> Your purity test fails because the VAST majority of Christians fail to follow the path set by Jesus Christ. This is baked in of course. Humans are imperfect and sins are meant to be committed and forgiven.
We are indeed all sinners, so in that sense, you are right that we are "part time" Christians, as none of us can truly hope to be as unto Christ "full-time".
Where your rationalization falls apart is when you claim that sins are "meant" to be commited. That's a utilitarian view of things with an integrated get-out-of-jail-free card. Sins will be commited by all of us, but they are most certainly not meant to be commited. That's two very different things, and the type of detail that determines the balance between a civilized society and a post-apocalyptic hellhole.
> Which means that you can't really gatekeep who identifies as a Christian and who doesn't.
This isn't your run-of-the-mill "I identify as an omnisexual microcantilevered beam" identity musical chairs game. That's not how religion works. While I can't say that you are not Christian if you committed sins (guilty as charged, myself), I can certainly say you're not a Christian if you think sins are meant to be committed. That means you are living in iniquity, as you wilfully carry on without repentance.
> Like it or not, people are out there interpreting Christianity in pretty much any way that they want.
People can interpret whatever they want however they wish. But, like it ot not, Truth is still a thing. "You will know them by their fruit", and all that.
Honestly I'm finding this really fascinating and I love talking about religion. I'm into more respectful discussion about it if you are.
So let me ask... do you think that Lauren Boebert is a Christian?
This isn't meant as a political left vs right question. I'm just using her as an example of a person who honestly doesn't seem to embody any values similar to Jesus Christ, but nonetheless attends an evangelical church and claims to be be a Christian.
What do you consider her?
Or how about Kenneth Copeland? I'm pretty sure that Jesus wouldn't think highly of him, but he undoubtedly has a high position in - apparently - Christianity.
Honestly I'm finding this really fascinating and I love talking about religion. I'm into more respectful discussion about it if you are.
So let me ask... do you think that Lauren Boebert is a Christian?
This isn't meant as a political left vs right question. I'm just using her as an example of a person who honestly doesn't seem to embody any values similar to Jesus Christ, but nonetheless attends an evangelical church and claims to be be a Christian.
What do you consider her?
Or how about Kenneth Copeland? I'm pretty sure that Jesus wouldn't think highly of him, but he undoubtedly has a high position in - apparently - Christianity.
This is a great observation, when reading the Bible, it talks about how humans by nature are 100% flawed. Even many pastors who lead people towards Christ and Christianity often struggle with sin, they’re no different than any other human being. Even in The Bible prominent figures like King David, Moses, Noah, etc have sin and fallen short. All except Jesus was recorded to have sin because he was the perfect human. But like one of users above had said, the biggest aspect of Christianity is forgiveness. And for me I’ve had a journey experience followers of Christ wronging me, I learned that they’re still human and can’t by nature be perfect. But I do believe so modern pastors, priest, and people who claim to be followers of Christ aren’t. It even says in The Bible that people will cast out demons Jesus’ name but will not enter Heaven because they never truly pursued Christ for the right reasons. I hope this helped and I do love have respectful conversations about Christianity
Michaelya Aycock. barely does any muscle videos.
There is a nude video around of a woman who looks a hell of a lot like Micaela if it isn't her.
So let me ask... do you think that Lauren Boebert is a Christian?
This isn't meant as a political left vs right question. I'm just using her as an example of a person who honestly doesn't seem to embody any values similar to Jesus Christ, but nonetheless attends an evangelical church and claims to be be a Christian.
You're skipping a few steps here. I'm not American and I'm not familiar with those figures. I've looked them up, but I'd appreciate if if you told me what about Boebert makes you doubt her "claim" that she's a Christian, instead of just assuming I agree with your premise.
Or how about Kenneth Copeland? I'm pretty sure that Jesus wouldn't think highly of him, but he undoubtedly has a high position in - apparently - Christianity.
Not sure what you mean about him having "a high position in Christianity". But "prosperity theology" very much goes hand in hand with the "interpreting Christianity in pretty much any way that they want" no-no.
I've noticed that many female bodybuilders in Instagram bio say that they are religious (mostly Christian). Citing verses from Bible etc. I wonder why is that a thing.
I've always noticed the relationship between very involved athletes & Christianity. I don't have a simple explanation for it.. but in America, it's is especially prevalent in football. It's the sport where you see the most pre & post-game prayers.. and players giving glory to God. Conversely, hockey seems to be the North American team sport with the fewest public displays of religion & crucifix necklaces etc.
Michaela Aycock is the only one I would believe to be truly religious. It's hilarious to see the others fbb citing bible verses on their social media just above a link of their onlyfans.
I've actually been keeping an eye out for this and haven't run into any of this.
I've always noticed the relationship between very involved athletes & Christianity. I don't have a simple explanation for it.. but in America, it's is especially prevalent in football. It's the sport where you see the most pre & post-game prayers.. and players giving glory to God. Conversely, hockey seems to be the North American team sport with the fewest public displays of religion & crucifix necklaces etc.
