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Does anyone knows why "Emily Gervasio" or Memly doesnt want to appear to this site ?

Mar 23, 2024 - permalink

I just saw it several years ago its still on this site. But now, it just dissapear

Mar 23, 2024 - permalink

Mar 23, 2024 - permalink

I'd be surprised if she doesn't have an OnlyFans. That seemed to be the direction she was going in.

Mar 23, 2024 - permalink

I'd be surprised if she doesn't have an OnlyFans. That seemed to be the direction she was going in.

so every girl here supposed to be have an OF ?

Mar 23, 2024 - permalink

so every girl here supposed to be have an OF ?

Well... most of them...:)

Mar 23, 2024 - permalink

Probably because she thinks websites that aren't Instagram or Facebook or TikTok are weird hacker shit. or maybe she has a bogus manager who copyright strikes everything or maybe she is more conservative now.

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

Probably because she thinks websites that aren't Instagram or Facebook or TikTok are weird hacker shit. or maybe she has a bogus manager who copyright strikes everything or maybe she is more conservative now.

The problem being that Instagram, Facebook, TikTok etc ARE hacker sh*t.

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

You literally answered your own question by posting this lol

It's her right to not want to be paraded around here, so it is what it is

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

Probably because she doesn't want to be on this site. Hope that helps!

Mar 31, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

This topic looks like "I wish she would want to appear on this site", to which the only real answer is "tough luck".

Mar 31, 2024 - permalink

I know 100% why women ask to be removed from this site.

Schmoes creeping them out.

Mar 31, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I know 100%

No you don't. Like said, the reasons are many.

Apr 01, 2024 - permalink


Apr 01, 2024 - permalink

But in case of Memly, if she really went the OF route, I think that alone is a good enough explanation. Which is the opposite of what one might initially think, that she was an innocent teen gymnast who got scared of the whole fetish thing.

If she went the OF route (not that there's anything wrong with that), I've seen absolutely no indication of it.

Apr 01, 2024 - permalink

It has already been demonstrated that you don't. Like said, for some it's personal reasons, for some it's financial reasons, for some it's publicity reasons, for some it's someone else acting on their behalf. Some may even hate all men. Then finally there may be those who can't stand icky comments and commenters.

The world is about to end soon. And when it does, there will be a great battle in Valhalla between schmoes and white knights. It will be revealed that the entire universe always exists so that these two can meet and annihilate each other at the end. Then everything starts over and the same spirits will reincarnate as new muscle babes, new schmoes and new white knights.

I will be there with the schmoes, for though many of us are quite pussies, I see the white knights as even bigger pussies. Allow me to explain.

A great mystery and a big unknown to both these groups is the female sexuality. It's such a great force that it alone keeps the universe going. But because it has the greatest appeal to these two groups of men, everything else pales in significance and simply tags along. The adage goes that men desire to be competent and women desire to be desired by competent men.

Some men may be satisfied with their level of competence. For them women are just a part of life, a thing among many others. You have a job, you have hobbies, you have pals, other things you enjoy, and then a woman. Some men may be able to land one woman after another but never feel like it's enough. To them it's become an addiction like any other. Some drink, some gamble, some womanize, all are equally dissatisfied in the end.

As far as I know, men don't generally envy each other for the number of women, but the simple confidence and ability to get one, instead of none. Likewise, it's socially acceptable for very good reasons for women to wish for one tall, dark and handsome guy to sweep them off their feet, put a ring on them and take them to their mansion with all the gardens and fields, horses and servants. This is the maximum amount of guaranteed competence and desire a woman can get from a man. But she too likes to spend time enjoying all the riches and leisure, instead of focusing solely on the man.

But not all women are like this. Women in general don't understand or care about male competence per se. It simply determines the quality of the desire available to them. The same way men can be broken and never feel satisfied with the number of women they get, women can be broken and never feel satisfied with the amount of desire they get. Or actually the quality, which makes them flip their focus from quality to quantity. Or forego men altogether, but that's a separate issue.

It is natural for a man to focus on quantity. The girl next door may be as interesting in bed as the upcoming supermodel, and far more affordable too. Or rather, the man focuses simply on getting laid this one time now. It's up to women to take care of the quality of the relationship, which also includes stability.

So men struggle with competence and the amount of women it gets them. When men break, they give up on being seen as competent by women or they're never satisfied no matter how many women they get. Women struggle with the quality of desire they can get, and when they break, they either are satisfied by no man at all or with no amount of men.

Women can basically turn into sewers of male desire. Just like no amount of conquests can satisfy a certain type of man, no amount of being conquered will satisfy this type of woman. Now this has exactly nothing to do with Memly. But this has everything to do with lionizing female sexuality. Men who think most highly of it are usually the ones least experienced with it.

To have desire for a woman who will never give you the time of day is actually healthier and less of a dead end than to despise such men and desires while having no desires of your own. Most of us here are no eunuchs. Male desire is a given in the universe. On one hand it is a problem when people crudely express superfluous and low quality male desire. It is an equal but opposite problem when male desire gets attacked when it's not low quality or crudely expressed or even expressed at all.

Very interesting quote containing a lot of truth!

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