointed. Considering she said this about physique in September, I've finally found my identity. What makes me feel alive." So you found your purpose, wanted to go to physique and now you're going to waste that talent in wellness? She was never wellness. She's too tall and doesn't have the quads. She's physique 100%. I feel like her husband/coach puts her where she can win. She basically stated before she just wants to win. It's a gut punch to see her do this. I hope she really reconsiders. It's like putting a Ferrari engine in a 2004 Camry.
I was curious what exactly does Wellness require Physique/Substance wise vs Physique?
I don’t understand the fascination with the Wellness type physique… way to much emphasis on the lower body. It’s the least aesthetically pleasing to my eye because of the unbalance!!!
I don’t understand the fascination with the Wellness type physique… way to much emphasis on the lower body. It’s the least aesthetically pleasing to my eye because of the unbalance!!!
Women like to follow trends. Wellness is trendy now
In a "didn't have that on my bingo card in 2025" moment, Manon Lefebve (fresh off leaving figure) will be heading to the wellness division rather than go to women’s physique, similar to what Meagan Santa Barbara did. She explains her decision on her IG:
Best of luck to her.