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„I hate tattoos“ comments should be considered spam

May 29, 2024 - edited May 29, 2024 - permalink

I just can’t believe how many people need to comment under every single photo of a woman with tattoos how much they hate tattoos. This is adding absolutely nothing of value, except that some people scream under every post that they don’t like tattoos, and this is a woman with tattoos. It’s not like anyone wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.

It’s like someone who really likes blond woman and comments under every brunettes post how much better she would look like with blond hair.

I really don’t understand why those comments are so normalized and generally accepted. Maybe add a tattoo tag and let people filter for only images without tattoos if it bothers them so much, but please do something about these spammy comments.

I’m looking forward to all the angry comments …

Edit: bonus points if someone comments how great it is that a woman DOESNT have tattoos.

May 29, 2024 - permalink

Just to be clear: if someone would comment on the quality or the motive of the tattoo and there wouldn’t be anything of value I wouldn’t even mind. What I’m talking about are those ever repeating comments like „would be so much better without tattoos“

May 29, 2024 - permalink

I just can’t believe how many people need to comment under every single photo of a woman with tattoos how much they hate tattoos. This is adding absolutely nothing of value, except that some people scream under every post that they don’t like tattoos, and this is a woman with tattoos. It’s not like anyone wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.

It’s like someone who really likes blond woman and comments under every brunettes post how much better she would look like with blond hair.

I really don’t understand why those comments are so normalized and generally accepted. Maybe add a tattoo tag and let people filter for only images without tattoos if it bothers them so much, but please do something about these spammy comments.

I’m looking forward to all the angry comments …

Edit: bonus points if someone comments how great it is that a woman DOESNT have tattoos.

But a lot of people do & always will hate tattoos. Imo they distract from the beauty of female muscle & give a cheap look. Also can't see a problem with anyone being able to voice their opinion.

May 29, 2024 - permalink

I just can’t believe how many people need to comment under every single photo of a woman with tattoos how much they hate tattoos. This is adding absolutely nothing of value, except that some people scream under every post that they don’t like tattoos, and this is a woman with tattoos. It’s not like anyone wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.

It’s like someone who really likes blond woman and comments under every brunettes post how much better she would look like with blond hair.

I really don’t understand why those comments are so normalized and generally accepted. Maybe add a tattoo tag and let people filter for only images without tattoos if it bothers them so much, but please do something about these spammy comments.

I’m looking forward to all the angry comments …

Edit: bonus points if someone comments how great it is that a woman DOESNT have tattoos.

That and hair style comments annoy the hell out of me. Everyone has personal taste, but I don’t need to hear the same complaints on every image that doesn’t have a tattooless woman with long let-down hair.

May 30, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

But a lot of people do & always will hate tattoos.


May 30, 2024 - permalink

I think im one of those people, sorry. I guess ill just say less. Can i still comment about skin?

May 30, 2024 - permalink

I hate some tattoos but not most of them some take it too far or have something silly

May 30, 2024 - permalink

So what? People always need rationalize reasons for controlling others. I'm not fond of the commenters who describe every other female as a "hunk" or a "stud." On occasion, especially if intended as humor, it would be fine, but they seem to get off on it sexually. Or describing the sound of their erection -- "boing!" However, it's all on-topic.

This site does not have a lot of members. The power law is real here: the overwhelming number of comments come from a tiny minority. This suggests the solution: A mute/ignore function so that user can live in their curated silos.

May 30, 2024 - edited May 30, 2024 - permalink

I get annoyed with those comments because it really becomes a redundant theme that has no purpose to it. It also becomes more about the commentor than it does about the woman herself. What do you hope to accomplish by saying the same thing over and over to every woman who has them? That maybe she reads it and says to herself "wow, this rando says they hate tattoos; I think I'm gonna get them removed!"

I get that this is a site where we "appreciate" women for their bodies, but I also know that there is a lot of criticism out there from those women towards dudes who say critical, unprompted comments towards their bodies. I guess context is really king in situations like this. It's one thing to comments on a competitor's placement and as to why the placed the way they did, but it's another to rag on someone just because they don't fit your physical ideal. Yes, everyone has opinions and a "right" to them, but I also think social awareness comes into play, and just because you have an “opinion,” it doesn’t mean that sharing it is warranted or wanted.

May 30, 2024 - edited May 30, 2024 - permalink

I just can’t believe how many people need to comment under every single photo of a woman with tattoos how much they hate tattoos. This is adding absolutely nothing of value, except that some people scream under every post that they don’t like tattoos, and this is a woman with tattoos. It’s not like anyone wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.

Agreed. Kinda of frustrating when an upload gets a comment, and you check and is just someone bashing the girl tats.

May 30, 2024 - permalink

As a general rule I think it's good to think before reacting, and even then only state simple facts about something. Most problems here are caused by people who either want to react without thinking or want to manipulate someone to feel certain way. It's the mirror image of boings and goddesses. In other words, ideally a comment about a tattoo is about the tattoo, not about the commenter or his feelings about tattoos.


I think image comments are analogous to those who choose to speak up in a crowded room.

Some people will always find a way to make it about themselves. Some people will be positive. Many will be negative. Some will be polite, many will not.

Let's not call the police to supervise the room just because some people choose to make things all about themselves.

May 30, 2024 - permalink

If someone says they don’t like a tattoo. There’s a problem. If someone says they love tattoos. No problem at all. Why is it that one statement is like - please stop! And the other is - yeah well I guess that’s just your opinion.

