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[Opinion] How long should women cycle on gear?

How long should women cycle on gear? (227 total votes)

There is no limit. As much as she wants to. "Her body, her choice." (160, 70.5%)
Never! (18, 7.9%)
2-5 years (with moderation) (17, 7.5%)
5-10 years (with moderation) (10, 4.4%)
5-10 years (6, 2.6%)
No more than a year (with moderation) (6, 2.6%)
1-2 years (with moderation) (4, 1.8%)
No more than a year (4, 1.8%)
1-2 years (2, 0.9%)
2-5 years (0, 0.0%)
Aug 29, 2024 - permalink

How long should a woman cycle on PED's? I'm asking this question regardless of the reasons, whether she competes or if she's doing it recreationally. I don't want to go too deep into it, because I don't want to sway the vote in any direction. I've only observed things over time. You guys can discuss it in the comments.

I will provide some thinking points to those who are voting:

If you're against PED use, consider that most of the women featured here (especially the most popular ones) are on PED's. Imagine your favorite GWM off PED's, and then think if you're okay with that.

If you're pro-PED use, then consider all of the adverse health effects it can have on the body. This isn't just the (sometimes fetishized) cosmetic effects like hair loss and body hair, but also the impact it can have on internal organs. With very fewer outliers, most don't last past 20 years of excessive use.

I included "(with moderation)" in several options to indicate that the PED cycle is moderated, or carefully controlled.

This thread isn't meant to condone or encourage PED use. I'm mostly interested in what the userbase thinks about it.

Aug 29, 2024 - permalink

Her body her choice. I will always emphasize being healthy and maintaining ones body (aside from bodybuilding), but saying to athletes "that you shouldn't push yourself" is redundant. All they do is push themselves and with that mindset comes personal sacrifice and a few limited options. If they want to run gear for 6 months to a year to alter their appearance, they can do it, but don't necessarily have to. If they want to win shows, they essentially will NEED to do it for a year or so. If they want to keep winning shows, they will alter their gear accordingly, but will be on indefinitely.If they want to take gear for multiple years despite losing multiple shows, not qualifying on a national scale, are struggling to pay bills,and are dealing with health complications, that is still up to them. A bad choice and a black hole scenario for cycling, but still up to them. PEDS=IFBB. IFBB dreams are >= PEDS. How people chase their dreams in this sport determines the outcome. I just try to encourage good mental health and doctor checkups.

Aug 29, 2024 - permalink

Voted for "her body her choice"

as far as remember from the gym back in the days the girls took test in cycles, couple of weeks prior to a contest. Also often observed that some athletes take a long break now and then. Wild guessing here, its not just the total duration, but also the amount they are taking and how often they take a break.

INterested to hear more from insiders.

Aug 29, 2024 - permalink

Her body, her choice. I'm pro-PED but honestly my opinion doesn't and shouldn't matter either way.

Aug 29, 2024 - permalink

Her body her choice. It's not up to me, or really anybody, on how long they go on PEDs.

There are also far more variables in play. It's not just duration that has an impact, but also the quantity that they use along with the compounds that they use. What about PCT? How long of a PCT cycle are they going on. Do they go by cycles? Or do they simply blast and cruise?

If you're against PED use, consider that most of the women featured here (especially the most popular ones) are on PED's. Imagine your favorite GWM off PED's, and then think if you're okay with that.

The funniest thing about this is when there a guys here who say things like "I don't like PEDs, I only like natural women!" and when they give examples they post women who are also clearly on PEDs lol. If I may be so bold, I truly believe that a vast majority of the "anti PED" crowd" doesn't really know what is natty achievable.

Aug 29, 2024 - permalink

Usually I'll wait a bit longer before chiming in, but it seems to be a landslide at this point.

I guess I shot myself in the foot with the most popular option. It sort of combines an option for people who believe there is no upper limit to drug use, and also those who believe we shouldn't have any say over her choices. I honestly was hoping for more variety, although I'm not against the "her body, her choice" option. It's just that from a data-gathering perspective, it doesn't really say much.

