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Why not simply join a gym if you want to see muscular women?

Jun 16, 2024 - edited Jun 19, 2024 by Chainer - permalink

Split from Real-Life Encounters, feel free to re-title - Chainer

So two things. First, if you want to see muscular women, during the summer arrive at the airport for your flight 3-4 hours early, find a seat at a busy part of the concourse and then just watch. It’s almost guaranteed to see some muscle (every once in awhile you get a bodybuilder or elite level cross fitter, but almost every time you’ll get an average cross fitter and/or woman who works out with amazing calves or biceps…. And yes I spend a lot of time in airports. The key is to remain in one busy place and let everyone pass you….). Oh, and women barely dress when they fly these days, so you’ll see some non muscular hotties too.

Why not simply join a Crossfit gym if you want to see muscular women? There are always pretty fit women at every gym I have dropped in at (including the one I was a member of), and a couple pretty jacked ladies. Also, you get in shape and it's usually a great community!

Jun 16, 2024 - permalink

Why not simply join a Crossfit gym if you want to see muscular women? There are always pretty fit women at every gym I have dropped in at (including the one I was a member of), and a couple pretty jacked ladies. Also, you get in shape and it's usually a great community!

Already on that. Just giving some of more non athletic friends an avenue.

Jun 17, 2024 - permalink

Why not simply join a Crossfit gym if you want to see muscular women? There are always pretty fit women at every gym I have dropped in at (including the one I was a member of), and a couple pretty jacked ladies. Also, you get in shape and it's usually a great community!

LOL you know how this one plays out. It's a GWM.com signature to (1) intensely desire to meet muscular women and (2) avoid the one place where they're most likely to be at all costs.

Jun 17, 2024 - permalink

LOL you know how this one plays out. It's a GWM.com signature to (1) intensely desire to meet muscular women and (2) avoid the one place where they're most likely to be at all costs.

i was in shape when i did this and it still didn't work lmao

it didn't matter, the regular dating rules still apply. be attractive, don't be unattractive (not just looks too). in the end it was all too messy for me. knew a guy that was long-term engaged, living with his fiance. sleeping with one of her good friends who came over frequently. Continued to sleep with her for a while. Said woman felt bad about it but he made really goo dmoney and didn't really have responsiblities to put it toward so he would pay for her shit, so she kept doing it. asked for advice from a friend and perpetually ignored it, which got her burned, went and asked the same advice from a friend, got the same answer.

dude got married to the first advice-giver's terrible-ex-roommate 10-12 years his junior who likely was mostly with him for getting her stuff, including a truck.

nearly every gym has some top level drama that is ALMOST not worth the eye candy.

Jun 18, 2024 - permalink

LOL you know how this one plays out. It's a GWM.com signature to (1) intensely desire to meet muscular women and (2) avoid the one place where they're most likely to be at all costs.

Ha ha, this comment needs to be pinned at the top of the thread, seriously

Jun 19, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by chicabana1111
Jun 19, 2024 - permalink

i was in shape when i did this and it still didn't work lmao

I mean, nothing is guaranteed. All we can do is put ourselves in the best possible positions if we want to try to make things happen. But like I mentioned in a prior post, it's amazing to me at honestly just how many people here say that they want to badly meet and get with buff women, but steadfastly don't want to hear and acknowledge what they need to do to give themselves the best chances of making that happen https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/forum/thread/... .

Jun 19, 2024 - edited Jun 19, 2024 - permalink

I mean, nothing is guaranteed. All we can do is put ourselves in the best possible positions if we want to try to make things happen. But like I mentioned in a prior post, it's amazing to me at honestly just how many people here say that they want to badly meet and get with buff women, but steadfastly don't want to hear and acknowledge what they need to do to give themselves the best chances of making that happen https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/forum/thread/... .

I wonder if there’s a site for guys who are like insanely attracted to ballerinas.

And they constantly say “how can I finally meet a ballerina?!?,” and you reply, “well.. maybe you should take some ballet classes or go to a ballet performance” and they’re like “nooooooo way I’m doing either of those!!!”