Jesus and Christianity along with prayer is becoming bigger and bigger in football. It is very present all over the college football playoff. Texas. ND, and Boise come to mind. You can find faults with everyone. Look at our politicians who are voted in. They are some of the most corrupt people on the planet. Taking care of your body is something God wants. I'm sure hormones do not play into that, so that is a contradiction. You need them if you are going to compete though. A classic catch 22.
Taking care of your body is something God wants. I'm sure hormones do not play into that, so that is a contradiction. You need them if you are going to compete though. A classic catch 22.
Taking care of your body doesn't mean you have to compete. Whatever catch-22 one might find there is entirely of one's own making.
Jesus and Christianity along with prayer is becoming bigger and bigger in football. It is very present all over the college football playoff. Texas. ND, and Boise come to mind. You can find faults with everyone. Look at our politicians who are voted in. They are some of the most corrupt people on the planet. Taking care of your body is something God wants. I'm sure hormones do not play into that, so that is a contradiction. You need them if you are going to compete though. A classic catch 22.
Respectfully, what does "finding faults" have to do with my assessment that football is the most conspicuously Christian sport in America?? I don't believe being a religious athlete is a fault, I think it is admirable. I have no idea what you were conveying in your response. I'm stating that football tends to be more overtly religious than the other major American team sports. Then you're giving me a lesson on politicians and finding faults in others. Am I misunderstanding somethin' here?
Taking care of your body doesn't mean you have to compete. Whatever catch-22 one might find there is entirely of one's own making.
Yes. I was speaking of those that want money or competition out of the sport. That is most of the women on this site....not all. I'm speaking mainly of the level of woman who would be on this site. We all know anyone can do anything they want that is legal.
Respectfully, what does "finding faults" have to do with my assessment that football is the most conspicuously Christian sport in America?? I don't believe being a religious athlete is a fault, I think it is admirable. I have no idea what you were conveying in your response. I'm stating that football tends to be more overtly religious than the other major American team sports. Then you're giving me a lesson on politicians and finding faults in others. Am I misunderstanding somethin' here?
My fault there. I used your quote but was not responding to you alone. I love the fact that football has gone that way. Many players in the CFP have expressed their devotion to Jesus. The Boise coach said it every time I saw him interviewed. Quinn Ewers and others at Texas. I was speaking to others dismissing religion a but because Christians were not acting like they should. That is a common argument of atheists. I'm saying the culture as a whole is not following God enough. This is an encouraging trend. I wasn't trying to lecture you at all. I was saying look at who we vote for....many non religious politicians who encourage the wrong thing. Football does seem to be leading the way. It is a true team sport more than the others. You definitely notice the prayer. You don't see that in the NBA, NHL or much in MLB, though some in MLB.
I think the deeper question is, "Whose definition of Christianity (or faith) matters?"
As a Christian myself, I don't particularly care for a particular human's definition. The question will be answered by Him.
Overall, and until then, "A follower or adherent of the religion of Christianity", as found in the Cambridge Dictionary, satisfies me.
I think the deeper question is, "Whose definition of Christianity (or faith) matters?"
As a Christian myself, I don't particularly care for a particular human's definition. The question will be answered by Him.
Overall, and until then, "A follower or adherent of the religion of Christianity", as found in the Cambridge Dictionary, satisfies me.
Agree with your thesis. Jesus tells us we will never understand fully all that he offers in this life.
It's hilarious to see the others fbb citing bible verses on their social media just above a link of their onlyfans.
100%. I think there could be several explanations for that:
1) They're just dumb. As simple as it is. It doesn't ring a bell for them to cite bible verses, 'be a loving wife and a mother' etc and have onlyfans account with nudity.
2) There're hypocritical. They want to earn some benefits (more fans, more likes, more interactions), and they'll post any text that would sell them better
3) what else?
100%. I think there could be several explanations for that:
1) They're just dumb. As simple as it is. It doesn't ring a bell for them to cite bible verses, 'be a loving wife and a mother' etc and have onlyfans account with nudity.
2) There're hypocritical. They want to earn some benefits (more fans, more likes, more interactions), and they'll post any text that would sell them better
3) what else?
They are anything but dumb. Who says all onlyfans are bad stuff? That may or may not be true. Are they all about nudity? That would be hypocritical. I don't subscribe to any.
Many fans may follow God and be fine seeing that. There is some hypocrisy, but unless you are without sin, then you are not the judge. The gospels are very tough language. Many don't like to hear they are breaking them thus they discount women who sell the bible. Some of the religions out there look at people as saved regardless of action if it is repented. That would not be Catholics, but many protestant religions believe you are saved if you are baptized.
At the last CrossFit gym I went to, this uber conservative dude got so super pissed when I (a left-leaning guy) outperformed him in the Open one year. And he was someone who would post those stupid "hur dur libs are weak and fat" memes on his socials all the time