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Biggest Girls Without Visible Steroid Side-Effects Other Than Muscles

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Any that come to mind who are bigger than Vladislava Galagan?

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Rach white for one. There are many women that are comparable in size or bigger than her who haven't undergone harsh virilization. However, there aren't many that are as beautiful as Vladi. She is highly photogenic and naturally beautiful. I assume that is what you mean.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Prep Jodi Boam is a monster in body and angel in face. And her voice isn't deep and smoky.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

I always thought Danielle Reardon had minimal side effects from her PED use. Her face always looked feminine and cute regardless of how muscular she got.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Andrea Shaw has to be on that list.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

dianna blanchard.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

No question it's Nikki Fuller. She never even got a roid voice. I sometimes like the masculinization effects of the PEDs, but definitely appreciate the girls without them.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Sarah Hayes

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Rach white for one. There are many women that are comparable in size or bigger than her who haven't undergone harsh virilization. However, there aren't many that are as beautiful as Vladi. She is highly photogenic and naturally beautiful. I assume that is what you mean.

i kind of agree? she obviously had other work done but not to combat sides

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Sarah Hayes

i was going to disagree with you, but then i went and looked--there was absolutely changes to her face but it wasn't wild, still looked very pretty despite adding all that mass

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

My choice is Shannon Courtney


In her peak she was so big but her face remained feminine and beautiful

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

My choice is Shannon Courtney


In her peak she was so big but her face remained feminine and beautiful

Shannon Courtney is probably the best answer

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

Shannon Courtney is probably the best answer

Yeah that’s definitely a top notch answer. Kicking myself for not thinking of it.

I have one that doesn’t necessarily fit this since she definitely has a lot of side effects (and got a lot more later on), but her slightly earlier pics didn’t show a ton of side effects in relation to how much she took…Colette Guimond

Again, not saying she doesn’t have side effects but she had less side effects than you’d think for how much she took.

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

Does Brittani belong on this list?

Disclaimer: I'm not one that really minds or notices most PED side effects

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by Gordon3456
Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

Yeah that’s definitely a top notch answer. Kicking myself for not thinking of it.

I have one that doesn’t necessarily fit this since she definitely has a lot of side effects (and got a lot more later on), but her slightly earlier pics didn’t show a ton of side effects in relation to how much she took…Colette Guimond

Again, not saying she doesn’t have side effects but she had less side effects than you’d think for how much she took.

Do any videos exist of Guimond when she was this age? All seem to be filmed several decades later when those effects became much more apparent

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

they're all ray martin or wpw videos REALLY early, so the video quality isn't incredible but i think there are a few even before she had the car accident and fucked her shoulder up. she actually was really pretty. WPW did a shoot in 1994 with her (V245) that you can still buy.

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

Does Brittani belong on this list?

Disclaimer: I'm not one that really minds or notices most PED side effects

Na I don’t think so. I mean I do think she’s really good looking, but you can definitely see the side effects. And her voice got a lot deeper too

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

they're all ray martin or wpw videos REALLY early, so the video quality isn't incredible but i think there are a few even before she had the car accident and fucked her shoulder up. she actually was really pretty. WPW did a shoot in 1994 with her (V245) that you can still buy.


Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

Yeah that’s definitely a top notch answer. Kicking myself for not thinking of it.

I have one that doesn’t necessarily fit this since she definitely has a lot of side effects (and got a lot more later on), but her slightly earlier pics didn’t show a ton of side effects in relation to how much she took…Colette Guimond

Again, not saying she doesn’t have side effects but she had less side effects than you’d think for how much she took.

You're not wrong about young Colette but I'm laughing a bit as she literally turned into the poster child for PED side effects.

She was my first session ever. And yeah... I can confirm that the side effects were very large, long, and noticeable. If you catch my drift.

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

Vladi is in the magical time where she's getting all the gainz but showing none of the effects. It's amazing!

That said, I think younger girls in general are doing a far better job with this. SARMS are a nice improvement over the past substances too. If you're not training to win a competition or be lean AF, I think it's possible for girls to get just as big overall with very little noticeable sides.

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

You're not wrong about young Colette but I'm laughing a bit as she literally turned into the poster child for PED side effects.

She was my first session ever. And yeah... I can confirm that the side effects were very large, long, and noticeable. If you catch my drift.

Hahahaha yep…lucky though. Would have loved to have sessioned with her

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

Sarah Hayes likely used HGH or other substances.

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

Na I don’t think so. I mean I do think she’s really good looking, but you can definitely see the side effects. And her voice got a lot deeper too

That's fair. My intent was to address the OP's question who are the 'biggest' and Brittani is definately in that category. But, perhaps you're right she has crossed some side effects threshold (I personally don't see it)

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