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Do sites like this create "unrealistic" expectations?

Oct 23, 2023 - permalink

Hi Zaq! LOL!!! I thought so and let's keep chuckling!

Oct 25, 2023 - edited Oct 25, 2023 - permalink

The comparison with video games is way off. There are clearly (as evidenced all over this site) people who believe that many of the muscular women we see are natural. This is down to a fundamental misunderstanding of just how difficult it is for women to build large amounts of muscle naturally, and just how borderline impossible it is to keep that muscle at low bodyweight.

I think anyone playing Grand Theft Auto can deduce that the pixels they are killing on screen aren't real people so any comparisons to real life are pointless.

With the girls on sites like these, due to the aforementioned misconceptions about muscle growth, many believe any woman could look as muscular if only worked out enough. So some people get this idea that the look is much more attainable for regular women than it actually is, and that therefore there are more of them out there than there actually are.

As demented20 said, their is a trade-off between size and leanness and it's pretty much impossible to consolidate the two without PEDs and crazy commitment. But some people here definitely believe that any woman off the street could look like a physique competitor if only they took the gym seriously for a couple of years. And those people really need to take a step back and look at the average woman and just how far divorced they are from the average girl on this site; even your average fitness influencer (who is also in many cases likely taking PEDs) who avidly goes to the gym every day has a fraction of the amount of muscle.

Oct 26, 2023 - permalink

bulky curves with "sleeper build" is realistic. You should stick with women who are that type. This figure is more easily maintained and it does not require any difficult diet.

Oct 26, 2023 - permalink

bulky curves with "sleeper build" is realistic. You should stick with women who are that type. This figure is more easily maintained and it does not require any difficult diet.

Do you have any examples of a "sleeper build"?

Oct 26, 2023 - permalink

Do you have any examples of a "sleeper build"?

She is curvy, but does lift heavy. Seems natural. When she flexes, it's impressive.

Oct 27, 2023 - edited Oct 27, 2023 - permalink

She is curvy, but does lift heavy. Seems natural. When she flexes, it's impressive.

From her OF https://onlyfans.com/musclequeeen2308

Dec 8, 2022 Do you think “it“ has grown in comparison with the other pics?

Aug 31, 2022 My new cycle makes me more h*rny than ever before

Jan 10, 2022 Little physique update (still can’t pose haha) and I heard roids make horny, don’t they

Oct 27, 2023 - permalink

From her OF https://onlyfans.com/musclequeeen2308

Dec 8, 2022 Do you think “it“ has grown in comparison with the other pics?

Aug 31, 2022 My new cycle makes me more h*rny than ever before

Jan 10, 2022 Little physique update (still can’t pose haha) and I heard roids make horny, don’t they

I feel like I'm usually the one yelling that nearly every physique athlete (female & Male) is on gear. But I would have agreed with BGL.. she could be natty.

And.. like.. honestly maybe she's claiming to use gear because some of her subscribers find it hot? Because if she's on some decent PED's, then something is very wrong with either or both her diet and training. Because her gains are decent for a natural athlete and mediocre at best for an enhanced one.

Oct 29, 2023 - permalink

It probably does for many, perhaps a slight majority, of guys on here and similar sites. But not all of us are into that absolutely jacked look. There are exceptions, but I generally prefer a more natural look where you'd never even ask if she was on gear (unless you're stuck in the 90s and think, consciously or not, that any female muscle must be unnatural). And I see chicks like that all the time, especially in my general age group (mid-20s to early 30s) and younger.

It also helps that muscles are not even close to a deal breaker for me. I've dated very, very few women who could appear on this site. It's something I appreciate when I see it, but it isn't the main thing I look for in real life.

Oct 31, 2023 - permalink

It probably does for many, perhaps a slight majority, of guys on here and similar sites. But not all of us are into that absolutely jacked look. There are exceptions, but I generally prefer a more natural look where you'd never even ask if she was on gear (unless you're stuck in the 90s and think, consciously or not, that any female muscle must be unnatural). And I see chicks like that all the time, especially in my general age group (mid-20s to early 30s) and younger.

It also helps that muscles are not even close to a deal breaker for me. I've dated very, very few women who could appear on this site. It's something I appreciate when I see it, but it isn't the main thing I look for in real life.


If natural, there's three types, basically:

  • Naturally skinny, ripped. Will not gain much muscle, but you will always see every muscle :)
  • Curvy slim, slow muscle build. Will never be ripped, but will have some firm curves.
  • hefty, big boned: will gain muscle quickly, and huge. Will never be ripped, but when flexing, her muscles pop out big time. (often self-conscious - praise those who understand that they are the best natural bodybuilders).
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