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Learn about PED use from Vladi Galagan's IG page (Dec '23)

Dec 15, 2023 - permalink

We have a lot of "natty or not" discussions here. Some guys seem to be very confused about PED use and its effects. And they're concerned or distressed about it.

Consider this thread a PSA. I'm not looking to debate steroids or who's natty, but anyone curious about the dynamics should look at Vladi's Instagram posts from this month - December 2023.

She's doing very honest Q&A's on her use. And she's presently entirely off cycle. It's a great opportunity to contrast her current physique and conditioning with the on-cycle body that she had this past Summer.

Also worth nothing that she's fully up front about her PED use, but also - extremely sophisticated and smart with it. As such, she doesn't have any major visible sides. Her hair and skin looks great. Her voice is kind of deep but she's also a tall, large girl.

She's also most likely carrying almost the same amount of mass. It's not like off cycle girls lose a ton of actual muscle fibers. She's just not nearly as lean or as pumped and full as she was. Those are conditioning benefits that drugs provide.

Also: people might look at her currently and think "maybe she's natty." She is - for right now - but it took many cycles of enhancement to achieve the mass that she has.

And once more for the guys in the back: you need testosterone for big muscles. Men have it naturally. Women have to supplement it. There's nothing bad or shameful about this. It's just how the body works.

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