I think that if a person deliberately chose to take a 'serum' that promised sudden and hugely proportioned muscle mass, then that person would be 'excited' about the result. It's a take on the classic Dr. Faustus and many other Human constructs --- you know the kind 'Immortality', 'Extreme Health', 'Turning everything touched into Gold' or even parting the 'Red Sea' or turning 'Water into Wine' etc.
All this is to simply say, that everything in this genre has been done thousands of times before. It is not "new". All you need do is check out the Classics that have remained popular for at least three or four thousand years and develop your story from what works.
So it sounds like the woman in this scenario wants to be muscular? Or is she taking this "serum" against her will?
Both (in different scenarios, of course)
I guess most women would like it but it depends on the body type that they get. since a lot of women want to keep their feminine appearance even if they want to be stronger so some women may not like it if they become virile. and it depends on the personality too since some women have a very outdated mindset. But even if they dislike it at first they will enjoy the benefits later on. but I think that if such a thing really existed it would quickly spread around the world. and soon most of the world population. will be hyper muscular and you are considerd dumb if you don't take it. like someone who doesn't use electricity for the sake of tradition
And I think it also depends on the level of strength she gets. if it's like a regular strong woman or maybe a little bit super human like as strong as an elephant or strong enough to crush metal items with her hands and lift cars. or if we are talking cartoonish super woman levels of strength were she is immune to bombs and can litteraly destroy anything. I think if she is that powerful it depends on the personality but if you are so powerful you don't have to deal with consequences. the power can turn a good person into a bad person. but even very powerful people have to worry about taking things too far. like even if she was strong enough to win every fight they would just use bigger guns if she makes too many enemies. and if her strength remains at human levels or slightly above her mindset won't change much at all.
What you describe Yotv is exactly the sort of thing that the Japanese did with the UtraMan TV show of the late 1960's....slight differences in intent as UltraMan was meant to deal with various immense monsters destroying entire cities. Basically the very same fantasy except the fantasy here involves women. Interestingly, when danger arrived, UltraMan would whip out what looked exactly like a Dildo and the Dildo caused him to suddenly develop to huge size and strength. We kids seeing this always tittered at the naivety of the scene (even at a young tender age in the late 1960's, we kids were aware of Vibrators).
I'm not sure if this thread should belong in General/Nonfiction... if not, just tell me where should it be 👌.
So, basically... I've thought quite a bit lately about what would the real psychological impacts of a sudden transformation of the classic "female muscle growth" stories be in a woman. I know that it would depend a lot on the woman herself, but, for example, could she develop some sort of body dysmorphia or some narcissistic traits?
Like, imagine that a skinny or chubby girl takes a serum that grants her the muscle mass of the biggest female bodybuilders in existence... How would she react to it? Would she be afraid, scared, aroused, excited? I'd like to hear your opinions on this