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"Natty or not" drivel

May 12, 2024 - permalink

I swear it seems like half the comments on this site are arguing back and forth about whether or not someone is on steroids. Can we just ban that discussion from the image comments? Or give it it's own thread if it's so important to people. Most people here could care less what drugs people take, but some people seem to be obsessed with it.

May 12, 2024 - permalink

I swear it seems like half the comments on this site are arguing back and forth about whether or not someone is on steroids. Can we just ban that discussion from the image comments? Or give it it's own thread if it's so important to people. Most people here could care less what drugs people take, but some people seem to be obsessed with it.

I couldn't agree more. I could give a tinker's cuss who's using what. If they're juiced like 99.9% of the women on this site, that's their choice. If they've developed the sort of physique I admire, who am I to question their choices. I say go for it girls, it's your long-term health you're playing Russian Roulette with! And who coined the term "natty" anyway? Why not just say drug-free, or PED-free. I'll see myself out...

May 12, 2024 - permalink

Yea I personally stopped caring when I found out that the steroids don't do anything if you don't work out. it just makes it so you gain more muscle when you do. I used to think you would just start to magically grow muscles if you take them

May 13, 2024 - permalink

LMFAO newsflash; nobody's natural where financial opportunity exists.

May 13, 2024 - permalink

I love it when someone says “I prefer natural muscle!” and proceeds to post a picture where the bodybuilder/influencer is definitely not natural lol.

May 13, 2024 - permalink

Personally I kind of enjoy it.

There's only so much to talk about with regards to muscular women and this seems to be a major topic that people want to speculate about. If I went down the road of banning topics like this soon there wouldn't be anything left to say.

May 13, 2024 - permalink

May 13, 2024 - permalink

I'm only talking on the image comments themselves. I think it can effect why so many girls blacklist themselves from this site. I'm sure the constant trash talk about their reputation isn't helping keep them here.

But mainly, it's just so annoying to see to the same stupid argument taking over so many picture comment sections. A reddit style upvote/downvote could rein this in without outright banning it. It could help with other nuisance comments like the simpy stuff and low effort comments.

May 13, 2024 - permalink

Personally I kind of enjoy it.

There's only so much to talk about with regards to muscular women and this seems to be a major topic that people want to speculate about. If I went down the road of banning topics like this soon there wouldn't be anything left to say.

I’m new to this community, but this exactly. The reality is that this is a small community and if we want to promote ‘acceptance’ of muscular women we have to accept that all of us have slightly different interests and to encourage discussion. Some like the huge bodybuilder types and some like the smaller girl next door types. Some like the use of steroids and some prefer natural. We should encourage acceptance and discussion of all spectrums to allow this community to grow (obviously removing hate speech). Banning comments about steroid use will discourage open discussion and discourage these women from (one day in the future) acknowledging their steroid use. If anything it sends the wrong message and will encourage them to hide it. If we want them to be open about their use, we need to get to the point where we accept them and these discussions are the growing pains of getting there

May 14, 2024 - permalink

Agree. Would better without those idiotic comments.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

Legit LOL at this, I'm stealing it!

May 14, 2024 - permalink

Personally, I assume most of the women here, are on some form of gear but I could care less. I do wish some of them wouldn't claim natty though because it really doesn't matter. They look fantastic anyway!!!

May 14, 2024 - permalink

I hate it when people say they don't like implants and prefer chests like men. I'd like that talk banned as well LOL

May 14, 2024 - permalink

I hate it when people say they don't like implants and prefer chests like men. I'd like that talk banned as well LOL

Wait. So the only two options are (1) implants or (2) “chest like men”

Women can’t just have natural chests? Liking that should be banned?

May 14, 2024 - permalink

Wait. So the only two options are (1) implants or (2) “chest like men”

Women can’t just have natural chests? Liking that should be banned?

I personally love muscular, natural chests. Chests like men??? WTF!!! That's like like saying these women have arms like men, or quads like men, or backs like men.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

I swear it seems like half the comments on this site are arguing back and forth about whether or not someone is on steroids. Can we just ban that discussion from the image comments? Or give it it's own thread if it's so important to people. Most people here could care less what drugs people take, but some people seem to be obsessed with it.

First off, it’s “couldn’t care less”. You would also be surprised how many people’s fetish hangs on the belief that their favorite lifters are natty.

Secondly, usually the steroid comments on pics are not brought up unprompted. They’re usually started when some goofer comments on them being natural or whatever (or if the pic/reel mentions being natty.)

