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Article about Melinda Lindmark in Swedish newspaper

Mar 06, 2024 - permalink

Yesterday Expressen (one of Sweden's biggest newspapers) posted a long interview with Melinda Lindmark which I thought might be of interest to some people here. At least in Sweden it is quite rare to get this type of mainstream recognition of a female fitness personality, especially not someone as physically big as Melinda.

You can find the article here.

At least for now it is not behind any paywall. It includes a short video and some pictures of Melinda. The article of course is in Swedish but I will post my own translation which is hopefully somewhat more readable than what you would get with Google Translate.

Mar 06, 2024 - permalink

Thank-you for bringing this to our attention Galne!!! Much appreciated!

Mar 06, 2024 - permalink

Here is my somewhat loose translation of the article (sorry for any errors in translation, spelling or editing):

Melinda Lindmark about the prejudices: ”Men think it is awful”

Melinda Lindmark used to drink protein shakes in the bathroom and be ashamed. Today she makes her livelihood by flexing her muscles. Nowadays only insecure men think it is awful, says the 27-year old.

-There were lots of machines, but the only thing I knew how to do was bicep curls, she says with a laugh.

Her laughter is loud and comes out frequently.

-So I just sat there, it is just up and down. You can't go too much wrong. Maybe that is why my arms have developed a bit more than everything else.

Melinda Lindmark's arms has helped her reach an audience of more than a million people on social media. She showcases her biceps in a tank top of her own design.

-People come up to me and want to arm wrestle, asking ”can I feel?”.

The first time she set foot in a gym she was a teen (”an insecure 14-year old"). Strength training became her ”thing”. She decided to start competing in bodybuilding and finished in second place in her first contest.

-But it is difficult in Sweden. You compete, but you can't really making a living out of it. It is more of a fun challenge.

That fun challenge had to be put to the side when she became a mother. At the same time her following on Instagram grew.

-When I reached 100 000 followers on Instagram I thought ”no, let's go for it and see where it leads”. If I hire a photographer for two hours a week maybe I can get some better pictures out there, people want to see how you train. This was appreciated, it started growing and when more people are watching you get excited to continue.

Audience of a million: ”It's fun when people wants to support you”

One and a half year later she has a million followers. What happened?

-I am that strong girl that maybe doesn't look like everyone else, it might be somewhat refreshing and people might think ”Oh God, what is this?” I assume that is a large part of it, it is not something people see each day.

At the gym in Västerås she pushes the weights in the air and sweat starts to form on her upper lip. On a regular day she first drops her son of at preschool and then heads here.

-The feeling after lifting heavy is awesome of course.

The photographer who works for the 27-year old follows all her movements.

-It is a very superficial industry, that is regrettably a fact. People judge you for how you look, that is how it is, she notes.

How does that affect you mentally? -Sometimes I get stressed over small things that in reality, if I had a different job, I would not have cared about in the same way. Like if I have a pimple on my forehead, I sure as hell wouldn't have cared about that if I had a different job. You become somewhat more self-conscious.

But comments on social media does not bother her.

-The ones who dare say anything, you can tell they are offended ”what is that girl doing? That ain't right”. But I think is is somewhat funny that they get offended too, I don't mind if they get offended, she says.

-My God, isn't it so much fun and so cool that more and more girls dares to lift heavy in the gym?

Gets accused of using anabolic steroids

Another type of comment is recurring: that her muscles are not natural, that she has taken steroids.

-On social media I get that everyday. Even if I answer one person there will be another 20 within an hour anyway. Therefore I try not to focus on it.

Melinda Lindmark says that she has never taken anything that is illegal. That many years of training is what has lead to her physique.

Can you understand that some people suspect that you have used doping?

-Well, yes. It is very common that people do take something and people might not now my particular story. But I try to tell everyone you can do it without that, if you train any sport for that many years of course things will improve. Getting an early start also helps. And I have always been into sports, my parents are also fairly muscular, I think some people have better genetics for it. Even if that might sound like a dull answer.

Is it a tough thing to get accused of?

-Yes, I can feel that at times. When people diminish what you do ”look at her, yuck. It's just because she uses a bunch of steroids”.

-But I shake it off. I would have cared more if it was people close to me, if my family or friends started doubting me.

Created an Onlyfans: ”A lot of prejudices”

Now Lindmark has quit her old job working for an optician, she has two employees of her own and is in the starting blocks with her own clothing brand. She notes that she can make a good living of her different platforms. One of those platforms is Onlyfans. There subscribers pay to access more exclusive content. Onlyfans is a platform subject to some debate that is used in the porn industry.

