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OrangeTheory: what is your experience?

Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

Hi all. I recently realized I am grossly out of shape and need to do something about it. Over time I've done weight training and yoga but eventually became bored with both of them after practicing each for several years.

I would like to get back into some kind of fitness community. I figure my odds of carrying through and sticking with a fitness practice go up exponentially if it is a group thing instead of just me individually.

I posted a thread a couple of weeks ago along similar lines about Crossfit. Crossfit might still be an option for me, but I am going to turn 50 this year and I have concerns about taking on a sport like that which is known to cause injuries. I just don't heal like I once did. Also, I am pretty stiff and also have a bum knee and probably a damaged rotator cuff.

And I suppose I need to mention this: I am not considering OrangeTheory only because of the fit girls who might also participate. Yes that is a nice bonus, and I would like to be part of a community that includes this, but I am not joining so I can hit on them.

If you have participated in OrangeTheory, or know anyone who has, I would love to hear your opinion. Is this a franchise worth joining? What are the benefits of OrangeTheory over other programs?

Thank you.

Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

perhaps could consider f45 aswell?

Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

The most important question is how's your diet?

Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

My wife likes orange theory because it gets her motivated to run, or at least pushes her to run. She’s naturally muscular, grows very easily, and enjoys lifting. But she likes the extra push for some cardio and just to mix it up for like 2 months every year.

It’s very cardio based and unless you’re very out of shape, you won’t get any stronger/gain muscle. I will say, she just finished her 2 or so months of it and has gotten fairly ripped. So with her muscular build starting to get ripped she looks absolutely ridiculous. Like could compete in a natural competition fairy soon.

Like anything, if you commit to it and eat right, you can see changes. The changes are going to be fat loss based definitely. Her and really only one other girl are in very good shape there though. Everyone else is kinda skinny fat or just completely overweight

Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

The most important question is how's your diet?

Inconsistent, at best. I tend to eat healthy on the weekends and early in the week, but as the week progresses I find myself skipping meals and/or eating KIND bars, cookies, or other garbage. I own a business and there's never any down time for me. I work 12 to 13 hours each day plus every Saturday and usually a few hours each Sunday.

I've had a crazy high metabolism for most of my life and would starve if I didn't eat every 4 hours. That has shifted noticeably in the past 8 months. I would never have been able to skip meals. Now I suddenly seem to be able to do so and barely notice.

So to answer your question: not great.

Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

perhaps could consider f45 aswell?

I know very little about F45. I seem to remember someone once telling me it is like Crossfit but more intense. Is that your experience?

Apr 28, 2024 - permalink

My wife likes orange theory because it gets her motivated to run, or at least pushes her to run. She’s naturally muscular, grows very easily, and enjoys lifting. But she likes the extra push for some cardio and just to mix it up for like 2 months every year.

It’s very cardio based and unless you’re very out of shape, you won’t get any stronger/gain muscle. I will say, she just finished her 2 or so months of it and has gotten fairly ripped. So with her muscular build starting to get ripped she looks absolutely ridiculous. Like could compete in a natural competition fairy soon.

Like anything, if you commit to it and eat right, you can see changes. The changes are going to be fat loss based definitely. Her and really only one other girl are in very good shape there though. Everyone else is kinda skinny fat or just completely overweight

Thank you, this is helpful. I am very out of shape. But even when I was in shape I always struggled with cardio although for most of those years I lived in an area with a lot of pollen which definitely affected my breathing. Would be an interesting experiment to see what cardio is like now that I live somewhere else.

I could pack muscle on pretty quickly back in the day when I would hit the gym regularly (and I was 10 years younger). But only in my arms and legs. I could never get my chest to develop, likewise with abs.

Apr 29, 2024 - permalink

Orange Theory is mostly cardio. You’re not going to get very strong out of it.

You originally posted about joining a CrossFit gym, and I still recommend that over OF. Again, if nagging injuries are an issue, see a physio/physical therapist (have you done that yet?) and let your coaches know so they can scale your movement properly.

6 days ago - permalink

Orange Theory is mostly cardio. You’re not going to get very strong out of it.

You originally posted about joining a CrossFit gym, and I still recommend that over OF. Again, if nagging injuries are an issue, see a physio/physical therapist (have you done that yet?) and let your coaches know so they can scale your movement properly.

Yes, I have, although it's been several years now. Generally these issues don't present when those two joints (left shoulder, right knee) are not under stress. I just want to be careful and not put myself into a situation which is likely to exacerbate or re-injure the original injury. That means being thoughtful about which sort of gym or program I select. I greatly appreciate your advice and point of view about Crossfit and OTF, and likewise for all others who have chimed in on these threads.

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