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Life after muscle.

Permanent Side Effects... (201 total votes)

Worth it! (117, 58.2%)
Yeah, on second thoughts... (84, 41.8%)
Jun 09, 2024 - permalink

Saw a pic of DARIA SHUER. Aromatised heavily. Strong androgenic side effects that are likely permanent.

Got me wondering...many of these side effects are forever once done. Wonder if the ladies think it was worth it.

Never juiced myself, so can't weigh in myself.

Just asking...no hate...no flame war being started. :-)

Jun 09, 2024 - permalink

Lol you have to show me where are the side effects on her because if it is only that then i am in for 100% of the females to be on juice 😂🤣

Jun 11, 2024 - permalink

What is the point of asking GWM users this question? You need to ask the women. They made the decisions to go beyond regular working out or athletic training to take PEDs and achieve a certain look. Sometimes that choice ventures into the masculine phenotype. And furthermore, futures are uncertain since the highest aspiration is to become an OF model instead of going to college and becoming employable. So take your pick of women (although I’m sure you don’t know any of them) and ask them about their life’s choices.

Jun 11, 2024 - permalink

What is the point of asking GWM users this question? You need to ask the women. They made the decisions to go beyond regular working out or athletic training to take PEDs and achieve a certain look. Sometimes that choice ventures into the masculine phenotype. And furthermore, futures are uncertain since the highest aspiration is to become an OF model instead of going to college and becoming employable. So take your pick of women (although I’m sure you don’t know any of them) and ask them about their life’s choices.

Good point. Was a whim. Probably delete this.

Jun 11, 2024 - permalink

Honest question and no judgement either way:

Do you think that's a real picture? Do you think it's digitally altered in any way? Look at it closely.

Jun 11, 2024 - permalink

@Buff, didn’t mean to get very down on this question. There was an earlier forum thread on the psychological reasons for women taking up bb and taking it to extreme levels. The OP and some users were very curious and interested to discuss. But the thread never took off. Probably several reasons why but it’s unfortunate because it’s an interesting topic.

Jun 14, 2024 - permalink

Lol you have to show me where are the side effects on her because if it is only that then i am in for 100% of the females to be on juice 😂🤣

Well my friend, it is usually what you are not shown. Facial and body hair growth may grow more. She could be shaving or get it lasered. Voice on her is definitely deeper than your average woman and it's because of the side effects. It has been known to affect women's reproductive system so that is something to look out for. It's all fun and games until you have to be supportive to your gal and watch the side effects happen real-time. A lot of people on this site want a real muscle chick, but few understand what that really means.

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