-Of course you are meet with a lot of prejudices. But if someone close to me wonders about it I can show them, it is just a complement to my other social media for those who want to see more. If I post a 10 second clip on Instagram, I will post the three minute one on Onlyfans.

Melinda Lindmark says she chose between creating an Onlyfans or using the subscription service Patreon to be able to charge for content she would have previously posted for free on Instagram. And when the followers on Instagram got more numerous, her Onlyfans grew aswell.

-If you are afraid of people getting the wrong idea then maybe you shouldn't create an Onlyfans.

”Insecure men who think it is awful”

The short clips from the gym feeds the algorithm on Tiktok and followers come from all around the world. But few know that the physically fit girl lifting heavy weights is also planing her sons fourth birthday party.

-This has helped me tremendously. It got started when I left the father of my son, it helped me get loans and be able to live here. I never thought I would be able to make a living out of this, I am very grateful.

Melinda Lindmark bursts into another loud laugh.

-When I started training I used to run to the bathroom to drink my protein shakes because I was ashamed. It wasn't cool to be into fitness, nowadays you are supposed to walk around with your Nocco (a Swedish brand of sport drink/energy drink that is very popular especially among athletes and gymgoers, my note)

-Back then fitness was not a trend. Now only insecure men think it is awful, that's it.

Mar 06, 2024 - permalink

Thank you for the translation! Pretty cool to see a bodybuilder getting mainstream media coverage.

Mar 06, 2024 - permalink

Also note that headline editors in Swedish newspapers has gone the clickbait route as well. From the quote "Only insecure men think it is awful" they have used "Men think it is awful" in the headline.

The article itself is quite well nuanced, but the headline is sensationalist.

Mar 07, 2024 - edited Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

I hate hate it when they say "insecure men" thinks it is awful!! It could be their taste! Even men bodybuilding could be considered awful by some other men and women! Does that make them insecure!! Then they again push the non steroid use! There is no Shame on steroid use and it is a personal choice, I understand that it is bad for her to reveal it but a responsible journalist would avoid such line not to mislead the younger female fans!

Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

She's definitely using drugs, lol

Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

And to think that all she needed was protein shakes.

Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

And to think that all she needed was protein shakes.

dat dere Muscletech!

Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

So she's natty, huh?

Well...that clears it all up!

Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

Daaaaaamn!! didn't knew she is a mother too

Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

"she has two employees of her own and is in the starting blocks with her own clothing brand"

End of story, bitches. Stay mad.

Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

better translation than google translate! thanks Galne.

Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

Daaaaaamn!! didn't knew she is a mother too

yeah, she started training young, got really ripped and competed then got pregnant and dropped off the scene for a while. now she's back, bigger than ever :)

Mar 07, 2024 - permalink

yeah, she started training young, got really ripped and competed then got pregnant and dropped off the scene for a while. now she's back, bigger than ever :)

Yess, bigger than several male bodybuilders

Mar 08, 2024 - permalink

Thank you for sharing this - she is really something special and certainly unique in Sweden. I didn't know she's a mother either.

Mar 08, 2024 - permalink

So adding Melinda to the fake natty list then? Wow....I had no idea it was just protein shakes! (sarcasm) Why do they play this game?

Mar 08, 2024 - permalink

It's illegal in Sweden. she will go to jail for longer than some murders in Sweden if she admits it

Mar 08, 2024 - permalink

It's illegal in Sweden. she will go to jail for longer than some murders in Sweden if she admits it

Indeed, hence the journalist asking that question already is pointless.

Mar 08, 2024 - permalink

Indeed, hence the journalist asking that question already is pointless.

The point is to create controversy

Mar 08, 2024 - permalink

-There were lots of machines, but the only thing I knew how to do was bicep curls, she says with a laugh.

In the beginning my weightlifting was similarly inept until I found a trainer, it's funny that the massiveness of Melinda's arms may be an expression of her starting exercises. I also am shocked to learn she's actually younger than me despite being through so much in her life already.

Jul 31, 2024 - permalink

That's really interesting. She's obviously beautiful and has a great demeanor. Very nice to look at but also big. I get annoyed at comments men make about these girls ie "she's using gear" like yes of course they are, but to build such a physique takes work and effort. It is not as if they are sitting around eating pizza's all day. Also, virtually all pro male bodybuilders are using gear. One can not become a 300lb beast naturally.

Jul 31, 2024 - permalink

At this point, using is a choice that they have to live with. A lot openly admit, while others still choose not to say or disavow. At the end of the day, it's nobody's business unless they are competing for titles. The problems with using, are known. So, I say leave it alone. I like Melinda.

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