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Who's mostly to blame for Onlyfans being such a horrible content service? And why?

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

How about you guys get a life and stop giving those girls money. They have no respect for you and you should save your money and do something useful with it.

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

they basically run into the same wall most content creators do--after the initial burst it gets harder to maintain. why so many youtube channels die out. its hard to stay relevant and it demands more of you (on the flip the deeper we get into a fetish the more extremes you have to go to).

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

How about you guys get a life and stop giving those girls money. They have no respect for you and you should save your money and do something useful with it.

There is a lot or irony in what you just wrote given some of the comments you have left on pics.

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink


Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

The guys who created and operate the platform are not fans of GWM. And they're not in spaces like these listening to direct customer feedback. The feedback they listen to primarily are signups and sales.

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

The guys who created and operate the platform are not fans of GWM. And they're not in spaces like these listening to direct customer feedback. The feedback they listen to primarily are signups and sales.

most of the income drivers probably make bonkers money on subs and those users arent worried about custom content. platform very likely doesn't care to do anything about the girl with like under 1000 subs tbh lol

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

Totally, the girl in that video was an honor roll student, highly intelligent. She didn't seem super proud of it, but she's able to help her family cover expenses. STEM doesn't pay the bills. ... Well, it certainly does, but it's hard and takes time, etc, etc.

You're right, the muscles and most other niches are relatively tame. It's expensive being jacked. They're providing a service.

I'd be insufferable if 2 women/week DM'd me about how hot I am. No idea how women navigate 100s-1000s of those messages daily.

So people are just lazy nowadays?

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

How about you guys get a life and stop giving those girls money. They have no respect for you and you should save your money and do something useful with it.

They don't have respect for their selves either, so it's whatever. I'm not paying them to be their friend or chat anyway.

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

Does this thread build upon another? If I've missed something, excuse my basic question. But, what exactly is so horrible about OnlyFans? I have never had an account, but I am fully aware, that a lot of the really good content that ends up free on tube sites is ripped from OnlyFans...

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

This is gonna get a bit soapboxy, but for a fetish site where all of us are attracted to buff women, it's ironic that there are those who seem to show great disdain for women the moment they decide that their physiques can be profitable. Speaking from a U.S. perspective, we have weird hangups and repressions about sex and sex work. Sex is natural, and having kinks and fetishes is completely normal and natural, and so long as it is between two consensual adults, why do we hold it to such a taboo? Or, like HeavilyEdited, people want to have two distinct characterizations between "those porn performers blergh" and the "good woman with morals who has a professional career and family life." Does it annoy you that someone CAN be a doctor or teacher AND do cam work on the side?

I also find it interesting when men talk down on OF models or pro-dommes. Is it jealousy that they are offering something that you want for free but have to pay for? Why the anger at a woman who decides to use her looks to make money?

Well said. These attitudes are so prevalent that it's genuinely fascinating.

I love onlyfans, I love porn, I love fetish and sex workers. I'm a horny guy and muscles turn on, and it's amazing to be able to speak with these women directly and access their content directly.

I can't imagine how miserable I'd be if I spent my time being upset about this stuff or begrudging certain models the right to sell their own image how they please.

You wouldn't think that dudes on a site celebrating physically powerful women would also be actively judging the s*** out of those women and trying to put them into a bizarre Madonna/Whore complex box, but here we are. You guys must have more free time than I do.

FWIW I subscribe to about a dozen women. True to my name, they need big muscles and pretty feet. Sex stuff is fine but not necessary. I don't tend to buy PPV's but I do order customs. And each model has to be a nice and genuine person. So even if she's not updating things as fast as I'd like, I'm okay giving her that monthly sub fee as a "patron of the arts" of such.

Feb 20, 2024 - permalink

If I've missed something, excuse my basic question. But, what exactly is so horrible about OnlyFans?

My main complaint - apart from the "smut-managed accounts" - is the number of zero-preview OF accounts. I know pretty much every girl has Instagram and that's fine, but the customer expectation is that the OnlyFans account would be - AS PROMISED by the models - "spicier" than her Instagram feed.

WAY too many rip-offs, which is only discovered once the customer has given a model the benefit of the doubt.

