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Social Media Links on Profiles

May 24, 2024 - permalink

Would it be possible to add social media links onto the women's profiles to make it easier to find their pages on different sites, similar to how there's a link to a HerBiceps profiles etc?

May 24, 2024 - permalink

Yea it can be handy a lot of these platforms got annoying so it's hard to find their profile with Google. most of them only got Instagram and TikTok and Twitter (why are they so popular it's shit) . but it's cool when they are on YouTube or reddit or something more obscure like a lot of Russian fbbs use that vk thing.

May 24, 2024 - permalink

I see this idea floating around often, and I understand the utility behind the idea; it just seems like it could backfire hard in practice. Just looking at the comments on some pics its clear some folks don’t know how to behave.

If social links were integrated directly then alot of these women are gonna get unwanted attention sent directly to their page. There are already quite a few who are blacklisted and it seems this is by their own request even without their socials being directly linked. I guarantee that increases if socials are attached to profiles.

Call me old fashioned, but i think its perfectly serviceable to just search a name up on google/ig if you get that curious. At least then that tends to select for people with some form of social media etiquette. Otherwise, we can expect the lowest common denominator of comment on this site to appear directly to the women here; thats not particularly good for them or our site members.

May 24, 2024 - permalink

I think the types of people who are gonna give the women unwanted attention are gonna google them anyway, a link isn't really gonna make much of a difference

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