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Changes to the upload queue

Jan 15, 2024 - permalink

tl;dr: I have just made some fairly significant changes to how the queue works when uploading. Read below for more details, although you don't need to know all these details in order to upload.

There is no more "staff approval queue" in the same sense that there was before. You no longer need to choose an "approval method", you just upload and the system takes care of it.

The direct upload points system hasn't changed since last time.

Now, unless you are fairly new to uploading (<1,000 total score) you will have a small number of "queue slots" in addition to your direct upload slots. These get used only if you've already used up your available direct uploads, in which case your further uploads go into the queue. This is not like the old staff approval queue, though - once you regain a direct upload point (for example, a daily upload through the passage of time, or a bonus upload from people favoriting your images), if you have an upload in the queue, it gets auto-posted for you. There is no staff approval involved. The purpose of this is so that you don't have to constantly keep checking back to see if you've regained direct upload slots.

There is another change that affects new accounts only (<100 total score). All of your uploads need to get manually approved by the site staff. This is exactly like the old staff approval queue, except you don't choose to have your uploads go in it; they either all do, or none of them do, depending on your account status.

We also have the ability to manually set any account to require all of its uploads to be manually approved, if we notice repeated low quality uploads from the account.

So, in summary: No more staff queue; if you have >1000 total score you can exceed your direct uploads and they get auto-posted for you later; new accounts and accounts we place on probation need all their uploads manually approved by the staff.

Jan 15, 2024 - permalink

I have almost 69,000 total score and am unable to upload. When will the new “upload” policies go into effect? Plus I have 14 pics/vids in the queue.

Jan 15, 2024 - permalink

Your queue slots are still taken up by your previous uploads from before the system change, which are currently on the waitlist and slowly being posted. Over the next day or so you should have more upload ability.

Jan 15, 2024 - permalink

Thank you

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

Is there still a daily upload limit? If there is, what is the limit of uploads per day?

Jan 17, 2024 - permalink

There isn't a hard limit of uploads per day, but in practice you are limited by how many bonus uploads you can get from people favoriting your pics.

Jan 17, 2024 - permalink

Gotcha Thanks

Jan 20, 2024 - edited Jan 20, 2024 - permalink


Jan 30, 2024 - permalink

I made an update so that only favorites on your 15 most recent uploads count toward giving you bonus upload points. This is because we found that it was too easy for people to "go infinite" with uploads where they uploaded a ton at one time, and then accumulated favorites/bonus points on those uploads rapidly which led them to upload more, etc.

May 01, 2024 - permalink

I have almost 69,000 total score and am unable to upload. When will the new “upload” policies go into effect? Plus I have 14 pics/vids in the queue.

Hopefully, the new policies will provide clarity and resolve this issue soon. Hang in there!

May 01, 2024 - permalink

Assuming you're not an AI bot - not sure what you're talking about, the upload changes went into effect back in January.

Jun 26, 2024 - permalink

I’ve had 5 images and n my upload queue for like the past 12 hours. How come none of them have been uploaded yet? Is there a glitch or something?

Jun 27, 2024 - permalink

They seemed to have posted by now so I think you just had to wait longer for your uploads to replenish. You have 5 in the queue now but the time of the oldest one is newer than the time of your post.

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

I don’t have any queue slots available and I’ve only got 2 images in my queue

Jun 29, 2024 - permalink

I’ve had no uploads become available to me for 2 days now, is there a problem of some sort?

Jul 04, 2024 - permalink

I’ve had no uploads become available to me for 2 days now, is there a problem of some sort?

Same for me !!!

Jul 04, 2024 - permalink

Why Can’t I Upload Pictures?!!!I have 0 uploads for the last 2 days

Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

Friend of mine made a brand new account and tries to upload pics of herself but they won't appear. Is there anything she can do?


Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

Friend of mine made a brand new account and tries to upload pics of herself but they won't appear. Is there anything she can do?


Sometimes it takes a while to post. The Picture first get into a Waiting-Line. This can take between 30 minutes to (the longest time that i personally experienced) 2 Days

Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

Thank you very much for the kind reply. We will wait then.

Jul 18, 2024 - permalink

Hi Guys, We've implemented an update: now, only favorites on your most recent 15 uploads contribute to earning bonus upload points. This change aims to address the issue of users rapidly accumulating points by uploading numerous photos at once. By focusing on recent uploads, we aim to maintain a fair and balanced system for all users.

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