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Site Idea GWM-AI

Is GWM-AI plausible and feasable? (221 total votes)

Yes, lets goooooo! (112, 50.7%)
Its okay, needs a lot of workshopping but it could work (47, 21.3%)
Pie in the sky friend, keep dreaming (35, 15.8%)
Not really, easier said than done (27, 12.2%)
Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

As a sister site to this one. The setup would be basically the same, people would post pictures with #tags instead of names to search. Top comment might include a description of the prompt. I know this is much easier to spitball in a forum post than actually create and I am not a programmer in any sense of the word but I feel like it could be a ad revenue generator, especially with affiliate links from here. This idea came from the AI generated muscle girls thread which is chocked full of fantastic images but no way to easily navigate

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

I generally would love to have a site search engine that works with phrases like "blonde girl with long hair flexes both her arms". Of course for that you need a good image recognition software.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

I think not only is it a good idea, it's inevitable and I hope gwm does it first, with excellent up voting, tag and search functions. I would say that you should organise images under their author/artist, that way artists who create these things can start to get the credit they deserve too, and you know which artists you like to follow and subscribe too. but yes, tagging and searching and upvoting too.

lets do it. Chainer, do it. do it. if you have time.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Idea is great,gwm doing it first will give us a solid headstart

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

I am a programming student and I would like to work on that project or any other with this site, who should I talk to?

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Personally I neither have the know how or ambition to pull this off and I doubt I'm the first horny schmoe to imagine this site but yeah for the good of the community and the site revenue I thought it would be a good idea to throw out into the ether to see what you professionals thought. I just want this place to be here and the people who run it to be well compensated until I'm too old to crank it and beeeyyyyoooonnnnnd!!!!

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

If I'm honest, I think the tech needs to mature a little more to raise the average quality and ease of use of these sorts of AI generations before a site like that would truly work. It's moving pretty fast though, so maybe by the end of this year?

All of the current solutions have drawbacks (Dall-E 3 is overly censored and doesn't like to do photorealism, Midjourney is also censored and is less responsive in terms of requested poses and subject matter, the image and face quality in Ideogram isn't quite there, Stable Diffusion can be hard to get to do what you want without putting in a second job's worth of effort and customization, etc).

I'd like for things to move farther past the tech-demo stage to where people can more easily just dream up whatever they want, and a higher percentage of images are worth saving in their own right rather than as inspiration for future prompt ideas.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

this is basically what DA has become.

ive been writing a while but by the time i started stories were falling out of favor for art and photos/video. now you can make photorealistic ai-gen art to fit whatever parameters you want, and many of them are quite good, great even. their tag and search system is extremely robust.

user-generated tags seems like a good idea until you consider:

  • many posters here do not tag their posts on upload to begin with

  • some users manipulate tags, specifically i'm thinking the "teen" tag, which is a bit of a relic, but some trolls like to throw stuff in there and change things around (this includes names too)

  • im not a programmer but i imagine the variety of unique tags would be a burden. even DA has some limits to keep things neat.

one thing is concerning and has seen a lot of accounts shut down elsewhere is the perceived age of a character, because they will maybe facially look VERY young despite the poster INSISTING that they're over 18 OCs. It might be fine to police early but as people figure out easier ways to generate images and they come in bigger volumes, stuff will def get by the radar and i don't think anyone wants that kind of attention.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

The great thing about AI imagery is that none of it can be copyrighted...so a site could accept any number of them...into the billions as the AI engines just keep pumping them out. Of course, I think that everyone can probably see the major problem here.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Oh dear no, please, no A I generated images... _It will ruin the imagery of female athletes, witht a flow of basic same looking, boring, with no soul pictures. _Not even mentioning the classic "young actress, massive boobs, oversized muscles" that you can find in the worst sides of internet. Yay... _Plus it's against all the spirit of all muscle sports, AI generated images are like synthol for fake bodybuilders. It looks gross and nothing inspiring. _It gives more views to "open-AI", "mid journey"and other craps sites stealing datas, artworks, and skills from real athletes or artists, of course without their consent.

Deviant art with AI has become the trash of human mind. GWM admires athletes and their very, long, patient, dedicated, hard-work.

No AI.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

I agree with you Steph90.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

I don't think the people in charge of this site will be interested in this. this site is about real people only. photo shopped stuff and human made art is also banned. but I am sure someone else will try it.

but there are some challenges to overcome. like the best Ai is controlled by big corporations. and they don't let you render anything sexual because they don't want to upset Afghanistan. but people are making more uncensored Ai but they are a few years behind the big companies and don't focus on fetish stuff. so I am not sure if we need one for our fetish or if any uncensored Ai will do the trick. but if we got to wait for that I am sure it will come eventually. but it will be a while. like for the longest time 3d rendered female muscle art looked like ps 1 shit. only in 2012 was it good enough and animation only got decent in 2015. while in mainstream content this stuff was possible in the 90s.

but there are a lot of good ai female muscle art already. but the problem is that it fails to draw things where things touch each other. like I wanted to have photo realistic art of women lifting cars overhead and doing other things that are not possible in real life. but it will glitch out and the car and the woman will fuse into an abomination.

but the thing I am really hyped about is Ai animation. since it really looks unlike anything that existed before so it doesn't really compete with other art forms. it looks good but not really like real life

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

Just take the idea and change the name of the site. It doesn't have to take their approval to be real.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

I'm not Chainer nor do I represent the site, but this wouldn't make sense without introducing a paid GWM subscription tier, and Chainer's spoken in the past about the challenges of taking payments/donations. Generating images is very computationally expensive, and any real usage of the feature would require serious funding.

That's the biggest challenge objectively, but there are separate challenges such as ensuring users aren't generating fucked up/illegal images, breaking copyright, creating deepfakes... it's a can of worms that I can't imagine anyone willingly allowing without a very good reason.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

Now, now Yotv, you know as well as everyone else that the big corps don't allow sexualised stuff because it will offend people in Ohio and Alabama...the people in Afghanistan are too busy just trying to survive and they lack electricity.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

No thank you to AI.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

I made a website of my own to just host my AI generated art. It lacks tags and filters yet but this could become a real idea.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

I voted pie-in-the-sky, but I think it's a bad idea. Fans don't need images that are more detached from reality than what we've already got.

Mar 27, 2024 - edited Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

I made a website of my own to just host my AI generated art. It lacks tags and filters yet but this could become a real idea.

So, when do you expect to make your first million once the lawsuits have died down to a mere trickle.

AI imagery is nothing more than extreme plagiarism.

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

No AI please.

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

So, when do you expect to make your first million once the lawsuits have died down to a mere trickle.

AI imagery is nothing more than extreme plagiarism.

Who said a website has to be for profit? Also lmao who is going to sue over AI images and win...

Mar 28, 2024 - permalink

I don't see the point, there's already a Deviant

No AI.

Tell this to Roko's Basilisk.

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