Aug 29, 2024 - permalink

Usually I'll wait a bit longer before chiming in, but it seems to be a landslide at this point.

I guess I shot myself in the foot with the most popular option. It sort of combines an option for people who believe there is no upper limit to drug use, and also those who believe we shouldn't have any say over her choices. I honestly was hoping for more variety, although I'm not against the "her body, her choice" option. It's just that from a data-gathering perspective, it doesn't really say much.

While it’s true that it doesn’t say much from a data gathering perspective, personally, for me, I feel very uncomfortable(and to be honest a bit ashamed for my preferences of liking muscular women) when I see questions that basically talk about what women should do with their bodies. We already have a bit of a bad rap among some muscular women with having a reputation of treating them like objects, and stuff like this kind of perpetuates it. It’s not like you’re asking something like “should Elden Ring be easier, harder, is it fine as it is,” where it’s about an object or activity.

You also have to consider that the vast majority here do not lift/train at a dedicated level, and even fewer use PEDs. I think a lot of people wouldn’t know how to answer this because they themselves don’t know enough about cycles and compounds to give an opinion.

Aug 29, 2024 - permalink

I feel very uncomfortable(and to be honest a bit ashamed for my preferences of liking muscular women) when I see questions that basically talk about what women should do with their bodies.

I think any well-adjusted person would feel the same. The way I rationalize it is that:

  • They exist. And they exist by the hundreds of thousands (if not millions).
  • Many of them seem very happy. There is a thrill of developing your body to certain milestones.
  • They're proud of their work. I don't think they mind genuine admiration, it's the creepy types who tend to ruin it for the rest of us. "wow ur hot wats ur #"

We already have a bit of a bad rap among some muscular women with having a reputation of treating them like objects, and stuff like this kind of perpetuates it. It’s not like you’re asking something like “should Elden Ring be easier, harder, is it fine as it is,” where it’s about an object or activity.

Yeah, I'm aware of it. A lot of my polls tend to "test the water" or "play devil's advocate." This is because I don't want to ostracize anyone who does happen to have a generally "unsavory" view of things. This way (again from a data perspective), I can get the most accurate results and increase participation. I do see a lot of objectification under image comments to this day, and it does bug me. As it is, I'm not sure the results of this poll (currently) truly represent the views of the entire userbase of GWM (for better or for worse).

Aug 30, 2024 - permalink

i am not a doctor and don't have the knowledge to judge .it does seem that some fbbs can stay very muscular for most of their lives while others give up after a few years. but i guess it doesn't really matter how long they take it but its more about how much they take and what kind of peds they take

Aug 30, 2024 - permalink

Assuming people on this site know what they are talking about when it comes to PEDs . Women are fortunate enough where they can cycle on and off without as much of a PCT as they don’t have test levels to worry about balancing out. Many also opt for orals which have a much different half life and metabolisation to injectables. They can pretty much cycle on and off as they please provided markers are in check . Unless of course they are considering children in the short term future

Aug 31, 2024 - permalink

No one has mentioned side effects of PED use.

Aug 31, 2024 - permalink

no they should nto use PEDs

Aug 31, 2024 - permalink

PED user and enthusiast here.

Both male and female humans should do 6 to 8 week cycles on, with equivalent 6 to 8 week cycles off. Keep your dosages reasonable and stay away from the really powerful compounds.

This could very much make an athletic girl into Vladislava. In fact, I would be fairly sure that girls like her and Melinda Lindmark are something close to this on/off periodic schedule.

Now, this won't make an Angie Yao or Andrea Shaw or Brooke Walker.

When it comes to bodybuilding, you have (1) mass and (2) conditioning. It's entirely possible to use PED's safely to build an enhanced amount of muscle mass and sustainably keep it well into your 50s and 60s.

The conditioning is the tough part. Being in competition shape involves blasting a TON of PED's and doing it without a break. If you have to look lean and ripped at all times, it's going to take a major toll on your body.