Jun 19, 2024 - permalink

it's amazing to me at honestly just how many people here say that they want to badly meet and get with buff women, but steadfastly don't want to hear and acknowledge what they need to do to give themselves the best chances of making that happen

I honestly don't think this is as hard to understand as you two above frequently claim.

These people are attracted to this one specific superficial quality in women (muscles) for reasons out of their control. It's easy to imagine that a lot of the time, this doesn't also mean that they themselves are going to enjoy the activity (going to the gym, being fit, etc.) that results in them having the best chances of meeting such a woman. The attraction is independent of their own level of interest in doing the thing.

This puts them in a difficult situation because they can either fake interest in fitness, which might get them a little bit closer to getting with a buff woman but honestly not really, because the women are going to pick up on it... or, they can do nothing and be the people that you two repeatedly rag on.

The avenue of "go to the gym, really into it, get super fit, meet or even get with buff women" may have been open to you two which is why this is easy for you to say, but it is not open to everyone.

Jun 19, 2024 - permalink

Here's an odd take. Some of us aren't looking to meet and or date a muscular woman. I'm very happily married. I love my wife and would never dream of cheating on her even with the FBBer of my dreams. But should the opportunity arise to see a muscular woman well then that'd be nice. So something like the original post here, arrive at the airport early and watch is good info for someone like me.

Jun 19, 2024 - permalink

i just don't like to work out its not fun i get very exhausted and feel bad after a short time. when i used to go to gyms it was all men and non muscular women trying to lose weight. and most people are to focussed on working out i think this may be a cultural problem because i noticed people in other countries tend to have more random small talk. but people here only talk to you when they have to say something important its just a very antisocial environment like most places.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

I honestly don't think this is as hard to understand as you two above frequently claim.

These people are attracted to this one specific superficial quality in women (muscles) for reasons out of their control. It's easy to imagine that a lot of the time, this doesn't also mean that they themselves are going to enjoy the activity (going to the gym, being fit, etc.) that results in them having the best chances of meeting such a woman. The attraction is independent of their own level of interest in doing the thing.

This puts them in a difficult situation because they can either fake interest in fitness, which might get them a little bit closer to getting with a buff woman but honestly not really, because the women are going to pick up on it... or, they can do nothing and be the people that you two repeatedly rag on.

The avenue of "go to the gym, really into it, get super fit, meet or even get with buff women" may have been open to you two which is why this is easy for you to say, but it is not open to everyone.

I'd agree with much of what you say. I think that the R. Crumb paradigm of a small out of shape man being super attracted to a larger, powerful woman is often times accurate. Just because you like muscular women doesn't mean that you want/can become muscular or athletic yourself.

I get that. It's all good. I'm attracted to really goth women but I'm not even a little bit goth or part of the lifestyle. Kind of prevents me from meeting any goth women IRL... outside of maybe seeing them at a concert or the mall.

So the idea of admiring women of a type/culture/scene outside of your own.. it's probably pretty common.

My issue is with the guys in this situation who endlessly complain that they they want to meet muscular women and cannot. They wonder "where the muscle women at?!?" They sometimes look at the objects of their affection with contempt... saying that there's something wrong with FBB's wanting a partner who's equally dedicated and athletic. I hate this attitude. When I hear it, I'm like... there's nothing stopping you from getting off your ass and working out if you really want this badly enough. Not to mention, it's freaking good for you!

And with my ballet comment... it's a way to show how this attitude doesn't work with other subcultures.

Jun 20, 2024 - edited Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

This is an example of not really understanding the psychology. If you start a hobby because you have even the slightest thought that it could help you pick up the women you like, that is a massive mindfuck. It just doesn't yield the results. 99% of people who think that way about going to the gym would freeze the second they meet a woman they find attractive.

