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Religious female bodybuilders

Nov 17, 2024 - permalink

I've noticed that many female bodybuilders in Instagram bio say that they are religious (mostly Christian). Citing verses from Bible etc. I wonder why is that a thing.

Nov 17, 2024 - permalink

I mean no judgment by what I say, but these are my assumptions here:

A lot of female bodybuilders are conservative (not too unlike their male equivalents in the sport in general). There also seems to be an overlap between people who get into bodybuilding because of self-image issues and people who get big into spirituality or religion given said self-image issues.

Nov 17, 2024 - permalink

I don't know it must just be because they were raised Christian and don't want to stop believing something that they believed their entire life. but it does seem a bit contradictionary considering some of the things they sometimes post.

Nov 17, 2024 - permalink

I don't know it must just be because they were raised Christian and don't want to stop believing something that they believed their entire life. but it does seem a bit contradictionary considering some of the things they sometimes post.

Cognitive dissonance is crazy yo

Nov 17, 2024 - permalink

There was a study some years ago showing that physically strong men and women tended to be conservative and have a stronger belief in individual and hard work, whereas intellectually strong men and women tended to have more liberal leanings and have a stronger belief in the collective and working smarter, not harder.

It makes sense, if you go through the world believing you have worked hard on your own for what you have, you want to protect that. And conservative policies are much more focused on the individual.

It is not unlike the way cattle ranchers tend to be conservative and have a strong focus on gun ownership, because they often live far away from the relevant authorities and must trust in themselves to protect their cattle from thieves, predators etc.

Comparative politics are interesting, unlike actual politics which is a sh*tshow

Nov 17, 2024 - permalink

Especially women in the sport often struggle with their self image. Often they mention there is not much support or even understanding from their natural environment (family, neighbours, work colleagues).

I could imagine that religion gives them some sort of ground anchor.

Nov 17, 2024 - permalink

A lot of the most vocal Christian FBBs are recovering from domestic violence or addiction.

Nov 19, 2024 - permalink

There was a study some years ago showing that physically strong men and women tended to be conservative and have a stronger belief in individual and hard work, whereas intellectually strong men and women tended to have more liberal leanings and have a stronger belief in the collective and working smarter, not harder.

It makes sense, if you go through the world believing you have worked hard on your own for what you have, you want to protect that. And conservative policies are much more focused on the individual.

It is not unlike the way cattle ranchers tend to be conservative and have a strong focus on gun ownership, because they often live far away from the relevant authorities and must trust in themselves to protect their cattle from thieves, predators etc.

Comparative politics are interesting, unlike actual politics which is a sh*tshow

Interesting take on cattle ranchers. Never heard of that precise comparison but makes complete sense.

Nov 19, 2024 - permalink

Yeah I've already seen an fbb who competed in a Christian league (didn't know that was a thing?) and she did/does hardcore stuff. There's a lot of them who claim to be Christian but then do see through top photoshoots or post scripture passages with a micro bikini on. One is a teacher who claims to be Christian and then does sexy photoshoots.

Nov 19, 2024 - permalink

Yeah I've already seen an fbb who competed in a Christian league (didn't know that was a thing?) and she did/does hardcore stuff. There's a lot of them who claim to be Christian but then do see through top photoshoots or post scripture passages with a micro bikini on. One is a teacher who claims to be Christian and then does sexy photoshoots.


If they say they are Christian, then they are Christian. To a lot of modern Christian followers, the religion is nothing more than a metaphysical experience for them rather a dogma. Honestly if she is still a teacher after the low pay and terrible work/ life balance, then she is doing the Lords work. No need to shame her for wanting to do a photoshoot.

Nov 20, 2024 - permalink

....not going to get into a theological argument here, but no, just because you claim it does not mean you are one. You can't be a part time vegan, just like you can't be a part time Christian. If she is doing the Lord's work then she would know not to expose herself like that. She should have found a better career if that's how she gets extra money.

Nov 20, 2024 - permalink

....not going to get into a theological argument here, but no, just because you claim it does not mean you are one. You can't be a part time vegan, just like you can't be a part time Christian. If she is doing the Lord's work then she would know not to expose herself like that. She should have found a better career if that's how she gets extra money.

Uh, nope. The only thing that makes someone part of a religion is that they say they are.

Nov 20, 2024 - permalink

....not going to get into a theological argument here, but no, just because you claim it does not mean you are one. You can't be a part time vegan, just like you can't be a part time Christian. If she is doing the Lord's work then she would know not to expose herself like that. She should have found a better career if that's how she gets extra money.

Lol I here to break it to you, but most Christians are “part time.” Like the vast, vast majority of them.

Nov 21, 2024 - permalink

She should have found a better career if that's how she gets extra money.