And finally, I highly doubt the PED debates are why ladies are blacklisting themselves from here. I’m also pretty sure that the comments in general aren’t why the majority ask to not be on the site, but of the ones who do factor that, it’s probably more the gross “schmoe” comments or the downright sexual “who is jerking!” dreck on the forums and chat.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

I've got to admit I find watching the ongoing game of whack-a-mole entertaining. What I don't like is the trend of armchair experts chiming in, displaying their ignorance of legitimate side-effects vs the look you get from a low BF%, or just how a woman looks naturally. Not all of them were born with soft features. The kind of guys that'd look at a picture of the wrestler Chyna and declare with absolute certainty, "Look at that jaw! Clearly, she's juicing heavily! HGH, tren, test, halo! I'm getting a stiffy just using these terms!" Yeah... Take a look at pics of her as a child, same jaw.

Declaring whether or a woman is natural or not isn't good enough for them, now they want to display their expertise by telling us what they're taking and how much. Now I do get that it's important to understand the difference between high and low androgenic compounds, which can enable women to achieve significant growth over time with minimal sides and make that point. But IMHO, speculation beyond that is worthless. I've used, I've lifted with women who use, and I've had enough discussions to know that individual results/effects vary dramatically.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

Yea I personally stopped caring when I found out that the steroids don't do anything if you don't work out. it just makes it so you gain more muscle when you do. I used to think you would just start to magically grow muscles if you take them

That is definately not true for some PEDs that have been shown to increase the muscle mass of someone who is not training at all by 3-4 times (during 6 weeks) compared to someone who is lifting natty during that same time span, all under scientific supervision.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

I've got to admit I find watching the ongoing game of whack-a-mole entertaining. What I don't like is the trend of armchair experts chiming in, displaying their ignorance of legitimate side-effects vs the look you get from a low BF%, or just how a woman looks naturally. Not all of them were born with soft features. The kind of guys that'd look at a picture of the wrestler Chyna and declare with absolute certainty, "Look at that jaw! Clearly, she's juicing heavily! HGH, tren, test, halo! I'm getting a stiffy just using these terms!" Yeah... Take a look at pics of her as a child, same jaw.

Declaring whether or a woman is natural or not isn't good enough for them, now they want to display their expertise by telling us what they're taking and how much. Now I do get that it's important to understand the difference between high and low androgenic compounds, which can enable women to achieve significant growth over time with minimal sides and make that point. But IMHO, speculation beyond that is worthless. I've used, I've lifted with women who use, and I've had enough discussions to know that individual results/effects vary dramatically.

Do you think all muscle women (or -men) should be deemed natty until proven otherwise?

May 14, 2024 - permalink

I swear it seems like half the comments on this site are arguing back and forth about whether or not someone is on steroids. Can we just ban that discussion from the image comments? Or give it it's own thread if it's so important to people. Most people here could care less what drugs people take, but some people seem to be obsessed with it.

I would LOVE to see that talk banned. It's so fucking onerous honestly. I don't participate much and that's half the reason why. Tired of that nonsense.

May 14, 2024 - edited May 14, 2024 - permalink

Do you think all muscle women (or -men) should be deemed natty until proven otherwise?

No, I'm on the other side. Over a certain size, and it comes quickly, I assume use. I'm also part of the it doesn't matter crowd. I can see why you're asking though.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

I swear it seems like half the comments on this site are arguing back and forth about whether or not someone is on steroids. Can we just ban that discussion from the image comments? Or give it it's own thread if it's so important to people. Most people here could care less what drugs people take, but some people seem to be obsessed with it.

I honestly think it's really stupid to try to ban that discussion, because what are you banning really? Say for example there's a newly posted image of a girl where she is showing notable progress compared to earlier pics and someone comments:

"WOW! Those abs are really popping!"

And the next guys comments:

"Yeah you think she did a second cycle?"

  • It's an honest question but suddenly we are there, in that 'banned' natty/PEDs discussion. The solution would be to remove the image comment function altogether.
May 14, 2024 - permalink

I honestly think it's really stupid to try to ban that discussion, because what are you banning really? Say for example there's a newly posted image of a girl where she is showing notable progress compared to earlier pics and someone comments:

"WOW! Those abs are really popping!"

And the next guys comments:

"Yeah you think she did a second cycle?"

Natty or not is an honest question (sometimes), that's a question designed to show you think you're an expert. Second cycle? Not the fourth cycle or the twelfth cycle? Or maybe they don't cycle, they're on all the time - that does happen. The truth is while it can be obvious someone's on, you have no idea what they're doing, so why are you introducing that level of detail? That's what I was trying to get at in my original post.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

With few exceptions, those on this site who speculate about who's on what and when doesn't know what they're talking about. amb5002 is right: It's pointless to bring it up, because you don't know what they do, and it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS anyway.

May 14, 2024 - permalink

Natty or not is an honest question (sometimes), that's a question designed to show you think you're an expert. Second cycle? Not the fourth cycle or the twelfth cycle? Or maybe they don't cycle, they're on all the time - that does happen. The truth is while it can be obvious someone's on, you have no idea what they're doing, so why are you introducing that level of detail? That's what I was trying to get at in my original post.

Ye but how would you ever be able to moderate that? I picked that example question for an obvious reason, and I think you just improved my point.

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