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IG live girl tries to shame fan for asking how much she can "bench"

Mar 11, 2024 - permalink

If you do an IG live for the public, YOU are the one who opened the door.

I'm all for people having their hard lines, pet peeves, triggers, etc. And also, it's totally fine for one's tolerances to change from day-to-day depending on how they feel. But if you decide to do an AMA (aka "Ask me anything!") on Instagram live and it's not limited to your subscribers only, then you have made the choice to hop in the saddle for whatever comes.

People can mostly say whatever they want, but there's never an obligation to answer or even acknowledge them. If you're a bodybuilding-related competitor and lift weights in a gym as part of the competition lifestyle, it's completely within bounds to be asked "how much do you bench?" Yes, it might irritate you and you have every right to be irritated, but the question itself isn't "stupid".

"I'm a bodybuilder, not a powerlifter - learn the difference" might be an accurate response, but the visitor to your live asked how much you bench, not for a comparison of how your bench stacks up against others'. If you don't bench, it's fine to say so. And of course, you don't have to answer at all. You could say "I don't really talk about my lifts, because it encourages people to think differently than I want them to about my training and my sport". Or you could simply say "I do inclines with 45-lb dumbbells for about 8-10 reps" and move on to the next question. Or - and this is the best part - you could have ignored his question altogether.

It was your live to manage however the fuck you want, but you changed the entire energy with that surly response. I don't know who the person was or whether he's* a member here on GWM forums, but I don't blame him for leaving and wouldn't be surprised if he unfollowed her. IG live girl could easily have been polite in "setting him straight" about what HER bodybuilding is or is not, but chose violence.

After seeing this performance, it's no surprise at all that "no company hired you" to represent them at the Arnold. I hope that someday your attitude towards your less-cool-than-you fans will mirror the quality of your physique.

*I assumed it was a guy, I have no idea, though

Mar 11, 2024 - permalink

Context please?

By the way "I am a bodybuilder not a powerlifter" is sadly the expression of a bad faith in social interactions, thinking everything is to be taken ironically.

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