I love that there's buff women who can exist and thrive outside of the traditional competition environment. If there isn't the stress of getting down to freakishly low bodyfat but keeping mass, then women can be surprisingly huge and muscular with far less side effects on their health.

Sep 03, 2024 - permalink

PED user and enthusiast here.

Both male and female humans should do 6 to 8 week cycles on, with equivalent 6 to 8 week cycles off. Keep your dosages reasonable and stay away from the really powerful compounds.

This could very much make an athletic girl into Vladislava. In fact, I would be fairly sure that girls like her and Melinda Lindmark are something close to this on/off periodic schedule.

Now, this won't make an Angie Yao or Andrea Shaw or Brooke Walker.

When it comes to bodybuilding, you have (1) mass and (2) conditioning. It's entirely possible to use PED's safely to build an enhanced amount of muscle mass and sustainably keep it well into your 50s and 60s.

The conditioning is the tough part. Being in competition shape involves blasting a TON of PED's and doing it without a break. If you have to look lean and ripped at all times, it's going to take a major toll on your body.

I love that there's buff women who can exist and thrive outside of the traditional competition environment. If there isn't the stress of getting down to freakishly low bodyfat but keeping mass, then women can be surprisingly huge and muscular with far less side effects on their health.

Most realistic comment about PEDs. Yeah most muscular women people will meet will be using some level of PED. The difference will be the stacks and dosage. Recreationally, the effects will be least noticeable which is why people think these girls are natty.

Bodybuilding is a sport of getting mass and maintaining it while getting lean. It’s the getting lean part that is most likely the most detrimental part for women. It messes with their menstrual cycles the most and can have irreversible effects which is why some of them drop the usage completely.

Sep 03, 2024 - permalink

In miles or km ?

Sep 03, 2024 - permalink

PEDS doesn't seem to have affected Irene Andersen who is like 60 years old

Sep 03, 2024 - permalink

PEDS doesn't seem to have affected Irene Andersen who is like 60 years old

What makes you so sure of that?

Sep 03, 2024 - permalink

What makes you so sure of that?

I did a session with her and she looked pretty healthy. Didn’t look masculine at all, no hairy parts, clit wasn’t as big. I have seen smaller girls with bigger clits.

Sep 04, 2024 - permalink

I did a session with her and she looked pretty healthy. Didn’t look masculine at all, no hairy parts, clit wasn’t as big. I have seen smaller girls with bigger clits.

Ummm buddy. She’s literally balding….

She’s a nice person don’t get me wrong but she does have a five o clock shadow. A woman can get that removed with laser. Her voice is deep as hell. She also breathes a little heavy like someone who is too big for their size. This has nothing to do with her character at all, but it’s obvious that exposure to using PEDs for so many years to maintain that size and conditioning has its effects.

Sep 04, 2024 - permalink

PEDS doesn't seem to have affected Irene Andersen who is like 60 years old

I know that there's a few more months in 2024, but we can confidently say that this is the most wild claim of the year.

I mean, she looks great for her age and she's a champion but she could also be a literal poster child for the side effects of long-term PED use.

Sep 04, 2024 - permalink

I know that there's a few more months in 2024, but we can confidently say that this is the most wild claim of the year.

I mean, she looks great for her age and she's a champion but she could also be a literal poster child for the side effects of long-term PED use.

Some schmoes literally only see what they want to see.

What he said was like a Chicago White Sox fan insisting that this year was a good season for the team LOL

Sep 04, 2024 - permalink

Irene Andersen looks amazing for a 60 year old woman so any side effects pale in comparison to the benefits

Sep 05, 2024 - permalink

For those that I coach in health and wellness I have observed over the years that there is a right way and a wrong way to use PEDs. As long as you have a health first mindset, stick to minimal effective doses, stick to compounds that are more female friendly, always use a bioidentical HRT base while cycling / resting, do routine bloodwork, followup with your doctor, and incorporate the right ancillaries - you can have your cake and eat it too. You can keep using as long as things stay "reasonably" healthy - and its in quotes because I recognize everyone has their own level of personal risk they are willing to accept, but the body is like any other machine, you can run it a little out of normal tolerances for a period of time and not do any permanent damage. But the whole "your body is a temple" cliche is very true and has a lot of practical value.

