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Do any guys on here have wives/girlfriends that are abs?

Jan 04, 2024 - permalink

your wife/girlfriend has abs?

Jan 15, 2024 - permalink

Mi novia tiene abdominales bien musculosos, pero no definidos.

Feb 12, 2024 - permalink

Yeah, my girlfriend was a gymnast and she was very muscular. She had a 6 packs abs, it was very hard

Feb 12, 2024 - permalink

Not any more ... my second ex-wife had serious abs. Two stacks of two above the navel and another pair below.

Feb 12, 2024 - permalink

Before or after pregnant?

Feb 12, 2024 - permalink

Before or after pregnant?

Both...and can we see some pics from all who are responding, please?

Feb 12, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by Hugooo
Feb 12, 2024 - permalink

When she shreds for competition, she does.

During bulking season (now) she doesn't.

Feb 12, 2024 - permalink

She never got pregnant. No pix becauae (a) a later partner destroyed them and (b) because, even many years later, I wouldn't want to invade her privacy.

Feb 12, 2024 - permalink

When she shreds for competition, she does.

During bulking season (now) she doesn't.


Feb 12, 2024 - permalink

A woman I worked with not that long ago does. She's about 5 foot 115 lbs doesn't lift weights but does yoga and has been brisk walking for like 15 years. Also hikes and bikes occasionally. She's got really big muscular calves too.

Feb 12, 2024 - permalink

Im currently dating a woman with extreme abs.. really defined six pack!

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