May 30, 2024 - permalink

It's simple etiquette.

It doesn't make much sense for someone to walk into an ice cream shop, take a look at the menu and then get upset that they don't serve steak instead.

So why open an image of a tattooed woman and then complain that she has tattoos?

May 30, 2024 - edited May 30, 2024 - permalink

Talking about tattoos is like talking about implants, in that it’s probably best kept for the forums and at a certain point we beat the subject to death and then it gets resurrected and dies again.

It’s not a topic that will go away, but it probably shouldn’t be under the main gallery images.

May 30, 2024 - edited May 31, 2024 - permalink

"I think image comments are analogous to those who choose to speak up in a crowded room."

I don't think so, because if someone is speaking up in a crowded room you're forced to listen (unless you're actively covering your ears) but image comments takes further action to read than simply clicking on the image.

Also I don't understand how people expect there to be any kind of informative value in the image comments. I expect there to be people venting their urges or complaints basically. Not that's how I'd like it to be but it's still what I expect.

Talking about tattoos, I recently saw a study where they have linked tattoos to an increased risk of getting certain cancers (lymphoma). However removing an existing tattoo might make the waste products from the ink spread in the body and increase the risks even more. So just let it be if you're worried.

When it comes to bodybuilding the tattoos tend to retract from the contours and shadows cast from the muscles, so I understand that some people complain about it. Let's go further. If you're competing in bodybuilding, would it be wrong to tattoo muscle contours? Would it be wrong to make a "normal" tattoo that happens to enhance the contours and shadowing of muscles? There is a huge grey area here if you think about it. Ya'll know how easily the eyes gets fooled from image illusions.

May 30, 2024 - edited May 30, 2024 - permalink

It's simple etiquette.

Proper etiquette is seen differently depending on the person and where that person grew up. As in normally the average person wouldn't make comments about another persons weight. Such a thing can come off as rude. But where I grew up telling somebody they've put on some pounds since last seen is not thought of as disrespect. Just a passing observation.

May 31, 2024 - edited May 31, 2024 - permalink

It's simple etiquette.

It doesn't make much sense for someone to walk into an ice cream shop, take a look at the menu and then get upset that they don't serve steak instead.

So why open an image of a tattooed woman and then complain that she has tattoos?

What if you took this “just scroll past” idea, and applied it to the comments so you don’t have to worry about comments you don’t like?

Imagine reading comments and being annoyed that other people have opinions that aren’t yours. Just look at the pictures.

May 31, 2024 - permalink

There is zero value in the comments under pictures. They should be removed altogether. They're either something negative or someone acting like a pervert. It wouldn't surprise me if they're one of the main reasons for girls hating this website.

Use the forum if you have something to say, although the forum is also a sewer where even the mods are posting insulting threads like Most Overrated GWM?

It would be nice if this was a place where we could appreciate muscular women together but the climate of toxicity is so embedded that it seems impossible at this point.

(I also hate tattoos.)

May 31, 2024 - permalink

there is something seriously wrong with people who actually want speech controlled on every online space they go to. i hate tattoos btw

May 31, 2024 - permalink

A lot of people sure do like controlling what others can say.

May 31, 2024 - permalink

A WHOLE LOT of people sure do like controlling what others can do with their bodies...

This is not a critics site, nobody comes here to get a sincere critic about their bodies or anything... so if you don't have anything nice to say about the picture, you better keep for yourself.

May 31, 2024 - permalink

What if you took this “just scroll past” idea, and applied it to the comments so you don’t have to worry about comments you don’t like?

Imagine reading comments and being annoyed that other people have opinions that aren’t yours. Just look at the pictures.

Agreed!! If comments annoy someone so much, why scroll down to read them?

Now, in my particular case, sometimes I WILL comment on my dislike of tattoos if a lady has like super hot legs but then the arms are all covered in tattoos... it's just my opinion, feel free to ignore it.

I hated the "BOING" single word comment, but I didn't want to ban it.

May 31, 2024 - permalink

What if you took this “just scroll past” idea, and applied it to the comments so you don’t have to worry about comments you don’t like?

Imagine reading comments and being annoyed that other people have opinions that aren’t yours. Just look at the pictures.

The interesting thing about your suggestion (other than the fact that you relegated what I said into "just scroll past") is that while anyone on either side of this argument can simply "just scroll past," you're ignoring the fact that certain users find it within themselves to take time out of their day to type out "doesn't do it for me" or "she's ugly." They are purely self-serving and objectively make for absolutely worthless comments. Yes, the same can be said for comments on the opposite end of the spectrum, such as "she's hot" or "i'd impregnate her." I find them to be equally worthless.

To everyone else... no one is "banning" these comments. The only users who would need to worry about this are those who are doing it repeatedly in a trolling manner. All it takes is a quick look through your comment history.

Jun 01, 2024 - edited Jun 01, 2024 - permalink

There are two kinds of GWM comments about free speech: "People shouldn't be allowed to say X!" and "Why can't I say X?!"

If it's one user spamming his dislike of tattoos everywhere, that should be brought to our attention and we'll deal with it.

If it's a bunch of people occasionally leaving a negative comment about tattoos, as long as the comments are individually at least somewhat diplomatic and not overly insulting... I'm not going to ban people mentioning that, just like I won't ban negative comments as a whole.

Jun 02, 2024 - permalink

Most tatts that I see here are tasteful; and complementary to the model, in one way or another. I may make an occasional positive comment about such. The few models that appear to have fallen into an ink vat I generally pass over.

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