It all starts with being mindful that, you may want a "normal" life once your bodybuilding journey (be it professional or just for the joy of it) slows down or comes to an end. So if you take care not to let your love of muscle turn into a self-destructive path by abusing hormones, training, food, diuretics, lypolytics, insulin, or other ancillaries - maybe you want to get married and have children someday. It would be a bummer if you rendered yourself sterile. Or once your body can no longer sustain its incredible mass and proportion and you "deflate" - and your face looks like a piece of sundried old boot leather at 35, your a bald, have a beard, and can sing baritone.

When I spend time on this website, there appears to be a veritable army of women, some very young - even teenagers, some into their periomenpausal years and beyond who look just absolutely incredible. Great balance of muscle, conditioning, symmetry, all while retaining that signature femininity. Granted, any female getting into low body fat, even those not using PEDs will ultimately look more masculine because all the collagen in their face has been burned off on a cut, but I have also observed many women who have a good balance of classical female facial beauty while still having some visible abs 365 days a year. For me, this is the epitome of what I would consider the perfect balance of taking things as far as you can while still leaving what you are intact.

If I think about what truly catches my eye - its not the pure size (and I realize this is subjective) - its the shape and proportion along with a great smile. Whether its bikini, wellness, figure, physique, or bodybuilding class - all of them have some simply jaw dropping beautiful women that have put in so much effort into their body they should show it off proudly. That said, commitments necessary to compete in physique and bodybuilding exercise their toll, and if you look past the make up, lighting, and filters, you have a higher proportion of them that have irreversible and irreparable damage. With judges constantly rewarding the girl with the most muscle in any given category, even today's bikini competitors are bigger and more conditioned than yesteryear's figure or even bodybuilding classes. Pressure is higher than ever to simply carry more mass. This of course requires more training, more food, and more PEDs. For example, Women's Wellness Division is completely out of control and has lost sight of its intent.

I would wager that, for the majority of women it is possible to find the right balance. Instituting a sane weight cap for women's divisions the same as was done for men's physique and classic physique divisions would go a long way to let women focus on symmetry, proportion, lagging body part development, conditioning, and stay reasonably healthy. I'd also venture that, for the majority of us who really enjoy these super women, our fantasies would be equally (if not better) served - you would encourage more women to get involved because its less hazardous to your health both short term and long term. Granted, not everyone is a competitor, but changing the perception of the recreational trainer to perceive that they could achieve the "standard" without needing to transition themselves into a man the process opens doors and makes the sport attractive to more women.

And isn't that what we secretly (or not so secretly) all want, more women in the weight room who can get strong and stay strong well into their older years? Does this then not also increase our odds of actually getting lucky enough to incorporate them into our lives? I will very likely not ever be able to land an IFBB pro with a wedding ring, but I would take with open arms any of the thousands of recreational ladies on this website and I know for a fact the sex would never get boring. Bring on the PEDs - I use them myself - they are awesome. They also need to be respected. And that starts with respecting yourself.

6 days ago - permalink

Irene Andersen looks amazing for a 60 year old woman so any side effects pale in comparison to the benefits

These statements are wild! She looks good because she does the right physical maintenance! But there are also other side effects than the assumed big clit, body hair, balding, and voice change. There are fertility issues, vaginal issues, organ issues, cancer related mutations, blood pressure irregularities, moderate to severe joint/bone pain, severe depression etc. Never assume because they physically look "amazing" that there are no serious side effects happening.

Some people only see what they want to see which is true. The unseen issues are what creep up on individuals and shock fans. Classic examples are: Johanna Thomas, Tracy Hess, Nicole Bass, Laura Bass, Shelly Beattie, etc.

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