Wow! Are you so self righteous that you actually believe teachers deserve low pay while shaming them for finding way to put food on the table by offering photos of themselves to a willing audience?

Nov 21, 2024 - edited Nov 21, 2024 - permalink

Wow! Are you so self righteous that you actually believe teachers deserve low pay while shaming them for finding way to put food on the table by offering photos of themselves to a willing audience?

Not when they post so strongly on their faith which contradicts/forbids them to do things like that.

Nov 21, 2024 - permalink

Not when they post so strongly on their faith which contradicts/forbids them to do things like that.

I'm not really sure where you're going with this.

Is your argument that Female bodybuilders showing off their bodies are hypocrites to their religion? They're not following the rules of Christianity? Walking in Jesus' footsteps, so to speak?

If so, then I have some bad news for you: this describes literally most of humanity.

If I wanted to list examples of prominent Christians doing sinful and un-Christ like things and breaking most if not all of the 10 Commandments, then I'd probably crash the data limit of this site. Honestly wouldn't even know where or when to start.

It's just so telling when women selling their image are the ones most often called out for this. Wonder why that is.

Nov 21, 2024 - permalink

I'm not going to waste any more time commenting on any of this because nobody is going to agree. It was a stupid topic to have knowing there was going to be a divide. Nobody is changing my mind and I'm not changing anybody else's.

Jan 08, 2025 - permalink

I know that Dani Reardon has gone into New Age things (though I don't know if that overlapped with her bodybuilding, or followed it).

Jan 08, 2025 - permalink

It's simple, libs don't lift lol

Jan 08, 2025 - permalink

It's simple, libs don't lift lol

That’s a gross oversimplification of half of America. It’s like saying “Cons can’t read”.

Jan 08, 2025 - permalink

That’s a gross oversimplification of half of America. It’s like saying “Cons can’t read”.

I know, I'm just fuckin' with yall XD

Jan 08, 2025 - permalink

If they say they are Christian, then they are Christian.

That's not how it works.

To a lot of modern Christian followers, the religion is nothing more than a metaphysical experience for them rather a dogma.

Inadvertently, by referring to them as "Christian followers" instead of "Christians", you hit the nail right on the head.

Lol I here to break it to you, but most Christians are “part time.” Like the vast, vast majority of them.

That's a gross misunderstanding and misrepresentation of Christianity, as most attempts at moral relativism tend to be.

Jan 08, 2025 - permalink

That's not how it works.

Inadvertently, by referring to them as "Christian followers" instead of "Christians", you hit the nail right on the head.

That's a gross misunderstanding and misrepresentation of Christianity, as most attempts at moral relativism tend to be.

I can't speak for Islam or Judiasm, but I was raised Catholic, went to religious private schools, and know a lot about it.

Your purity test fails because the VAST majority of Christians fail to follow the path set by Jesus Christ. This is baked in of course. Humans are imperfect and sins are meant to be committed and forgiven. All of that.

Which means that you can't really gatekeep who identifies as a Christian and who doesn't. If you had to make a book of un-Christ-like behavior by promient "Christians," then you'd need to cut down every tree on earth to get enough paper. So you're talking degrees of deviance from his teachings.

Like it or not, people are out there interpreting Christianity in pretty much any way that they want. The only probably consensus is that Jesus would look at half of these clowns and wonder where everything went so wrong. Wasn't he clear about the rich man and eye of the needle bit?

Jan 08, 2025 - permalink

Your purity test fails because the VAST majority of Christians fail to follow the path set by Jesus Christ. This is baked in of course. Humans are imperfect and sins are meant to be committed and forgiven.

We are indeed all sinners, so in that sense, you are right that we are "part time" Christians, as none of us can truly hope to be as unto Christ "full-time".

Where your rationalization falls apart is when you claim that sins are "meant" to be commited. That's a utilitarian view of things with an integrated get-out-of-jail-free card. Sins will be commited by all of us, but they are most certainly not meant to be commited. That's two very different things, and the type of detail that determines the balance between a civilized society and a post-apocalyptic hellhole.

Which means that you can't really gatekeep who identifies as a Christian and who doesn't.

This isn't your run-of-the-mill "I identify as an omnisexual microcantilevered beam" identity musical chairs game. That's not how religion works. While I can't say that you are not Christian if you committed sins (guilty as charged, myself), I can certainly say you're not a Christian if you think sins are meant to be committed. That means you are living in iniquity, as you wilfully carry on without repentance.

Like it or not, people are out there interpreting Christianity in pretty much any way that they want.

People can interpret whatever they want however they wish. But, like it ot not, Truth is still a thing. "You will know them by their fruit", and all that.

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