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Would you ever have a relationship with a woman who takes performance enhancers?

Jun 07, 2023 - edited Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

Why or why not? If you have, what was it like?

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

I absolutely would

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

I would, BUT to some degree. If shes taking them well then ofc. If shes taking so much that she looks more like a man then im out. I mean Vladislava aint natural and shes queen. But goddess Chenxiaoxian98 is better than her for me.

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

Honestly, I don't know.

As I have mentioned before, I lift and compete. I am in a relationship with a woman of whom PED use is a dealbreaker of hers. For awhile, I was tempted to get on them, but obviously decided not to because of the relationship, but also because of my own self-awareness. I have addictive tendencies. And I know I would go into PED use initially with a mindset of only using a relatively conservative cycle with mild(er) compounds. But I know that if I go down that route, eventually the gains I would get from that won't be enough, and I would want a higher quantity of harsher compounds, and it would probably get to the point where it would negatively impact my health. I think dating someone who also uses would make it that much easier for me to get on them and fall into that trap.

I wonder what the answers to this post would be from other serious lifters.

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

Very serious lifter. Train 5 times per week have never competed but have friends that have competed (all natural shows) I never would do PEDs for the same reasons, and I'm very cautious of my health. It depends for me on if I'd date them, if it was a low dose anavar or something similar I would consider, but higher dose and heavier anabolics is just something I couldn't do. More power to them, but not something I'd want with someone I'm trying to build a life/family with.

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

Yes. To an extent, if the person is feminine, doesn't really have major sides, takes care of their health, then sure.

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

I only date women who use drugs. But seriously this question is too simple. I have dated women who "would never date a steroid user" but also think Duane Johnson is sexy and drink more than is recommended. An absolute hard line stance against "drugs" can be unreasonable.

You can think someone is sexy and not want to date them.

Also, there are a lot of people who truly believe Dwayne Johnson is natty lol. There is a lot of ignorance in general amongst the general public about PED use and its prevalence.

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

I wouldn't mind it if it makes her way stronger. but the problem is that it's illegal. so this could add a lot of stress and problems just trying to buy it.

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

I wouldn't mind it if it makes her way stronger. but the problem is that it's illegal. so this could add a lot of stress and problems just trying to buy it.

They’re not that hard to buy.

And depending on your jurisdiction, laws and/or enforcement of them towards PEDs might be very lax. Here in the U.S., law enforcement generally doesn’t care about people using PEDs. Rather, they target people who sell them. So as long as you’re not selling steroids, you’ll be fine

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

Absolutely. A guy like me has no cause to be picky.

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

I would definitely consider it, but only if she understands that if she wants those PEDS, she'll be buying them on her own dime.

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

There's no harm in dating someone. From there, that's when you'd decide whether to take it to the next level or not.

For me, I would not commit to a long term relationship with someone who abuses PED's, to where it seems like it's an addiction. On the other hand, if she is using them somewhat recreationally and it seems like something she can walk away from at any time, then that is fine to me.

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink

I'd prefer to say "no" but men are capable of rationalizing almost anything. How many guys say they won't have a relationship with someone who is dramatic or bad with money? Even though women are probably more likely to stick with their dealbreakers, we know they make exceptions all the time (as seen above). "Yes, he has a criminal record, but he's six-five -- whoops! What I meant to say is, 'people change.'" We live in a world of tradeoffs, and it's difficult to resist someone who is interested and screaming hot. Men especially want to keep their options open since opportunities for sex and relationships are harder to come by. I wouldn't be surprised if guys here would sleep with Melinda Lindmark even if they were told there's a 10% chance she kills them in their sleep. Goin' out praying mantis style.

Jun 08, 2023 - permalink

In my experience women on PEDs are horny as hell in the mood every waking moment of everyday. If you want a really in shape girl who wants it all the time it's a good choice

Jun 09, 2023 - permalink

I've never been in a relationship to start with... so, maybe, maybe not.

Jun 09, 2023 - permalink

I lift and compete and take PEDs. Most everyone that competes takes PEDs. I would and have dated women on PEDs. Mostly just low-dose anavar, but for most women, that does quite well.

Jun 12, 2023 - permalink

Perhaps if it a low dosage. But, the high dosage stuff? No. The last thing I want is to get into an LTR with a muscle pritty kitty only for her to drop dead on me thirty, forty years earlier than she should have.

Jul 06, 2023 - permalink

Most of the women I like on here are on PEDs anyway so yeah but if it’s to an extent where the masculine features are getting out of control then no

Jul 06, 2023 - permalink

Would I ever? It’s a requirement…

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