You have to go to the gym because you actually enjoy it and have people get attracted to you because of that sort of attitude, not go because you have some side motivation of meeting muscular women.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

Here's an odd take. Some of us aren't looking to meet and or date a muscular woman. I'm very happily married. I love my wife and would never dream of cheating on her even with the FBBer of my dreams. But should the opportunity arise to see a muscular woman well then that'd be nice. So something like the original post here, arrive at the airport early and watch is good info for someone like me.

Hey, 2P. We used to chat at DtV.

I agree with this take. I enjoy looking at these women, but I know well enough that it's just a fantasy. I've met several FBBs and been lucky enough to call 2 IFBB pros friends, but theirs is not a life I'd ever want to live. For me, the fun is occasionally observing it from a distance while I live my quiet life.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

I actually agree with Chainer on this one. Sometimes it's not that simple, especially when not every gym is going to be littered with the kind of muscular women featured on this site.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

i just don't like to work out its not fun i get very exhausted and feel bad after a short time. when i used to go to gyms it was all men and non muscular women trying to lose weight. and most people are to focussed on working out i think this may be a cultural problem because i noticed people in other countries tend to have more random small talk. but people here only talk to you when they have to say something important its just a very antisocial environment like most places.

Just maybe, the problem is you?

Jun 20, 2024 - edited Jun 20, 2024 by [deleted] - permalink

i just don't like to work out its not fun i get very exhausted and feel bad after a short time. when i used to go to gyms it was all men and non muscular women trying to lose weight. and most people are to focussed on working out i think this may be a cultural problem because i noticed people in other countries tend to have more random small talk. but people here only talk to you when they have to say something important its just a very antisocial environment like most places.

Then you’re just a lazy piece of shit

EDIT: so slapping this with a warning.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

Then you’re just a lazy piece of shit

And then there's that. If he already feels bad about the gym, that's not gonna help anything. You guys need to chill, the gym isn't a magic pill that'll solve everyone's problems.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

This is an example of not really understanding the psychology. If you start a hobby because you have even the slightest thought that it could help you pick up the women you like, that is a massive mindfuck. It just doesn't yield the results. 99% of people who think that way about going to the gym would freeze the second they meet a woman they find attractive.

You have to go to the gym because you actually enjoy it and have people get attracted to you because of that sort of attitude, not go because you have some side motivation of meeting muscular women.

i know some of y'all arent into religion and that's fine but this came up in church recently--same kind of thing. if you're at church to pick up girls and not for the normal reasons you'd go to church, you're in mindfuck. because you are trying to be there for both things but one will certainly occupy your mind more. i have been really struggling with this lately.

i had the same issue at the gym. thought i could go to a place that would have girls, thought i found someone, didn't work out, tried with a few more but no dice. eventually i didn't really want to be there anymore because either they moved on to other things or started dating someone at the gym. very disheartening to see in real time. it was time for a change in scenery.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

why are people getting mad that i don't want to waste my time doing something i don't like and already tired a bunch of times. this is like me getting mad at people for not learning Tamil as a hobby

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

why are people getting mad that i don't want to waste my time doing something i don't like and already tired a bunch of times. this is like me getting mad at people for not learning Tamil as a hobby

It's mainly your negativity that stands out.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

It's mainly your negativity that stands out.

i am just being a realist a lot of people don't like the gym if everyone liked it there would be way more fit people .and one of my problems with going to the gym was that there weren't a lot of people there when i did go it was almost empty clearly showing that most of the population has no interest .people who go there are special but in a good way.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

And then there's that. If he already feels bad about the gym, that's not gonna help anything. You guys need to chill, the gym isn't a magic pill that'll solve everyone's problems.

True but the gym helps a lot with self confidence and if seems like he needs some

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

i am just being a realist a lot of people don't like the gym if everyone liked it there would be way more fit people .and one of my problems with going to the gym was that there weren't a lot of people there when i did go it was almost empty clearly showing that most of the population has no interest .people who go there are special but in a good way.

It’s mainly the thing that you (or someone like you on this board) will say they want to meet more GWM but don’t want to do the pretty much only thing guaranteed to raise your chances of an encounter. A lot of people don’t like going to the gym but are there multiple times a week

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by lak1hw26ds3
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