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Oct 10, 2023 - edited Jul 15, 2024 - permalink
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Oct 10, 2023 - permalink

Loving her elegance, pillar like quads and that chest split 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Oct 10, 2023 - permalink
Oct 11, 2023 - permalink

I like her she looks extremely tough and ripped. she is old school she looks wise and superior to most men of my generation. but she has all the advantages that young people have too. I like how it seems to have been taken at a public pool. I could imagine an adolescent man in a time before online porn seeing her in all her glory and going wild. when this Pic was taken I was either not born yet or too young to appreciate her beauty. but even in the 2000s when I hit puberty I couldn't handle seeing very beautiful women at the pool and I never saw someone of her caliber but I had to hide my erection after I saw a life guard with nice abs it really sucked. nowadays I have more control it really takes a lot of muscle to get that kind of reaction from me. unless they are actively trying to seduce me. I hope this comment won't be seen as weird.

Oct 11, 2023 - permalink
Oct 11, 2023 - permalink

What a beautiful display!

link text

Oct 11, 2023 - permalink
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Oct 11, 2023 - permalink

Kelly Modigliani

I love seeing a model I'm not familiar with that just makes me skip a breath.

Oct 11, 2023 - permalink

She has a gorgeous back

Oct 11, 2023 - permalink

Great abs

Oct 11, 2023 - permalink

I love the abs & arms overhead

Oct 11, 2023 - permalink

Firstly, thank you CBLTC for some top quality uploads! Now onto why I chose Cindy Van Empel-Popowich. Well I love that shredded near zero body fat look, where the skin is paper thin and veins are popping everywhere. Added to her perfect figure a pair of amazing bolton breasts that give her this huge upper body leading to a tiny waist passed defined abs..... HEAVEN!

Oct 12, 2023 - permalink

Anna is impressive looking woman with her abs, shoulders, biceps and boobs, just beautiful. Also this pic makes me wanna have some quality bbq!

Oct 12, 2023 - permalink

Love her beautiful backmuscles and really sexy and gorgeous face.

Oct 12, 2023 - permalink

Probably some of the best pecs I’ve seen

Oct 12, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by enjoyer31
Oct 12, 2023 - permalink

Great view of great woman! So beautiful pecs!

Oct 12, 2023 - permalink

Love those delts

Oct 12, 2023 - permalink

Because she's big and heavy and I want her to step on me.

Because she is huge!!

Oct 12, 2023 - permalink

Love how she looks as if though she were towering over me

Oct 12, 2023 - permalink

She looks huge

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