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Why Men Find Muscular Women Hot

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink


All of us in here find muscular women attractive and for varying reasons. I always enjoy reading other people's perception. This article is pretty awesome.

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

To me it was a difficult read, because in every other sentence it had some qualifying statement that was untrue or off in some way. But I did find maybe five or six statements worth noting.

For many men, muscular women and sexy fbb are the ideal women, and for some men, there is no limit to their attraction.

This could as well say that for "some men" or for "more than one man". I'd like to have some kind of national household survey on these.

Although people like to think of muscle as a “masculine” quality, the distinction between men and women is often arbitrary.

This quality used to apply to your average man or woman. In that case, muscles were obviously a masculine quality and a few exceptional women were just that, exceptional. But for 99 % of the population 99 % of the time, muscles remained a masculine quality.

What has changed is not anyone's perception of masculinity or femininity, but the fact that muscles are now a specialty of a bunch of subcultures and lifestyles. So when a hundred years ago you thought of muscles, you 99 % thought of ordinary men and 1 % of circus strongmen and strongwomen. Now when you think of muscles, you think of people of both genders who go to the gym or do a lot of sports.

In addition to the beauty, the fact that they are skilled and flawless at what they do is the most crucial factor are several reasons why some men are attracted to sexy bbs and muscular women.

I never thought of women on this site as skilled or flawless. To me this whole article has a kind of hypnotizing quality. It tries to create a reality in the reader's mind instead of describing a preexisting reality.

Power is appealing, which is one factor.

Then it has blanket statements like this that are mostly untrue. Except that for biological reasons women find power appealing in men. I don't think average men are drawn to perceived power in either gender. Then also there is a difference between leadership, which many people are attracted to, and purely sexual or physical power.

A physique that has been physically developed to the fullest extent might be incredibly alluring.

Or it might be not. Again, many statements in this text intend to seduce the reader to imagine things in a certain way. Maybe it could be even said that if a person stole $100 from you that you actually owe him another $100 as a token of respect. Or maybe not.

Men adore a body that can support a strong personality.

Someone might think that a strong personality is passionate and domineering. But it used to be that a strong personality was a virtuous personality. One that was both thoughtful, determined and flexible. You don't need an especially muscular body for either gender to support that.

Given the growth of professional women’s athletes and female bodybuilders, women do not lose their femininity in becoming a bodybuilder.

This depends entirely on how one defines femininity. If one does not define it at all, then it does not mean anything and statements like that one make zero sense. I'd say femininity is primarily a matter of behavior and choices, not of physical appearance, or that only secondarily. It is also possible that all women have lost their femininity in this generation, which would make female bodybuilders no better or worse, so technically that statement is correct. They did not lose it especially by becoming bodybuilders.

Also, that statement is nonsense in another way. Its conclusion that women do not lose their femininity in becoming a bodybuilder does not follow from the growth of professional women's athletes and female bodybuilders. Again, if femininity is just whatever women do or the average of what women do, the entire quality is meaningless.

Female athletes consistently question cultural norms.

Every time I have a beer I question the idea of sobriety. Nah, I don't have time for that. I just enjoy the beer without questioning anything. But the faulty logic here is that if something can be attacked or challenged then that in itself proves that there's something wrong with it. And it's just a matter of language that everything can be challenged or attacked, even if the attack or challenge was a misunderstanding, even a willful one. In this case a misunderstanding of what norms are.

It demonstrates a woman’s independence from having others tell her what she can and cannot accomplish.

This strawman called others trying to stop her for the sake of stopping her and ruining her independence. In a way suicide is the most independent thing a man can ever do, so it's maybe understandable that I suggest people moderate their quest for independence. There are physical limits to one's independence, obviously. There are social limits to what one can make others think, do or believe. And there are intellectual limits. Things often simply are true or false, knowable or unknowable and self-deception barely makes anyone more independent.

Muscular women and sexy bbs have helped to create a new ideal of beauty.

Beauty as a word is simply synonymous with desirability. One still needs to ask why something is desirable. The article could be summarized as two main points: Men find passionate woman attractive and men find an accentuated female figure attractive. But as a whole the article felt like it was written by an AI.

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

This is the same thread as the “psychological reasons” thread.

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

I lasted one sentence.

Outside of this forum (and similar spaces), who has any clue what the fuck "FBB" means?

Failure to define terms makes this a non-starter. Female muscle fans shouldn't settle for sophomoric bulldrivel just because so many have been conditioned to believe they do not deserve better.

Sep 09, 2023 - permalink

This is the same thread as the “psychological reasons” thread.

A digital wormhole from there to here.

Not really. I think this topic is open to all subjective reasons, whether they follow the article or not.

I just found the culture war tone of the article a bit odd. It seemed to be saying that women are becoming muscular and men are becoming attracted to them because magazines like this are telling them it's fine now. Tail wagging the dog.

Sep 10, 2023 - permalink

That article seem to be written by a bot or was Google translated. I know most men are not into muscle. just ask everyone you know irl what they think of you favorite fbb. or if fbbs get mentioned on mainstream news just look at the comments. even women like Megan avalon and Monica brand where called manly. and I think it's hilarious how it call the article a fact check the term fact check has become a meme.

personally I am attracted to fbbs. because I have come to the conclusion that they are simply better. higher sex drive more intense sex strength can be handy in a lot of non sexual situations too. and I am also sexually submissive for some reason. I get off from being dominated and having minor pain inflicted to me by a attractive woman. and I find the idea of having sex with someone who is more powerful than me very attractive. but this is not very normal less than 1% of the male population is into this. thanks to the internet it seems like a lot probably over 1 million world wide. but the key is wold wide this is a big planet.

Sep 10, 2023 - permalink

For me, the features the normies love on a woman, they're to the extreme on fbbs. Normies may not know it, but the attributes we like on a woman...flat defined stomach, small waist, big butt, round thighs are because of a woman's muscle tone. Breast are not a big deal to me, normal of fbb, but I don't mind them at all. As long as she has a nice butt and tight waist, I'm sold. Fbb pecs are very hot. I like normal chicks and fbbs. Both get me off. But an athletic thick muscled woman is so sexy to me. Unfortunately, they're rare and may add to the allure and why I'm so attracted to them.

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