Feb 21, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by fp909
Feb 21, 2024 - permalink

I’d squarely blame OnlyFan’s. Their core business model is monetizing parasocial relationships. But they also lowered the barrier of entry to becoming a paid pornstar, and rode the explosion of loneliness during the pandemic to their current success. Coupled with models in bad survival economy places and promises of “easy” money it has created a lot of crap content.

I don’t personally partake, since paying for porn is one of my personal red lines to keep the habit under control (really just hidden). But when you take out the “parasocial” interactivity part (that seems to me to be the core complaint regarding the use of account managers), I don’t see the value add over freely available porn.

Feb 21, 2024 - permalink

Real question: You guys who "don't pay for porn"... do you go to strip clubs?

I do and I love them. I'm usually tipping at least $200 on a typical night, outside of drinks. If I get a lapdance that's kind of lousy, it's still $20 or $30 for the song. So I guess I just can't get too bent out of shape if I spend $14.99 for a one month membership on OF and it's not everything that I hoped and dreamed for.

I guess if you approach OF in particular (or sex workers in general) with this Costco-like attitude of getting maximum value for every dollar spent, you're bound to be disappointed, as it just doesn't work like that. As one user said above, you're better served by "wacking off to free pics."

IDK I love the service and interacting with models, but it does require tipping, buying stuff, and talking to them like sensitive, real people.

Feb 21, 2024 - permalink

^ Yes I go to strip clubs. I go to full nude though and spend around 200-300 but in lap dances and maybe $10 or less in tips. I don't do onlyfan.

Feb 21, 2024 - permalink

Being a strip club dancer is actually work since they spend all night there while they could be doing something more fun. same with session wrestling this is not something anyone should expect to get for free. but with porn and especially short low effort porn there is no reason to pay for it. since there is a lot of free stuff out there. but I think it's still worth paying for long videos with editing

Feb 21, 2024 - permalink

Being a strip club dancer is actually work since they spend all night there while they could be doing something more fun. same with session wrestling this is not something anyone should expect to get for free. but with porn and especially short low effort porn there is no reason to pay for it. since there is a lot of free stuff out there. but I think it's still worth paying for long videos with editing

Everyone has their thing. It’s all a form of sex work.

I have no problem with people preferring free videos and content. I guess I’m just confused by the constant complaining about the cost and value of onlyfans.

Like, when has specialized erotic content ever been a cheap endeavor or some kind of great value? It’s expensive by nature.

Feb 22, 2024 - edited Feb 22, 2024 - permalink

Everyone has their thing. It’s all a form of sex work.

I have no problem with people preferring free videos and content. I guess I’m just confused by the constant complaining about the cost and value of onlyfans.

Like, when has specialized erotic content ever been a cheap endeavor or some kind of great value? It’s expensive by nature.

You make a solid point. The complaint I make is how it affects the overall market, but my outlook has recently evolved.

Yes, easy money for pics and vids will increase the price of in person/human interaction. You can touch a stripper skin to skin, but very few are truly muscular. Some pole experts are very fit.

Now I've been seeing how far AI has come along in the past year and I don't think it will be much longer until we all have access to custom, high quality content.

I think AI will make in person sessions great again.

Also, unrelated to your quote Toez: MrBeast makes more money producing videos than I do. Am I also jealous of him? The Waltons made more being born than I've made being alive. The "you're just jealous" quip doesn't actually hold water.

Feb 23, 2024 - permalink

It’s probably a bit of all them

If you create a platform that keeps making money, despite low effort development, then there is likely little interest to improve it, unless there is an issue that would cause numbers to drop. There is always a risk in “improving” something that you destroy the very essence that makes it work.

As for the talent, many may start off tame and seeing it as easy money, but go further when they see certain actions creating more revenue. Why do a regular job when you see $ 10000+ USD dropping into your account every month or that you aiming for that number?

The “fans” find their favourite idol and are willing to pay to spend time with them, because of fantasy and that they can’t find that content elsewhere. In reality they should be focusing on real people, but throwing money at a fantasy is relatively easy.

In the end everyone is complicit.

Feb 28, 2024 - permalink

The people paying for it. It’s simple economics. No demand = no sales, no profit etc. I fully blame those who are spending hundreds on onlyfans for shitty 2-3s half assed videos.

Feb 28, 2024 - permalink

I'd agree, it is the people. They inflate the prices.

People need to be willing to walk away when price is way over the top, and go to someone who is charging better prices.

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